Scholarly Journals
Reliable Non-Scholarly Magazines to Browse
New Atlantis (website)
Using CQ Researcher (Flash tutorial)
TV Shows Available on DVD in the library (search in catalog)
The Simpsons
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Da Ali G Show
Mad Men
The Monkees
Saturday Night Live
True Blood
The Tudors
Twin Peaks
The Beverly Hillbillies
The Sopranos (VHS)
Visual platform that enables users to browse the University Libraries' full-text scholarly journal subscriptions by subject area.
Contains original, comprehensive reports and analysis on issues in the news. CQ Researcher is part of CQ Collections.
Statista is one of the leading statistics companies on the internet. With a team of over 200 statisticians, database experts, analysts, and editors, Statista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information.
This database includes an AI powered tool. For more information see the Statista Research AI information page.
Academic Websites
Non-Academic Websites
The Authentic History Center (primary sources on pop culture)
Online Exhibits from the National Archives
Times Topics from the New York Times (Each topic page collects all the news, reference and archival information, photos, graphics, audio and video files published on topics since 1981.)
Browse the following subject links from the library catalog.
Film REVIEWS are assessments of the aesthetic, entertainment, social and cultural merits and significance of a current film or video. Reviews tend to be short to medium length articles, often written by a single staff writer for a particular publication. In most cases, the chief aim of a review is to tell the reader whether the film is worth going to see (or buying on DVD).
Film CRITICISM or ANALYSIS is scholarly or focused critical writing about particular films--both current and historical--can be found in an amazingly wide variety of sources, including film journals, and publications devoted to theater, history, literature, women's studies, ethnic studies, and other disciplines. Critical/analytic film articles tend to be more academic and substantive than reviews. These articles often discuss particular films in broad social, political, and historical context. Many times the focus of these articles is on a fairly specific aspect of a film, a director's work, or a film genre.
Source: Film Reviews and Film Criticism: an Introduction (Media Resources Center, Univ. of California-Berkeley)