Bathsheba Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star of the State of Mississippi. Constitution, Laws, and General Regulations of the Bathsheba Grand Chapter, Order Eastern Star, of the Rite of Adoption of the Grant Jurisdiction of Mississippi: Together with the Constitution for Subordinate Chapters. [Vicksburg, MS: 1943]. Call Number: E185.93 M6 B384 1943.
By-Laws for the Government of the Natchez Royal Arch Chapter. Natchez, MS: Andrew Marschalk, 1823. Freemasons. Call Number: HS718 N38 A3 1823.
Beverly Carradine. A Great Sermon: Are Secret Societies a Blessing? Chicago: Christian Witness Co., 1891. Mississippi author. Call Number: HS164 C37 1891.
Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers and Students of the Kosciusko Masonic Female College. Kosciusko, MS: Chronicle Book and Job Establishment. Special Collections has 1866-67 edition. Call Number: LC1755 K6.
John C. Chappie. Ritualistic Work of the First, Second and Third Degrees of the Supreme Lodge, Knights and Ladies of the Temple of America, and Dedicational Ceremonies. Greenville, MS: 1904. African American society. Call Number: E185.93 M6 R58 1904.
Constitution and General Laws of the Knights of Honor Governing the Supreme, Grand and Subordinate Lodges. 1878. Call Number: HS1512 K6 C66 1878.
Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons in Mississippi: Together with the Statutes, Rules & Regulations, By-Laws, Rules for Trial, Etc. Jackson, MS: Clarion Steam Pub. House, 1880. Call Number: HS537 M7 A17 1880.
Elks (Fraternal Order). Souvenir Program. Twenty-Eighth Annual Convention, Mississippi Association of the Improved, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World, McComb, Mississippi, June 8, 9, 10, 11, 1952. McComb, MS: 1952. Call Number: HS1510 E42 S6 1952 OVRS.
Sam Ford. An Address, Delivered before "Evergreen Lodge, No. 38," I.O.O.F., of Canton, on the 26th of April, 1851. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Mississippi. Call Number: HS983 F6.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Address of Grand Master and Reports Grand Lecturer and Law Committee. 1951. Call Number: HS537 M7 A4 1951.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Address of Grand Master and Reports Grand Lecturer and Law Committee. 1952. Call Number: HS537 M7 A4 1952.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Address of Grand Master and Reports Grand Lecturer and Law Committee. 1968. Call Number: HS537 M7 A4 1968.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Address of Grand Master and Reports Grand Lecturer and Law Committee. 1970. Call Number: HS537 M7 A4 1970.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Blue Lodge Text-Book. Jackson, MS. Special Collections has scattered editions from 1875 to 1956. Call Number: HS445 M7 F7.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Blue Lodge Text-Book: Adapted to the Work, Lectures and Ceremonies of Ancient Craft Masonry in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. Nashville: Brandon Printing Co., 1905. Call Number: HS537 M7 A5 1905.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons in Mississippi: Together with the Statutes, Rules & Regulations, By-Laws, Rules for Trials, Etc. Jackson, MS: Clarion Steam Pub. House, 1880. Call Number: HS537 M7 A17 1880.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Grand Lodge of Mississippi F. & A.M.: 1979 Grand Officers, Committeemen, Addresses of Masters and Secretaries. [Meridian, MS: 1979]. Call Number: HS537 M7 A5 1979.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Grand Lodge of Mississippi F. & A.M.: 1983 Grand Officers, Committeemen, Addresses of Masters and Secretaries. [Meridian, MS: 1983]. Call Number: HS537 M7 A5 1983.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. The Laws of Freemasonry in Mississippi, Being the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, Together with Its Statutes, Rules and Regulations, By-Laws, and Rules Relating to Masonic Discipline, Embracing All Amendments Adopted, to Include the Annual Communication of 1898. Jackson, MS: Clarion-Ledger Co. Print, 1898. Call Number: HS485 U62 F74 1898.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. The Laws of Freemasonry in Mississippi, Being the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, Together with Its Statutes, Rules and Regulations, By-Laws, and Rules Relating to Masonic Discipline, Embracing All Amendments Adopted, to Include the Annual Communication of 1891. Jackson, MS: Clarion-Ledger Co. Print, 1891. Call Number: HS537 M71 A16.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of the State of Mississippi (1818-1914) Embracing Addresses of the Grand Masters, Decisions of the Grand Lodge on All Masonic Questions Pertaining to This Grand Jurisdiction, Reports of the Most Important Committees, Etc., Etc. Atlanta, GA: Press of Foate & Davies Co., [1914]. Call Number: HS537 M7 A19.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, from Its Organization July 27th, 5818 [1818] to Include the Communication Held in the Year 5852 [1852] Compiled from the "Extracts from the Proceedings." Jackson, MS: Clarion Steam Printing Establishment, 1882. Call Number: HS537 M7 A18 1818-52.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, of Free and Accepted Masons… Special Collections has 1824, 1829, 1834, 1836, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1844, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1864, 1864/65, 1866-1922, 1994-1997, 1999-2008. Call Number: HS537 M7 A2.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi, of Free and Accepted Masons, from Its Organization July 27th 5818 [1818] to Include the Communication Held in the Year 5852 [1852] Compiled from the “Extracts from the Proceedings.” Jackson, MS: Clarion Steam Printing Establishment, 1882. Call Number: HS537 M7 A18 1818-52.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Returns of Lodges for the Year Ending September 1st, 1904, and Roll of Officers for 1905. Call Number: HS385 M71.
