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Transportation (Archives): Water: Primary Sources

Water: Primary Source Publication

This list of primary sources cataloged in the Archives & Special Collections focuses primarily on Mississippi (and to a lesser extent on the South).  Topics include ports, harbors, ships, and waterways.


Allen & Hoshall Inc.  A Master Development Plan for Public Port Facilities in Claiborne County, Mississippi.  Jackson, MS: 1977.  Call Number:  HD58 M3757 1977.

Allen & Hoshall.  Rosedale Harbor, Mississippi, Detailed Project Report:  Draft, Prepared for U.S. Army Engineer District, Vicksburg, Corps of Engineers, Mississippi.  Memphis, TN:  1976.  Call Number:  TC225 R675 R6754 1976.

Clifford F. Anderson.  Economic and Engineering Study to Support an Application for a License to Construct and Operate a Deepwater Port Facility off the Mississippi/Alabama Gulf Coast.  [Mississippi State University, 1975].  Call Number:  TC224 M7 A53 1975.

Michael Baker, Jr.  Feasibility Study:  Proposed Barge Terminal Facilities.  Coahoma County, MS:  Coahoma County Chamber of Commerce, 1958.  Call Number:  HD2336 M7 F4 1958.

Brent.  Greenville, MS:  Brent Towing Company, [1978].  Call Number:  VM301 B74 B74 1978.

City of Biloxi Sky Island Hotel & Harbor Project:  Urban Development Action Grant.  Biloxi, MS:  City of Biloxi, 1978.  Call Number:  HT166 C58 1978.

Commissioning of United States Ship John C. Stennis CVN-74, Norfolk, Virginia, December 9, 1995.  [1995].  U.S. aircraft carrier named after a senator from Mississippi.  Call Number:  VA65 J6 C66 1995.

Comprehensive Planners Incorporated.  Economic Feasibility Study for a Port on Tibbee Creek in Clay County, Mississippi Prepared for Tombigbee River Water Management District.  West Point, MS:  1973.  Call Number:  HD1695 T52 C65x.

Cook Coggin Engineers.  Yellow Creek Port Master Development Plan.  [Tupelo, MS]:  1975.  Call Number:  HE554 Y44 C66 1975.

Cook Coggin Engineers.  Yellow Creek Port Master Development Plan.  Supplement, Ground Water Resources, Area 3.  Tupelo, MS:  1975.  Call Number:  HE554 Y44 C66 1975a.

DDG-2 Conversion Program Summary, 21 September 1977.  [Pascagoula, MS:  Ingalls Shipbuilding, 1977].  Call Number:  VM301 I5 D34 1977.

Determined Warrior:  Restoring USS Cole.  Pascagoula, MS:  Northrop Grumman Ship Systems, 2002.  DVD recording about repair work on USS Cole after terrorist bombing in Aden, Yemen.  Call Number:  VA65 C644 2002.

Facts about Gulfport:  The New Deep Water Harbor on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi.  Gulfport, MS:  Lawler Real Estate, 1906.  Call Number:  F349 G8 F32 1906.

Gulfport State Port Authority.  Annual Report.  1967 report.  Call Number:  HE554 G8 G5

Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission.  Port Bienville Industrial Park:  A New Waterfront Industrial Park.  Bay St. Louis:  [1976].  Call Number:  F347 H2 P67 1976.

Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission.  Report.  Bay St. Louis, MS:  Moore & Powell.  Call Number:  HC107 M72 H35.

Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission. Stennis International Airport and Industrial Park:  Hancock County on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.  [Bay St. Louis, MS:  1975].  Call Number:  HC107 M7 H36 1975.

Ingalls Album, with a Compendium of Historical Milestones in the Evolution of Marine Vessels.  [Pascagoula, MS]:  1965.  Ingalls Shipbuilding.  Call Number:  VM301 I5 I5.

Ingalls Shipbuilding Facility:  Photographic Progress Report, September 1977.  Pascagoula, MS:  1977.  Call Number:  VM301 I5 I54 1977.

Jackson County Port Authority.  Annual Report.  1966 and 1967 reports.  Call Number:  HE554 P375 J3.

Jackson County Port Authority.  Great Port of Pascagoula:  Public Terminal Facilities and Industrial Development.  Pascagoula, MS:  1975.  Call Number:  HE554 P375 J3255 1975.

