Right image: The Monument to Joe Louis, known also as The Fist, is a memorial to the boxer at Detroit's Hart Plaza.
Databases for All Topics
StatistaThis link opens in a new windowStatista is one of the leading statistics companies on the internet. With a team of over 200 statisticians, database experts, analysts, and editors, Statista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information.This database includes an AI powered tool. For more information see the Statista Research AI information page.
CQ ResearcherThis link opens in a new windowContains original, comprehensive reports and analysis on issues in the news. CQ Researcher is part of CQ Collections.
Political Science CompleteThis link opens in a new windowProvides full text, indexing, and abstracts for journals in the field of political science, including those of the International Political Science Association.
Communication SourceThis link opens in a new windowAn upgraded version of Communication and Mass Media. Provides the most robust, quality research solution in areas related to communication and mass media.
Databases for Specific Topics
Ethnic NewsWatchThis link opens in a new windowFull-text articles from newspapers and periodicals published by the ethnic and minority press in America.
Gender Studies DatabaseThis link opens in a new windowGender Studies Database combines Women's Studies International and Men's Studies databases with the coverage of sexual diversity issues. GSD covers the full spectrum of gender-engaged scholarship inside and outside academia.
LGBTQ+ SourceThis link opens in a new windowContains all of the content available in LGBTQ+ Life as well as full text for more than 140 of the most important and historically significant LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers, as well as more than 150 full-text monographs and books.
PsycINFOThis link opens in a new windowThe premier and most expansive database for searching psychological literature. Includes over 4 million records. Provided via the American Psychological Association.
SocINDEX with Full TextThis link opens in a new windowOffers comprehensive coverage of sociology, encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study.
SPORTDiscusThis link opens in a new windowComprehensive source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals
Religion & Philosophy CollectionThis link opens in a new windowCovers world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy.