This list of secondary sources cataloged in the Archives & Special Collections focuses primarily on Mississippi (and to a lesser extent on the South). Topics focus on air and space travel.
Mary Moore Allen. Origin of Names of Army and Air Corps Posts, Camps and Stations in World War II in Mississippi. Goldsboro, NC. Call Number: UA280 A4.
Mabry I. Anderson. Low & Slow: An Insider's History of Agricultural Aviation. Clarksdale, MS: Low & Slow Publishing, 1986. Call Number: S494.5 A3 A63 1986.
Charles Gillespie. "The High (and Long) Flying Brothers Key: Round and Round They Flew..." in Sports Illustrated (4 December 1972). About Al and Fred Key, flight endurance record holders from Meridian, Mississippi. Call Number: TL540 K44 G55 1972.
Carroll V. Glines. Roscoe Turner: Aviation's Master Showman. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995. Biography of pilot from Corinth, Mississippi. Call Number: TL540 T9 G58 1995.
Edmunc R. Gray and Herbert G. Hicks. The Mississippi Test Facility: Study in Organizational Viability. [Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, 1971]. On aerospace test facility in Mississippi. Call Number: HD9711.5 U62 M54.
Robert L. Harrison. Aviation Lore in Faulkner. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins Pub. Co., 1985. Mississippi author William Faulkner. Call Number: PS3511 A86 Z7847474 1985.
Mack R. Herring. Way Station to Space: A History of the John C. Stennis Space Center. Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1997. Call Number: TL862 J65 H47 1997.
Mrs. Elmore B. Key. Biography of Key Brothers, Al and Fred, Holders of the World's Flight Endurance Record, and Ben Oliver Key, Member of the Ground Crew. Meridian, MS: Gower Printery. Call Number: TL711 E6 K4.
Mississippi Aeronautics Commission. Airport Development in Mississippi: As Compiled from the Record of the Mississippi Aeronautics Commission. [Jackson, MS]: 1979. Call Number: TL726.3 M7 A37 1979.
N. Kenneth Nail, ed. Mississippians in the Mighty Eighth: A Collection of Stories By and About Young Men from Mississippi Who Served in the Eighth Air Force during World War II. Tupelo, MS: Mississippi Chapter Eighth Air Force Historical Society, 1999. Call Number: D792 M7 M58 1999.
Stephen Owen. The Flying Key Brothers and Their Flight to Remember. Meridian, MS: Southeastern Print. Co., 1985. Key Brothers set a flight endurance record in Mississippi in 1935. Call Number: TL540 K44 O94 1985.
Roy Rutherford. Colonel Roscoe Turner, Knight-Errant of the Air. [Cleveland, MS: 1947]. Call Number: TL721.5 T8 R8.
Nancy B. Sederberg. "William Faulkner's World War I and Flying Short Fiction: An Imaginative Appropriation of History." Thesis; University of South Carolina; 1978. Call Number: PS3511 A86 Z95282.
Thomas E. Simmons. The Brown Condor: The True Adventures of John C. Robinson. Silver Spring, MD: Bartleby Press, 1988. Biography of pilot. Call Number: TL540 R57 S56 1988.
Theodore Taylor. The Flight of Jesse Leroy Brown. New York: Avon Books, 19998. African American fighter pilot during Korean War. Call Number: V63 B75 T39 1998a.