This list of secondary sources cataloged in the Archives & Special Collections focuses primarily on Mississippi (and to a lesser extent on the South). Topics include roads, highways, and motor vehicles.
Mark Raymond Bomball. "Predicting the Success of Engineers as Managers in the Mississippi State Highway Department." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Mississippi, 1973.
William M. Cash. AHEAD: From Grassroots Movement to Four-Lane Highway System in Mississippi. Jackson, MS: Advocating Highways for Economic Advancement and Development, 1998. Call Number: HE356 M7 C38 1998.
William Lee Crabtree. "Evaluation of the Driver Education Program at Mississippi Southern College and Mississippi State College." Ed.D.; George Peabody College for Teachers, 1958. Call Number: TL152 C7.
W.A. Evans. A Pioneer Highway in Mississippi: Gaines' Trace. Reprint from the Journal of Mississippi History (1939). Call Number: HE356 G3 E9.
Barry Gidcomb. "History and the Natchez Trace Parkway." D.A. Thesis, Illinois State University, 2000. Call Number: F217 N37 G53 2000a.
Joyce Rockwood Hudon. Looking for De Soto: A Search through the South for the Spaniard's Trail. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1993. Call Number: E125.S7 H87 1993.
Mississippi. State Highway Dept. Mississippi Highways: A Brief History. Call Number: HE356 M7 M58 1990.
Mississippi State University. College of Business and Industry. Division of Research. Alcohol as a Major Cause of Highway Accidents. State College, MS: Mississippi State University, 1970. Call Number: HE5620 D7 A3 1970.
National Geographic Society. Exploring America's Scenic Highways. Washington, DC: [1985]. Includes section on the Natchez Trace. Call Number: E169.04 E86 1985.
Randall Norris. Highway 61: Heart of the Delta. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2008. Call Number: F347 Y3 H43 2008.
Dawson A. Phelps. The Natchez Trace: Indian Trail to Parkway. Tennessee Historical Quarterly, 1962. Reprint of article. Call Number: F341 P53 1962.
Eron Rowland. Marking the Natchez Trace: An Historic Highway of the Lower South. [1911]. Reprint from Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society. Call Number: F341 R8835.
J. William Rush. "An Examination of the Changing Character of Mississippi's Transport Sector: A Study with Particular Emphasis upon the Motor Carrier Industry and the Period 1960-1970." (Thesis; 1973). Call Number: HE5633 M7 R98.
Arminta Scott Spalding. "The Natchez Trace Parkway: A Study of Origins of an Interstate Federal Highway." M.A. Thesis, Stephen F. Austin State College, 1965. Call Number: HE356 N3 S6.
Cathy Summerlin. Traveling the Trace. Nashville, TN: Rutledge Hill Press, 1995. Guidebook for Natchez Trace Parkway. Call Number: F217 N37 S86 1995.
United States. National Park Service. The Natchez Trace: Path to Parkway. [Sterling, VA: Federal Highway Administration, 2005]. Call Number: F217 N37 N378 2005.