Contact Information:
Departmental Liaisons (link to directory)
Brian Young, Collection Strategist (
Cecilia Botero, Dean of Libraries (
In FY21, the library discontinued 170 journals, 6 databases, and 2 database modules. We also made changes to book acquisitions and to the perpetual access terms to our Elsevier content. Doing this allowed the library to reduce expenditures to match our collection budget. In other words, we successfully offset a collection budget gap of ~$500,000, while also adding some requested resources (see Significant Collection Additions)
Business practices of companies affiliated with library collections, though, continually create new gaps. For FY22, the projected gap between our collection expenditures and collection budget was ~$125,000, which was covered via university one-time funds. Without changes, the gap continually accretes each year (i.e., FY22 = $125k, FY23 = $250K, FY24 = $375k, and on)
Due to university one-time funds, the library is not forced to reduce resources to offset the gap in FY22. However, we are proactively making adjustments to mitigate future cuts. This includes the cancellations listed below, but also multi-year agreements that provide future cost savings and expanded access (but increase expenditures in short term).
The university received one-year access to CQ: Voting and Elections via our SAGE Premier contract signed in FY21. The library chose to now renew the resource for FY22.
Journal cancellations affect current, ongoing content. We will continue to have access to previously purchased journal volumes.
Please see the attached document for a list of journals cancelled for FY22.
UM Libraries will be working over the next 2-3 years to reduce our collection expenses by up to 15%. We will make every effort to minimize disruption to our users while we achieve this goal by adding new resources that will provide more access to content than we had before, as well as provide access to resources that have been requested in the past few years.
In order to do both of those things (provide new access and reduce budget), we will be doing several things over the next few years:
We also have several methods for ensuring that users have resources they need for their learning, teaching, and research: interlibrary loan, on-demand purchasing (article and book-chapter), and user request funds (monograph and streaming video). If you need access to a journal or database, please contact us (Brian Young at or your subject liaison), we can sometimes obtain temporary access; however, these are less guaranteed and often become acquisition targets when funds become available or when we are able to prioritize them over other resources.
Statistical Insight will be cancelled for FY21. As of July 1, 2020 it will no longer be available to the UM Libraries community. If you are looking for statistics-based resources, please look at our Statistics and Interdisciplinary Data resource guide.
Brepols resources will be cancelled for FY21. As of January 1, 2021 they will no longer be available to the UM Libraries community. This includes:
The following databases (or database components) have also been cancelled:
Journal cancellations affect current, ongoing content. We will continue to have access to previously purchased journal volumes.
Please see the attached document for a list of journals cancelled for FY21.
We anticipate the monograph budget will be variable for the next several years. During this time, we will ensure that all users receive the books they need through either purchase (added to the collection) or interlibrary loan (free service that allows you to have the book for several weeks).
To request a book purchase, please contact your subject librarian or place an interlibrary loan request, and select the option to have book purchased.
Wiley Journal Cancellations
Dean Cecilia Botero presented to Faculty Senate on December 4th, 2018 (presentation below) about projected library collection deficits and the library's plans to reduce expenditures. For FY19, the library reduced Wiley expenditures by ~27%. However, the library has maintained, and even expanded, access to Wiley content through the use of tokens although we have decreased our long-term, perpetual content.
Tokens: Tokens are pre-paid credits that allow users to view an article even though the University of Mississippi does not have an active subscription.
Dean Cecilia Botero delivered a presentation to Faculty Senate on December 4, 2018.
See the attached list of Wiley journals cancelled.
Single-Title Journal Subscriptions
Each year, the library makes changes to its journal holdings. The attached list are the journals cancelled for FY19.
Forced Cancellations
For different reasons, the library no longer subscribes to a resource for reasons beyond our control. Reasons include: publisher ceases to exist, journal discontinued, and the journal moves to open access. The attached list indicates affected titles for FY19.