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Foodways: Other Primary Source Publications

This page provides a list of primary source publications on the subject of food, but it does not include cookbooks (the list of these volumes appear on other pages in this subject guide).  Publications with food-related content appearing on this page include memoirs and biographies; essays; fiction in the form of novels, short stories, and poetry;  tourist guides; government reports; documentaries; and audio recordings such as comedy sketches and sound effects.

Newspapers are an excellent printed source on local food culture.  They often feature food columns, recipes, articles on restaurants, and include advertisements from grocery stores and local dining establishments. To view a list of Mississippi newspapers available on microfilm in the J.D. Williams Library (searchable by community, newspaper name, or time period), go the Mississippi Newspapers database.  To see a list of original newspapers in the Archives & Special Collections, check out the Newspapers page on the Journalism and Mass Media Subject Guide.

Other Primary Source Publications A-L

Alex Albright and Luke Whisnant, eds.  Leaves of Greens:  The Collard Poems (Ayden, NC:  Ayden Collard Festival, 1984).  Call Number:  SB351 K3 L43 1984.

Nelson Algren.  America Eats (Iowa City, Iowa:  University of Iowa Press, 1992).  An examination of regional and immigration foodways during the Works Progress Administration in the 1930s, the manuscript remained in government files until this publication.  From the John T. Edge Collection.  Call Number:  TX715.2 M53 A44 1992.

Maya Angelou.  The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou (Norwalk, CN:  Easton Press, 2005).  Includes food-related poems "Chicken-licken," "Lady Luncheon Club," and "The Health Food Diner."  Call Number:  PS3551 N464 A17 2005.

Jack Baldwin and Winnie Baldwin.  Baldwin's Guide to Inns of Mississippi (Gretna, LA:  Pelican Pub. Co., 2000).  Call Number:  TX907.3 M7 B35 2000.

James A. Bateman and Henry Tim Chambers.  Cotton Candy & Turnip Greens:  Getting the Best of Time and Jim (Hazlehurst, MS:  Redneck Press, 1981).  Popular verse.  Call Number:  PS3552 A832 C6.

L. Elizabeth Beattie, ed.  Savory Memories (Lexington:  University Press of Kentucky, 1998).  Recollections of Kentucky cooking.  Call Number:  TX715 S274 1998.  

Laura Benedict and Pinckney Benedict, eds.  Surreal South (Winston-Salem, NC:  Press 53, 2007).  Anthology of short fiction and poetry, including Jon Tribble's Cactus Vic and His Marvelous Magical Elephant; The Best Chicken in Arkansas."  Call Number:  PS551 S87 2007.

Jeff W. Bens.  Albert, Himself (Harrison, NY:  Delphinium Books, 2001).  Uncorrected proof.  Novel encompassing the fish trade in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Call Number:  PS3602 E67 A79 2001b.

Roy Blount Jr.  Save Room for Pie:  Food Songs and Chewy Ruminations (New York:  Sarah Crichton Books/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016).  Contains poems, limericks and satirical articles on food.  Call Number:  TX355.5 B56 2016.

Gladys Boyette, et al.  Freezing Foods (State College, MS:  Mississippi Agricultural Extension Service, 1957).  Call Number:  S79 E47 no.176 1957.

R. Scott Brunner.  Due South:  Dispatches from Down Home (New York:  Villard Books, 1999).  An anthology of essays in which the author reminiscences and meditates on Southern culture, including home cooking.  Call Number:  F216.2 B77 1999.

Jimmy Buffett.  Tales from Margaritaville:  Fictional Facts and Factual Fictions (San Diego:  Harcourt, Brade, Jovanovich, 1989).  Includes "I Wish Lunch Could Last Forever."  Call Number:  PS3552 U375 T35 1989.

Robert L. Burke.  An Economic Analysis of Producing Pond-Raised Catfish for Food in Mississippi (Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, 1978).  Call Number:  S79 E1 no.870.

