
Finding Images via Google Image Search

This is a great way to start your research. Pay special attention to copyright images and remember to always cite your sources!

  1. Search

  2. Enter your search term.

  3. Hit “Tools” to search by Size, Color, Usage Rights, Type, Time, more. 

Finding Creative Commons (CC) License Images

Note: Make sure to read the license - there might be copyrighted material included.

Wikimedia Commons

The Wikimedia Commons is a database of over forty-nine million freely available media files. Anyone can contribute by uploading their own images to the site. This is a great place to start your research, but it is imperative to confirm any image you are using is the correct source material for your research.

Flickr: The Commons

The Flickr Commons launched when Flickr teamed up with the Library of Congress to provide access to it's image database. Many more partners have been added, including libraries, archives, and museums. Anyone with a Flickr account can view, download, and/or tag an image.


A public image database, which provides access to digital collections from European cultural institutions. You must ensure any images found in this database are licensed under Creative Commons for educational use.


Artstor contains nearly two million digital images, including architecture, sculpture, photography for education use only. If you do not have an account, you must register on-campus first then you will be to use the resource off-campus. You will need to log-in every 120 days. Read more about using Artstor on the research guide.

Oxford Art Online

This database comprised of Grove Art Online, and contains image databases from major museums around the world. You can also access general subject guides to help start your research by geography, theme, period and subject matter!