Pierre Margry.  Journal of the Frigate "Le Marin" (September 5th, 1698 -- July 2nd).  [Ocean Springs, MS:  Blossman Printing, 1974).  Translated account of seventeenth century travel in Mississippi River Valley.  Call Number:  F352 M36.

McIlhenny Museum of Science and Industry.  Lake, MS:  [19--].  Maritime museum in Lake, Mississippi.  Call Number:  T180 L3 M35.

S. Blake McNeely.  Papa, the River, and Me:  True Experiences along the Mississippi.  [Mobile, AL]:  McNeely, 1975.  Mississippi River shipping.  Call Number:  F351 M15.

Meta System Inc.  Land and Water Development in the Tombigbee Basin:  Prepared for the Tombigbee River Valley Water Management District.  Cambridge, MA:  1975- .  Five volumes.  Call Number:  HD1695 T4 M4.

Michael Baker Jr. Inc.  Bayou Casotte and Jackson County Master Industrial Development Plan:  Tentative Master Plan for Industrial Development -- East Pascagoula River Area.  Rochester, PA:  1964.  Prepared in part for Jackson County Port Authority.  Call Number:  HC107 M7 M412 1964.

Michael Baker Jr. Inc.  Statement in Objection to Proposed Low Level Fixed Bridges over East Pascagoula and Escatawpa Rivers.  Jackson, MS:  1967.  Prepared on behalf of the Jackson County Port Authority.  Call Number:  TG24 M7 M53 1967.

Mississippi Boat and Water Safety Commission.  Pleasure boating in Mississippi.  [Jackson, MS:  1968].  Call Number:  GV776 M7 P54 1968.

Mississippi Legislature.  Memorial of the Legislature of Mississippi Praying the Establishment of a Port of Entry at Biloxi, and Additional Mail Facilities to that Place.  [Washington, DC:  1852].  Call Number:  TC224 M7 M46 1852.

Mississippi.  Legislature.  General Investigating Committee.  A Supplemental Report to the Mississippi State Legislature.  [Jackson, MS:  1970].  Legislative auditing of Gulfport State Port Authority.  Call Number:  KFM6611.62 I5 1970 Suppl.

Mississippi Research and Development Center.  Economic Adjustment Strategy Prepared for the Northeast Mississippi Planning and Development District.  Jackson, MS:  1977.  Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway and Yellow Creek Port.  Call Number:  HT393 M7 M676 1977.

Mississippi River Museum and River Hall of Fame.  See the Mighty Steamer Sprague: World's Largest Sternwheeler. [Vicksburg, MS:  195-].  Call Number:  VM461.5 S66 S44.

Mississippi State Port Authority. Annual Report.  1968 report.  Call Number:  HE554 G8 G5.

Mississippi State Port Authority.  The State Port of Gulfport, Mississippi, U.S.A.  [Gulfport, MS:  1972].  Call Number:  HE554 G8 S83 1972.

Mississippi.  Superport Coordinating Office.  Annual Report, November 1, 1974.  Jackson, MS:  Office of the Governor, 1974.  Petroleum shipping terminal.  Call Number:  HE554 G8 A66 1974.

Port of Gulfport Manifest.  Bay St. Louis, MS:  Mississippi Monitor Publications.  Special Collections has editions from 1975-1978.  Call Number:  HE554 G8 P6.

Public Meeting on Rosedale Harbor, Mississippi, Courthouse, Greenville, Mississippi, 14 October 1976.  Call Number:  TC225 R675 R67539 1976.

Clayton Rand.  Gulfport:  Where Your Ship Comes In.  Gulfport, MS:  Gulfport Chamber of Commerce, [194-].  Call Number:  F349 G9 R36.

Rosedale-Bolivar County Port Commission.  Community Facility Loan from Farmers Home Administration to Purchase the Railroad from Greenville to Rosedale Mississippi.  Bolivar County, MS;  Bolivar County Board of Supervisors, [1978].  Call Number:  F349 R67 R66 1978.

Rosedale Harbor, Mississippi:  Detailed Project Report, Prepared by the United States Army, Vicksburg District, Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi.  Vicksburg, MS:  1977.  Call Number:  TC225 R675 R6754 1977.

Ship Island Excursions.  [MS:  1993].  Ferry schedule.  Call Number:  F347 G9 S55 1993.