Caroline Burns.  Manicaretti e  ... amore (Milano:  Harlequin Mondadori, 1997).  Italian edition of the novel Fatal Ingredients by Mississippi author Caroline Haines set at a cooking competition.  Call Number:  PS3558 A329 F38 1997.

Jack Butler.  The Care and Feeding of the Black Iron Skillet:  An Excerpt from Jack's Skillet:  Plain Talk and Some Recipes from a Guy in the Kitchen (Chapel Hill, NC:  Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1997).  Book promotion for Mississippi author.  Call Number:  TX652 B883 1997a.

Jack Butler.  Jack's Skillet:  Plain Talk and Some Recipes from a Guy in the Kitchen (Chapel Hill:  Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1997).  Mississippi author.  Call Number:  TX652 B883 1997.

Catfish Farmers of America.  The Catfish Journal (Clinton, MS:  Aquacom, Inc.).  Special Collections has Vol. 1, No. 10 (1987).  Call Number:  SH167 C35 C375.

Catfish Institute.  Catfish:  An All-American Restaurant & Recipe Guide (New York:  Golin/Harris Communications, [1997]).  Call Number:  TX748 C36 C38 1997.

Robert Canzoneri.  Potboiler:  An Amateur's Affair with La Cuisine (Albany, CA:  North Point Press, 1989).  Mississippi author.  Call Number:  TX714 C36 1989.

Channel Catfish:  Commercial Feeding and Management (Kosciusko, MS:  The Attala Co., 196-).  Call Number:  SH167 C44 C43 1960.

Craig Claiborne.  Feast Made for Laughter (Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1982).  Autobiography of Mississippi-born author and New York Times food critic.  Call Number:  TX649 C55 A33 1982.

Norma Jean Darden and Carole Darden.  Spoonbread and Strawberry Wine:  Recipes and Reminiscences of a Family (Garden City, NJ:  Anchor Press, 1978).  Call Number:  TX715 D222.

Diane Mott Davidson.  The Last Suppers (New York:  Bantam Books, 1995).  A culinary mystery set in Colorado.  Call Number:  PS3554 A925 L37 1995.

Tom Downs.  Blues & BBQ (London:  Lonely Planet, 2005).  Mississippi River Delta guidebook.  Call Number:  F347 M6 D69 2005.

Nathalie Dupree.  Nathalie Dupree's Southern Memories:  Recipes and Reminiscences (Athens:  University of Georgia Press, 2004).  Reprint of 1993 edition.  Author is a chef and television cooking show host. Call Number:  TX715.2 S68 D86 2004.

John T. Edge.  A Gracious Plenty:  Recipes and Recollections from the American South (New York:  Putnam, 1999).  University of Mississippi's Center for the Study of Southern Culture.  Call Number:  TX715.2 S68 E32 1999.

John Egerton, ed.  Cornbread Nation 1:  The Best of Southern Food Writing  (Chapel Hill:  University of North Carolina Press, 2002).  Published in association with the Southern Foodways Alliance, Center for the Study of Southern Culture at the University of Mississippi.  Call Number:  TX644 C67 2002.

Lolis Eric Elie.  Smokestack Lightening:  Adventures in the Heart of Barbecue Country (New York:  Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1996).  Uncorrected proof.  Call Number:  TX840 B3 E44 1996b.

Barbara Ensrud.  Wine with Food:  A Guide to Entertaining Through the Seasons (New York:  Simon & Schuster, 1991).  Call Number:  TP548 E57 1991.

David J. Etzold.  The Flow of Seafood in Mississippi:  A Sample in Selected Areas (Hattiesburg, MS:  Beureau of Business Research, School of Business Administration, University of Southern Mississippi, 1974).  Call Number:  HD9457 M7 E8.

E.S. Campbell.  "A Surefire Recipe for Success as a Restaurateur" in The Restaurant Review v. 27, no. 8 (December 1958).  Article and cover about N.J. Dennery of Dennery's Quality Seafood House in Jackson, Mississippi; inscribed by Denner to U.S. Senator James O. Eastland.  Call Number:  TX910.5 D48 C36 1958.

