When you attempt to open or download an eBook, unless you are using one of the public computers available within the library, you will be asked to log in to the library to access library electronic resources. Log in with your Web ID. If you are on your own laptop or mobile device, you will also need to log in with your Web ID, even if you are in the library. Note that logging into the wireless network is different from logging into the library.
eBooks can be a little bit complicated as we have several types. They can be used on different devices and they can possibly be in use by others.
If you have a problem accessing an eBook, please contact Circulation West at (662) 915-5858.
You can use the eBook Search option in the UM Libraries’ catalog. When you do a search in "One Search" or the library catalog, eBooks will be identified with the word "eBook" and an icon as shown here.
The UM Libraries have a single user license for most eBooks, which means that they can be viewed or downloaded by only one person at a time. You do have the option of being notified when the eBook becomes available for use. You can request an upgrade to a multiple user license through your Subject Librarian. However, not all titles are available for upgrade.
Current students, employees, and adjunct teachers at the University of Mississippi have access to thousands of eBooks. Collections to which the UM Libraries currently provides access to include:
• ProQuest Ebook Central: Thousands of non-fiction books on a variety of subjects
• eBooks on EBSCOhost: Thousands of books on a variety of subjects.
• Early English Books Online: Over 24,000 books published in English prior to 1700.
• Gale Virtual Reference Library: Encyclopedias, almanacs, and other specialized reference sources.
• Eighteenth Century Collections Online: (over 32,000) A comprehensive digital edition of The Eighteenth Century microfilm set.
• Additional ebook platforms include JSTOR, Cambridge, Taylor & Francis and others.