You can access databases from the database page.
Most of our databases are licensed but there a few that are not. When you attempt to do a search in most of our databases, unless you are using one of the public computers available within the library, you will be asked to log in to the library to access library electronic resources. Log in with your Web ID. If you are on your own laptop or mobile device, you will also need to log in with your Web ID, even if you are in the library. Note that logging into the wireless network is different from logging into the library.
If you have a problem accessing databases, please contact Circulation West at (662) 915-5858.
If you are looking for articles on general topics, you may want to use general databases like Academic Search Premier, Nexis Uni (formally LexisNexis, or JSTOR. If you want to search subject-specific database, then take a look at the subject listing on the A-Z Database Page or contact your Subject Liaison.
If you already have a citation, try Citation Linker to quickly determine if we have access to a particular item.
Many databases provide the option to print within the database; just look for the print icon. Using the in-database option will save you from printing unwanted and redundant pages. If there is no print option within the database, you can also use the print options available for your Internet browser.
Many databases also allow you to save articles. However, some databases may place restrictions on the number of articles you can save at one time.