William Gay and Suzanne Kingsbury, eds.  The Alumni Grill (San Francisco, CA:  MacAdam/Cage, 2004).  Southern short story anthology includes John T. Edge's "Fleet Eats:  Tales of the Culinary Underground."  Call Number:  PS551 A45 2004.

Ellen Gilchrist.  Collected Stories (Boston, MA:  Little, Brown, 2000).  Includes this Mississippi author's short story "Lunch at the Best Resteraunt in the World."  Call Number:  PS3557 I3426 A6 2000.

Paul Green.  In the Valley and Other Carolina Plays (New York:  S. French, 1928).  Includes the plays "Supper for the Dead" and "Picnic."  Call Number:  PS3513 R452 I7 1928.

Gulf States:  The Standard Guide and Handbook to the Vacation Lands of the Deep South (Elbert, AL:  Claude Bagge, 1966).  Includes dining options.  Call Number:  F296 G969 1966.

Margaret Holt Gunn.  Pocock Pickle:  Louisa's 1863 Journal:  With Recipes and Household Hints (Bolivar County Historical Society, 1986).  Fictitious journal written to show life on a Mississippi plantation during the Civil War.  Call Number:  F347 B8 G8 1986.

Carolyn Haines.  Bone Appetit (New York:  Minotaur Books, 2010).  Mystery novel set at a cook-off contest in Mississippi.  Call Number:  PS3558 A329 B65 2010.

Helen Henriques Hardy and Raymond J. Martinez.  Louisiana's Fabulous Foods and How to Cook Them (New Orleans, LA:  Hope Publication [between 1943 and 1949]).  Includes descriptions of restaurants with a selection of their recipes.  Call Number:  TX715.2 L68 H37 1943z.

Phyllis Hobson.  Butchering Livestock at Home (Pownal, VT:  Storey Books, 1981).  From the collection of Mississippi author Larry Brown.  Call Number:  HD9415 H62 1981.

Flora Hover.  Hints for Getting the Most from Your Radarange (197-).  Microwave cooking.  Call Number:  TX832 H56 1970z.

Richard Inglis.  Concise Information to the Truck Growers of South Mississippi, Telling:  What to Grow, How to Grow, Where to Market, How to Prepare for Shipment, How to Sell Profitable, with Some Facts about Adaptability of Soil, the Use of Fertilizers, the Best Varieties of Vegetables to Grow, and Other Such Matters Necessary for Intelligent and Successful Practice of Truck Farming (Hattiesburg, MS:  Daily Progress Print, 1904).  Call Number:  SB321.5 I5.

Sarah Orne Jewett.  Old Friends and New (Boston:  Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1881).  Includes "A Late Supper."  Call Number:  PS2132 O4 1881.

Keesler Army Airfield.  Office of the Post Safety Director.  Safeguards for the Army Baker (Keesler Field, MS:  [1943]).  Cooking for Mississippi military personnel during World War II.  Call Number:  UC734 M7 S24 1943.

Katherine King and Margaret King.  Y'all Twins?:  Coming of Age in Oxford, Mississippi in the 1950s (Marietta, GA:  Deeds Publishing, 2012).  Includes chapter "Finicky Eaters."  Call Number:  F349 O94 K5 2012.

Mark Kurlansky, ed.  The Food of a Younger Land:  A Portrait of American Food:  Before the National Highway System, Before Chain Restaurants, and Before Frozen Food, When the Nation's Food was Seasonal, Regional, and Traditional:  From the Lost WPA Files (New York:  Riverhead Boos, 2009).  Includes several contributions by 1930s Works Progress Administration writers from Mississippi.  Call Number:  TX715 F684 2009.

Luann Landon.  Dinner at Miss Lady’s:  Memories and Recipes from a Southern Childhood (Chapel Hill, NC:  Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1999).  Georgia.  From the John T. Edge Collection.  Call Number:  TX715.2 S68 L35 1999.

