Library Tutorials

Statista: Searching for statistics 

Step 1: Go to Then look under DATABASES and click on "S".

University of Mississippi Libraries homepage with Databases and S circled


Step 2: Scroll down the list of databases and click Statista.

S database list


Step 3: To search for statistics in Statista type your keywords into the search box.

For this example, we will search "social media".

Statista home page and search box


Step 4: On the Results Page, you will see different types of statistics and reports. You can filter to specific types of results using the box on the left.

Statista results page with filter box highlighted


Step 5: Click on a result. Results with the blue icon are single statistics and ar the most common type of result found in Statista. 

blue icon by statistic


Step 6: Each result will list the original source of the statistic. You can click the Source Link to be taken to the original source of the information.

Statistic with source and source link highlighted


Step 7: Details gives the methodology for the statistic. This is particularly useful if you are looking at a survey or poll.

Details box


Step 8: The statistic can be downloaded as a PDF, XLS, PNG, or PPT.

download options


Step 9: To the right of the statistic are icons that all you to change the charts type, share, get a citation, and print the statistic. 

setting icons


The gear or settings icon will allow you to change the chart type. The options are bar, line, or table.

gear icon


The share icon allows you to share the statistic via social media, email, or get an embed code.

share icon


The quote mark icon provides a citation for the statistic in APA, Chicago, or MLA format.

Quote mark icon


The print icon allows you to print the statistic.

print icon


Step 10: Remember if you need help you can always Ask A Librarian via chat or visit one of the UM Libraries' public service desks.


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You are welcome to share any of this information with others.  If you are a librarian or educator, you are welcome to use this guide and its contents for your own purposes.