Electronic Resources

Saving Items in One Search

One Search

One Search combines the library catalog with most of our database content, plus other library content to give you a more simple yet complete search experience.

You can access One Search from the library homepage or any other place links or search boxes are made available.

When you attempt to do a search in "One Search", unless you are using one of the public computers available within the library, you will be asked to log in to the library using your Web ID. If you are on your own laptop or mobile device, you will also need to log in with your Web ID, even if you are in the library. Note that logging into the wireless network is different from logging into the library.

If you have a problem accessing One Search, please contact Circulation West at (662) 915-5858.

Developing Effective Keywords

This tutorial helps you develop effective keywords for searching in library resources. 

Using One Search

The first step is to open <span class=""><u>libraries.olemiss.edu</u><u></u>. We want to start our research by going to <b><i>One Search</i></b>, which will allow us to search for scholarly journal articles, magazine articles, newspaper articles, and books.</span>

Type your search term into the&nbsp;<span class=""><i><b>search box</b></i></span> and press Enter. In this example, we are doing research on immigration, so type "immigration".

We got over 2 million results! That is too many to look through, so we want to narrow our search to get fewer results.

There are lots of different types of sources in One Search. If you want to limit your search to only peer-reviewed or scholarly journal articles, click<span class=""><i><b>&nbsp;Peer-Review</b></i>.</span>

That eliminated over 1 million results!<br><br>You can also limit your search by publication date. Click&nbsp;<span class=""><i><b>Last 12 Months</b></i> to only see results published in the last year.</span>

To access the full text of an article, click&nbsp;<span class=""><i><b>Full Text Online</b></i>.<br><br>Not every result in One Search is available online; some will say "Citation Online" instead, which you can click to submit an Interlibrary Loan request for that item.</span>

Click&nbsp;<b><i></i></b>the<b><i>&nbsp;link icon</i></b>&nbsp;to get a stable link to the result.<br>

Click <span class=""><i><b> </b></i>the<i><b> quotation marks</b></i> to generate a citation you can copy and paste into your reference list or bibliography.</span>

Select <span class=""><i><b>your citation format</b></i><b></b> (in this example, MLA).</span>

And copy and paste!

You can email the result to yourself or others by clicking the&nbsp;<span class=""><i><b>envelope icon.</b></i></span>

If you need help, click the <span class=""><i><b>chat bubbles</b></i><b></b> in the upper right-hand corner to chat with a librarian.</span>

Chat is not available at all times. If the chat is not online, you can click the envelope to send an email to a librarian.

These are some of the basic features of One Search. There are many more filters you can use to limit your search, so explore on your own.<br><br>If you have questions, please contact us:&nbsp;<a href="https://libraries.olemiss.edu/ask-a-librarian/" title="Link: https://libraries.olemiss.edu/ask-a-librarian/">https://libraries.olemiss.edu/ask-a-librarian/</a>