Jasper S. Lee.  Catfish Farming...A Reference Unit (State College:  Mississippi State University, Curriculum Coordinating Unit for Vocational-Technical Education in Cooperation with Division of Vocational and Technical Education, Mississippi State Department of Education, 1971).  Marketing, equipment, supplies, and economic aspects.  Call Number:  SH34 L4.

Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service.  The Drying Shed (197-).  Drying food and flowers.  Call Number:  SB447 D79 1970z.

Other Primary Source Publications M-Z

Clarence Major, ed.  The Garden Thrives:  Twentieth-Century African-American Poetry (New York:  HarperPerennial, 1996).  Includes Lucile Clifton's poem "Cutting Greens" and Rita Dove's "Sunday Greens."  Call Number:  PS591 N4 G37 1996.

G. Wayne Malone and G. Wallace Morgan.  Economic Impact of the Mississippi Poultry Industry (Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station, 1991).  Call Number:  HD9437 M3 1991.

Dabney Marshall.  Everything, Nothing and Other Things:  Being Reflections on Politics, Love, Literature, Girls, Kisses and Good Eating (Jackson, MS:  Sword and Shield Printing Co., 1888).  Mississippi social life and customs.  Call Number:  F341.5 M36 1888.

Errol Miller.  The Downtown Diner (Stewart Manor, NY:  God's Bar Press, 1996).  Poetry about Mississippi diners and restaurants.  Call Number:  PS3563 I3772 D69 1996.

Mirro Aluminum Company.  Food Talks from the Mirro Test Kitchen.  Serial publication produced by a cookware company.  Call Number:  TX715 F695.

Mississippi Commission for International Cultural Exchange.  Mississippi Catfish on Parade, Jackson, Mississippi:  A Project of the Mississippi Commission for International Cultural Exchange, Inc.  (Brandon, MS:  Quail Ridge Press, 2003).  Catalog of exhibition of 200 catfish painted by Mississippi and national artists mounted all over Jackson from May through September 2003.  Call Number:  N7668 F57 M57 2003.

Mississippi Crop and Livestock Reporting Service.  Weekly Broiler Report (Jackson, MS).  Chickens.  Special Collections has scattered issues from 1959 to 1974.  Call Number:  HD9437 U53 M58.

Mississippi Crop and Livestock Reporting Service.  Mississippi Poultry & Egg Facts (Jackson, MS:  1965). Call Number:  HD9437 U53 M57 1965.

Mississippi Delta Catfish Corporation.  Proposal (Greenville, MS:  1973).  Application for government funding from the Office of Economic Opportunity.  Call Number:  SH167 C35 M57 1973.

Mississippi.  Department of Marine Resources.  Mississippi Seafood Industry Directory (Biloxi, MS:  2003).  Includes listing of seafood processors and retail and wholesale dealers.  Call Number:  HD9457 M7 M49 2003.

Mississippi Economic Council. Mississippi's Seafood Industry:  Problems and Prospects (Jackson, MS: 1975).  Call Number:  HD9457 M7 M5.

Mississippi Oyster Commission.  Biennial Report of the Mississippi Oyster Commission to the Legislature of Mississippi (Nashville, TN:  Brandon Printing Co.).  Special Collections has the 1902/03 edition.  Call Number:  SH365 M7 M56.

Mississippi Retail Grocers Association.  Mississippi Grocers Guide (Jackson, MS).  Special Collections has vol. 1, no. 1 of this periodical from 1955.  Call Number:  HD9321.7 M7 M33.

Mom, the Flat, and Apple Pie:  Great American Writers on Great American Things (Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1976).  Includes Mississippi authors Eudora Welty ("Neighborhood Grocery Store") and Walker Percy ("Bourbon").  Call Number:  E169 M815.

G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery.  Sonny Montgomery:  The Veteran's Champion (Jackson:  Mississippi State University Libraries, 2003).  Memoir of U.S. Representative from Mississippi; includes the chapter "House Prayer Breakfast."  Call Number:  E840.8 M554 A3 2003.

