Hannah Glasse. The Art of Cookery: Made Plain and Easy Which Far Exceeds Any Thing of the Kind Yet Published...to Which Are Added, by Way of Appendix, One Hundred and Fifty New and Useful Receipts (London: A. Millar, 1760). Call Number: TX705 G55 1760.
Karen Hess. Martha Washington’s Booke of Cookery and Booke of Sweetmeats: Being a Family Manuscript, Curiously Copied Sometime in the Seventeenth Century, Which Was in Her Keeping from 1749, the Time of Her Marriage to Daniel Custis, to 1799, at Which Time She Gave It to Eleanor Parke Custis, Her Granddaughter, on the Occasion of Her Marriage to Lawrence Lewis (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981). With historical notes and annotations. From the John T. Edge Collection. Call Number: TX705 M368.
L'escole parfaite des officiers de bouche: contentant le vray maistre-d'hostel: le grand escuyer-tranchant: le sommelier royal: le confiturier royal: le cuisinier royal: et le patissier royal (Paris: J. Ribou, 1676). Call Number: TX707 E8 1676.
Louis Liger. Le menage des champs et de la ville, ou, Nouveau cuisinier francois: accommode au gout du tems: contenant tout ce qu'un parfait chef de cuisine doit scavoir pour servir toutes sortes de tables, depuis celles des plus grands seigneurs jusqua celles des bons bourgeois: avec une instruction pour faire toutes sortes de patisseries, confitures seches & liquides, & toutes les differentes liqueurs qui sont aujourd'hui en usage (Paris: Chez Paulus-du-Mesnil, 1738). Call Number: TX707 L5x 1738.
Menon. La cuisiniere bourgeoise, suivie de l'office: a l'usage de tous ceux qui se melent de depenses de mainsons: contenant la maniere de dissequer, connoitre & servir toutes sortes de viandes (Paris: Chez P. Guillaume Cavelier, 1777). Call Number: TX707 M39 1777.
Menon. La cuisiniere bourgeoise, suivie de l'office: a l'usage de tous ceux qui se melent de depenses de mainsons (Paris: Libraires Associes, 1786). Call Number: TX719 M46 1788.
Elizabeth Raffald. The Experienced English Housekeeper: For the Use and Ease of Ladies, Housekeepers, Cooks, &c., Written Purely from Practice: Consisting of Near Nine Hundred Original Receipts, Most of Which Never Appeared in Print... (London: R. Baldwin, 1782). Call Number: TX705 R33 1782.
Amelia Simmons. American Cookery, or The Art of Dressing Viands, Fish, Poultry, and Vegetables: And the Best Methods of Making Puff Pastes, Pies, Tarts, Puddings, Custards, and Preserves, and All Kinds of Cakes, from the Imperial Plumb to Plain Cake, Adapted to This Country, and All Grades of Life (Albany, NY: Charles R. & George Webster, [1796]). Unbound photocopy of the second edition. Call Number: TX703 S5 1796b.
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