Collection Management

Page Introduction

This page lists all significant additions to the UM Libraries' collection. We may have also added resources (e.g., individual journals, monographs). You can consult with your liaison about any recently subscribed journals and monographs.

There are three ways resources are added to the general library collection:

  1. Subscription - ongoing annual cost in order to maintain access
  2. One-time purchase with annual fee - requires a relatively small fee for annual updates and/or platform maintenance
  3. One-time purchase with no annual fees - no additional costs required by UM Libraries 

All three acquisition methods are included, and indicated, on this page.

If you would like to suggest a purchase, please contact your subject librarian or Brian Young (

ProQuest Product Suite

As part of a subscription model that allows University of Mississippi users expanded access to ProQuest products, we have added subscription access to three additional primary source databases.

As part of the same model, UM Libraries has also added perpetual (permanent) access to these databases:

Gale Primary Source Databases

UM Libraries has initiated an evidence-based acquisition (EBA) model with GALE for 30 databases. Under this model, we will have 2-year access to the databases listed here, and then each year select a small number for perpetual (permanent) access. The program will be re-evaluated at the end of two years to determine whether to renew.

SAGE Premier (3-year contract)

SAGE Premier is a collection of 1100+ SAGE journals, to which we now have access. This is an upgrade from our previous SAGE journal holdings (around 75).

Click here to access SAGE Premier

Link to Title List

CQ: Voting and Elections Collection (1-year subscription)

"CQ: Voting and Elections Collection integrates a wealth of data, authoritative analyses, concise explanations, and historical material to provide a powerful research and reference tool on the American voter, major and minor political parties, campaigns and elections, and historical and modern races for Congress, the presidency, and governorships.

The Collection supports course work in campaigns and elections, Congress, and the presidency, including the Advanced Placement course in American Government and Politics and scholarly research in political science and American history."

Note: UM Libraries will evaluate this resource annually to determine whether to retain. If you use this resource and find it useful, please feel free to email Brian Young ( to indicate your interest in us retaining this resource.

Click here to access CQ: Voting and Elections Collection

Adam Matthew Databases (pre-2017)

UM Libraries gained access to a suite of Adam Matthew databases via a promotional offer provided to ASERL libraries. Through this offer, we now have access to 77 databases (mostly primary source materials).

List of Databases

ProQuest Product Suite

The ProQuest Product Suite is a collection of resources from ProQuest that includes primary source databases, dissertations/theses, e-books, streaming video, and articles databases.

We have added these products to address expressed needs, which include the items above:

  • primary source databases - frequently requested by faculty
  • historical newspapers - frequently requested by faculty
  • streaming video - growing interest among users
  • dissertations/theses- frequently requested, but unfortunately often unavailable, through interlibrary loan

Due to the number of resources, they are listed beneath this rather than in-line as the other resources on this page.

The library has committed to retaining all of the resources listed below for 2 years, and will strive to continue longer if there is clear, continued interest. We are interested in partnering with stakeholders on campus who can provide funding to help sustain this collection.

For each year we subscribe to this product suite, the library will be able to add approximately 2 databases each year to our permanent collection.

Access World News

Access World News is a subscription resource, which requires UM Libraries to pay annually to retain access.

Description from Newsbank:

Access World News is a comprehensive resource that includes a variety of news publications worldwide These sources include major national and international newspapers, as well as local and regional titles. It also includes newswire, blogs, web-only content, videos, journals, magazines, transcripts, and more.

Click here to access Access World News.

JoVE Unlimited

JoVE Unlimited is a subscription resource, which requires UM Libraries to pay annually to retain access.

Description from JoVE:

A single license that encompasses all current and future JoVE video resources. JoVE publishes more than 1,200 videos annually across the 13 sections of the JoVE Video Journal and launches new subject series and collections to the JoVE Science Education Library several times a year. JoVE Unlimited subscribers gain access to all new content as it is released.

Click here to access JoVE.


MarinLit was acquired via a one-time purchase, which means UM Libraries will have access perpetually with only a small annual fee.

Description from MarinLit:

MarinLit is a database dedicated to marine natural products research. The database was established in the 1970s by Professors John Blunt and Murray Munro at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. It was designed as an in-house system to fulfil the needs of the University of Canterbury Marine Group and has evolved to contain unique searchable features and powerful dereplication tools. The extremely comprehensive range of data contained along with these powerful features makes MarinLit the database of choice for marine natural products researchers.

Click here to access MarinLit.

American Periodical Series

American Periodical Series was acquired via a one-time purchase, which means UM Libraries will have access perpetually with only a small annual fee.

Description from Proquest:

American Periodicals Series includes digitized images of the pages of American magazines and journals published from colonial days to the dawn of the 20th century. Titles range from Benjamin Franklin's General Magazine and America's first scientific journal, Medical Repository; popular magazines such as Vanity Fair and Ladies' Home Journal; regional and niche publications; and groundbreaking journals like The Dial, Puck, and McClure's. Amerian Periodical Series chronicles the development of America across over 150 years (1740 - 1900).

Click here to access American Periodical Series.

Sage Research Methods Core Collection

Sage Research Methods was acquired via a one-time purchase, which means UM Libraries will have access perpetually with only a small annual fee.

Description from Sage:

SAGE Research Methods is the ultimate methods library with more than 1000 books and reference works by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, including the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher. The site is designed to guide users to the content they need to learn a little or a lot about their method. The Methods Map can help those less familiar with research methods to find the best technique to use in their research.

Click here to access Sage Research Methods.

Note: We will also have 1-year access to all other parts (i.e., videos, datasets, cases, etc.) of the Sage Research Methods Collection. (this was cancelled for FY21)

Annual Reviews Backfile

The Annual Reviews backfile was acquired via a one-time purchase, which means UM Libraries will have access perpetually with no additional costs.

Description from Annual Reviews:

Annual Reviews offers a comprehensive online collection of back volume content spanning the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences dating back to the very first volume of the Annual Review of Biochemistry in 1932.

Click here to access the Annual Reviews Backfile/Archive.

Royal Society of Chemistry Backfile

Description from Annual Reviews:

Our Journals Archive gives researchers access to more than 166 years of chemistry research and contains all articles published by the Royal Society of Chemistry (and its forerunner societies) from 1841 to 2007.

Click here to access the Royal Society of Chemistry Backfile.

Chicago Manual of Style Online

The Chicago Manual of Style is a subscription resource, which requires UM Libraries to pay annually to retain access.

Description from Chicago Manual of Style Online:

The Chicago Manual of Style Online is the venerable, time-tested guide to style, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format.

Click here to access the Chicago Manual of Style Online.