Nash-Kelvinator Corporation.  Getting the Most Out of Your Kelvinator (1951).  Home freezer, frozen foods.  Call Number:  TX610 G48 1951.

National Food Services Institute.  Division of Applied Research.  Trends, School Food Service in the Year 2000 and Beyond:  Conference Proceedings (University, MS:  1992).  Call Number:  TX945 T74 1992.

Melany Neilson.  The Persia Cafe (New York:  Thomas Dunne Books, 2001).  A novel about race relations, missing children, and women cooks in Mississippi.  Call Number:  PS3564 E348 P4 2001.

New Stage Theatre Presents Standing Room Only:  A Cookbook for Entertaining (Jackson, MS:  New Stage Theatre, 1983).  With narratives by Mississippi authors Eudora Welty and Beth Henley.  Call Number:  TX652 N4.

Don O'Briant.  Backroad Buffets & Country Cafes:  A Southern Guide to Meat-and-Threes & Down-Home Dining (Winston Salem, NC:  John F. Blair Publisher, 1998).  Includes Oxford, Mississippi author Larry Brown's "Other Voices, Other Tastes:  Ajax Diner."  Call Number:  TX907.3 S68 O27 1998.

Clarence H. Patrick.  Lunch-Counter Desegregation in Winston-Salem, North Carolina (1960).  Call Number:  E185.93 N6 P377 1960.

Garey B. Perkins.  Economics of the Oyster Fishery in Mississippi (Mississippi State University, Cooperative Extension Service, Food and Fiber Center, 1985).  Call Number:  SH365 M7 P47 1985.

Gary B. Perkins.  Processing Costs and Value Added in the Gulf Shrimp Industry, 1982 (Mississippi State University, Cooperative Extension Service, Food and Fiber Center, 1985).  Call Number: SH380.62 G8 P4 1984.

Alice Randall.  Soul Food Love:  Healthy Recipes Inspired by One Hundred Years of Cooking in a Black Family (New York:  Clarkson Potter/Publishers, [2015]).  Exploration of a family's history with food and a compilation of new recipes.  Call Number:  TX715 R2136 2015.

Jane Lee Rankin.  Cookin' Up a Storm:  The Life and Recipes of Annie Johnson (South Fallsburg, NY:  Grace Publishers, 1998).  Call   Recollections of an African American woman in the South.  Number:  TX715.2 S68 R36 1998.

Shannon Ravenel, ed.  New Stories from the South:  The Year's Best, 1999 (Chapel Hill, NC:  Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1999).  Includes "Lunch at the Piccadilly" by Clyde Edgerton.  Call Number:  PS551 N49 1999.

Janisse Ray.  Wild Card Quilt:  Taking a Chance on Home (Minneapolis, MN:  Milkweed Editions, 2003).  Memoir of woman naturalist in Baxley, Georgia.  Call Number:  F294 B39 R398 2003.

Keetha DePriest Reed.  Culinary Kudzu:  Recollections and Recipes from Growing Up Southern (Inverness, MS:  Pecan Street Press, 2002).  Call Number:  TX715.2 S68 R44 2002.

Bernard Romans.  A Concise Natural History of East and West Florida; Containing an Account of the Natural Produce of All the Southernpart of British America, in the Three Kingdoms of Nature Particularly the Animal and Vegetable... (New Orleans, Pelican Pub Co., 1961).  Reprint of 1774 edition.  Call Number:  F314 R75 1961.

Felder Rushing and Walter Reeves.  The Mississippi Fruit & Vegetable Book (Nashville, TN:  Cool Springs Press, 2002).  Gardening.  Call Number:  SB321.5 M7 R44 2002.

Fred Sauceman.  Buttermilk & Bible Burgers:  More Stories from the Kitchens of Appalachia (Macon, GA:  Mercer University Press, 2014).  Memoir of food trip.  Call Number:  GT2853 U5 S28 2014.