Statement of Objection Prepared in Response to Public Notice No. 8-7-70:  Issued by Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander -- 8th Coast Guard District:  Concerning Proposed Construction of Twin Low-Level Fixed Bridges over the East and West Pascagoula Rivers on Interstate Highway 10, Jackson County, Mississippi.  [Pascagoula, MS]:  1969.  Prepared for Jackson County Board of Supervisors and Jackson County Port Authority.  Call Number:  F347 J3 S73 1969.

Tennessee Valley Authority.  Office of Health and Environmental Science.  Environmental Statement:  Yellow Creek Port Project.  Chattanooga, TN:  [1971].  Call Number:  ED550 E6 1971.

United States.  Army.  Corps of Engineers. Biloxi Harbor, Mississippi:  Letter from the Secretary of the Army Transmitting a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, Dated August 14, 1959, Submitting a Report, Together with Accompanying Papers and an Illustration, on a Review of Reports on Biloxi Harbor, Mississippi, Requested by Resolutions of the Committee on Public Works, United States Senate and House of Representatives, Adopted March 31, 1956 and June 27, 1956.  Washington, DC:  Government Printing Office, 1959.  Call Number:  TC224 M7 B5 1959.

United States.  Army.  Corps of Engineers.  Gulfport Harbor:  Channel Deepening, Navigation, Harrison County, Mississippi.  Mobile, AL:  1976.  Call Number:  TC425 G8 G85 1976.

United States.  Army.  Corps of Engineers.  Gulfport Harbor:  Channel Deepening for Navigation:  Feasibility Report.  Mobile, AL:  1974.  Call Number:  TC425 G8 U585 1974.

United States.  Army.  Corps of Engineers.  Gulfport Harbor, Mississippi Feasibility Report:  Appendix 1.  Mobile, AL:  1976.  Call Number:  TC425 G8 G852 1976.

United States.  Army.  Corps of Engineers.  Mississippi River and Tributaries, Greenville Harbor, Mississippi:  Letter from the Secretary of the Army Transmitting a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, Dated January 5, 1973, Submitting a Report, Together with Accompanying Papers and An Illustration, on Mississippi River and Tributaries, Greenville Harbor, Mississippi, Requested by a Resolution of the Committee on Public Works, United States Senate, Adopted February 27, 1967.  [Washington, DC:  Government Printing Office, 1973].  Call Number:  HE554 G74 U55 1973.

United States.  Army.  Corps of Engineers.  A Study of the Effects of Maintenance Dredging on Selected Ecological Parameters in Gulfport Harbor, Mississippi.  Mobile, AL:  1975.  Call Number:  TD195 D72 S88 1975.

United States.  Army.  Corps of Engineers.  Vicksburg Harbor Mississippi Feasibility Report on Harbor Expansion.  Vicksburg, MS:  1976.  Call Number: TD193.6 U56 1976.

United States.  Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and Logistics).  Economic Adjustment Program:  Jackson County, Mississippi:  Preliminary Report.  Washington, DC:  Pentagon, 1978.  On completion of major navy contracts at Ingalls Shipbuilding.  Call Number:  HC107 M7 E37 1978.

United States Ship Mississippi (CGN-40):  Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Cruiser Named for the State of Mississippi:  Built by Newport News Shipbuilding.  [1978].  Call Number:  VA65 M57 U55 1978.

University of Mississippi.  Law Center.  Laws Relating to Navigation:  Preliminary Draft.  University, MS:  1973.  Call Number:  KFM6908 A3 1973.

USS John C. Stennis CVN 74:  The Millennium Cruise 2000.  [2000].  U.S. aircraft carrier names after senator from Mississippi.  Call Number:  VA65 J6 U87 2000.

Benjamin G. Humphreys.  The Famous Race between the "Lee" and the "Natchez":  Extension of Remarks of Hon. Benjamin G. Humphreys of Mississippi in the House of Representatives, October 22, 1914.  Washington, DC:  Government Printing Office, 1914.  Steamboat race.  Call Number:  VM615 H8 F3.

Librarian Contact

Leigh McWhite
Political Papers Archivist and Associate Professor

Departmental Information

Archives and Special Collections
PO Box 1848
University, MS 38677
3rd floor of the J.D. Williams Library

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