David Sax.  Save the Deli:  In Search of the Perfect Pastrami, Crusty Rye, and the Heart of Jewish Delicatessen (Boston:  Houston Mifflin Harcourt, 2009).  From the John T. Edge Collection.  Call Number:  TX945.4 S393 2009.

William H. Shore, ed.  Writers Harvest (San Diego:  Harcourt Brace, 1994).  Anthology, including Lee Smith's "Fried Chicken."  Call Number:  PS648 S5 W73 1994.

Charles Siegchrist.  Building & Using Cold Frames (Pownal, VT:  Storey Books, 1980).  Vegetable gardening book from the collection of Mississippi author Larry Brown.  Call Number:  SB352 S54 1980.

Mike Sigalas.  Vicksburg:  A Guided Tour through History (Guilford, CN:  GPP Travel, 2010).  Vicksburg, Mississippi.  Includes "Vicksburg:  A Tourist's Guide to Exploring, Staying, and Eating"  Call Number:  E475.27 S55 2010.

Lee Smith.  Dimestore:  A Writer's Life (Chapel Hill, NC:  Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2016).  Memoir of Virginia author includes chapters "Recipe Box" and "Marble Cake and Moonshine."  Call Number:  PS3569 M5376 Z46 2016.

Southern Foodways Alliance.  SFA Directory (University, MS).  Special Collections 2004-2011 editions.  Call Number:  TX644 S68.

Southern Journal:  Moments in Time (Birmingham, AL:  Southern Living, 1993).  Anthology of essays from Southern Living magazine includes Reynolds Price's "A Gourmet Childhood."  Call Number:  F209.5 S68 1993.  

Stuart Stevens.  Feeding Frenzy:  Across Europe in Search of the Perfect Meal (New York:  Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997).  Call Number:  TX910 A1 S74 1997.

Michael Swindle.  Mulletheads:  The Legends, Lore, Magic, and Mania Surrounding the Humble But Celebrated Mullet (Birmingham, AL:  Crane Hill Publishers, 1998).  Humor about the fish.  Call Number:  PN162 S94 1998.  

Symphony League of Jackson.  The Jackson Cookbook (Jackson, MS:  [1971]).  Jackson, Mississippi cookbook with a contribution of author Eudora Welty's "The Flavor of Jackson."  Call Number:  TX715 J3.

Walter Baker & Company.  The Chocolate-Plant (Theobroma cacao) and Its Products (Dorchester, MA:  1891).  Call Number:  SB267 B16.

Weidmann's:  Since 1870 ([Meridian, MS:  1955]).  Menu of Meridian, Mississippi restaurant dated 8 August 1955.  Call Number:  TX945.5 W45 W453 OVRS.  

Tennessee Williams.  "The Long Stay Cut Short: or, The Unsatisfactory Supper" in Perspectives no. 8 (1954).  Play by Mississippi author.  Call Number:  PS3545 I5365 L6 .

Elise Winter and Frank E. Smith.  Dinner at the Mansion (Oxford, MS:  Yoknapatawpha Press, 1982).  Memoir of Mississippi First Lady (1980-1984).  Call Number:  F345 W55.

Elise Winter.  Once in a Lifetime:  Reflections of a Mississippi First Lady:  From Journals Recorded During the Governorship of William F. Winter 1980-1984 (Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 2015).  Includes accounts of planning elegant dinners at the Governor's Mansion.  Call Number:  F345.3 W554 A3 2015.

Y'all (Oxford, MS:  Y'all Media).  Special Collections has scattered magazine issues from 2003-2010, including February 2006 issue with the article "Three C's in Culinary Art:  The Food Network's Chef Cat Cora."  Call Number:  F206 Y2.

Stark Young.  The Three Fountains (New York:  C. Scribner's Sons, 1924).  Mississippi author and theater critic.  Volume includes "Culture at Dinner."  Call Number:  PS3547 O6 T45 1924.

Contact Information

Archives and Special Collections
J.D. Williams Library
P.O. Box 1848
University MS, 38655

Phone: (662) 915-1595

Mississippi Grocers Guide


Mary Mahoney's: From Then to Now (Ocean Springs, MS:  Redwire Films, 2008).  DVD recording of a documentary about Mary Mahoney's Old French House restaurant in Biloxi, Mississippi in operation since 1964; includes interviews with three generations of the Mahoney family.  Call Number:  TX910.5 M32 M279 2008.

Lee Smith.  SFS 10 (University, MS:  University of Mississippi Media Production and Distributed Learning, 2003).  VHS tape of  author Lee Smith's address on the food culture of Appalachia at the 10th annual Southern Foodways Symposium in October 2003 at Oxford, Mississippi.  Call Number:  PS3569 M5376 C665 2003.

Joe York.  Saving Seeds (University, MS:  Center for Documentary Projects, 2003).  VHS tape documentary of Bell Best, a farmer who raises heirloom beans and tomatoes in Berea, Kentucky.  Call Number:  SB349 S384 2003.

Leaves of Greens:  The Collard Poems

Audio Recordings

Note:  Music recordings are listed on the Blues / Other Music page.

Announcer's Book Audio (New York:  Radio/TV Features, 196-).  45 rpm record of radio talk show interview with B.B. King on Side A and "Army Dining" track on Side B.  Call Number:  BB King 45-0293.

Art Buchwald.  Sex and the College Boy (Hollywood, CA:  Capitol, 1965).  LP record of comedy monologues includes "Lunching for Charity."  Call Number:  Capitol T 2205.

Breaking China Ware; Rattling Dishes; Sweeping Broken Dishes.  Crashing Glass; Wrecking Piano with Axe (Richmond, IN:  Gennett, 192-).  78 rpm record of sound effects.  Call Number:  Rayburn 0585.

Jerry Clower.  Country Ham (CA:  MCA Records, 1974).  LP record with sketches by Mississippi humorist.  Call Number:  PN6162 C44.

Jerry Clower.  Mouth of Mississippi (Universal City, CA:  Decca, 1972).  LP record with sketches by Mississippi humorist, including "Green Persimmon Wine" and "The Last Piece of Chicken."  Call Number:  PN6162 C53 1972.

Jerry Clower.  On the Road (Universal City, CA:  MCA Records, 1977).  LP record with sketches by Mississippi humorist, including "Stealing Tea Cakes" and "My First Banana."  Call Number:  PN6162 C54.

Herb Jubirt.  Laff Me into the Big Time (Hi Records, 1975).  LP record of stand-up comedy includes the sketch "Horse Meat" and "Rationing."  Call Number:  BB King 1861.

John F. Kennedy.  John F. Kennedy:  The Presidential Years, 1960-1963 (New York:  20th Century-Fox Records, 1964).  LP record includes "Prayer Breakfast, February 1961" and "Another Prayer Breakfast, February 1963."  Call Number:  BB King 0027.

Richard Pryor.  Bicentennial Nigger (Burgank, CA:  Warner Bros., 1976).  LP record of comedian with sketch "Chinese Restaurant."  Call Number:  Warner Bros. BS 2960.

Smith and Dale.  At the Palace with Smith and Dale (New York:  Jubilee, 1962).  LP record of stand-up comedy with sketch "The Boss and the Chef."  Call Number:  Jubilee JGM 2035.

A Traveler's Guide to Instant Italian (Tops, 196-).  LP record teaching aid to the Italian language; includes the track "Dining Out."  Call Number:  BB King 0090.

Triangle Players.  The Royal Family:  The Lives and Loves of "King" Richard and "Queen" Elizabeth (Cincinnati:  King, 196-).  LP record of comedy sketches based upon the romance of actors Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor; includes the sketch "Dinner at Home."  Call Number:  King KC 1.

Tennessee Williams.  Tennessee Williams Reading from His Works (New York:  Caedmon, 1952).  LP record includes "Kitchen Door Blues."  Call Number:  PS3545 I5365 A6 1952.

Safeguards for the Army Baker

An Economic Analysis of Producing Pond-Raised Catfish for Food