Freemasons. Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi. Souvenir: Grand Lodge of Mississippi, F. & A.M.: 150th Anniversary. [Jackson, MS: 1968]. Call Number: HS537 M7 A5 1968.
Freemasons. Meridian, Miss. Scottish Rite. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Valley of Meridian, Orient of Mississippi: Midwinter Reunion: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 7, 8, and 9, 1931; Scottish Rite Cathedral, Corner Eleventh Street and Twenty-Third Avenue, Meridian. [1931]. Call Number: HS539 M47 F7.
Freemasons. Meridian, Miss. Scottish Rite. Spring Reunion: Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, Valley of Meridian, Orient of Mississippi: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, April 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th, 1906. Call Number: HS539 M47 F7 1906.
Freemasons. Mississippi. Grand Royal Arch Chapter. Chapter Manual, Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mississippi. Birmingham: Dispatch Printing & Stationery Co., 1923. Call Number: HS717 M7 A3 1923.
Freemasons. Mississippi. Royal and Select Masters. Annual Assembly of Grand Council of Mississippi. Royal and Select Masters. [Meridian, MS: Dement Printing Co.]. Special Collections has scattered issues from 1869 to 1942. Call Number: HS537 M7 A42.
Freemasons. United States. Knights Templar. Grand Encampment, 1910. Report of the Committee on Templar Jurisprudence on Revision of the Constitution and Code of Statutes, 1910. Vicksburg, MS: Mississippi Printing Co., 1910. Call Number: HS443 F7 1910.
John Gierlow. An Address, Delivered before the Brethren of Washington Lodge, No. 3, Free and Accepted Masons, at Port Gibson, Mississippi, December 27, A.L. 5858. Port Gibson, MS: Daily Reveille, 1859. Call Number: HS397 G5.
Grand Temple and Tabernacle Knights and Daughters of Tabor. Jurisdiction of Mississippi. Proceedings of the...Annual Grand Session of the Knights and Daughters of Tabor, Mississippi Jurisdiction. Vicksburg, MS: Model Print Shop. Special Collections has 1928 & 1929 editions. Call Number: E185.93 M6 G718 1929.
Grand Temple and Tabernacle Knights and Daughters of Tabor. Jurisdiction of Mississippi. Taborian Constitution, Mississippi. Vicksburg, MS: Model Print Shop, [1929]. African American society. Call Number: E185.93 M6 G72 1929.
Melville Rosyn Grant. Freemasonry’s Movie Picture Drama: Being a Compendium of Masonic Degrees for the Benefit of the Perplexed and Some Members of Masonic Lodges. Mississippi City, MS: Truth Pub. Co., 1931. Call Number: HS425 G73 1931.
Melville Rosyn Grant. True Principles of Freemasonry; a Treatise on the History, Principles of Tenets of Freemasonry, for the Information of Those Who Are "Within the Veil," as Well as Those Who Are without...Included Herewith Find Letter "Humanum genus"; Albert Pike's reply Thereto; Edit of Pope Pius VII. Meridian, MS: Truth Publishing Company, 1916. Call Number: HS395 G6.
Melville Rosyn Grant. True Principles of Freemasonry; a Treatise on the History, Principles of Tenets of Freemasonry, for the Information of Those Who Are "Within the Veil," as Well as Those Who Are without...Included Herewith Find Letter "Humanum genus"; Albert Pike's reply Thereto; Edit of Pope Pius VII. Meridian, MS: Truth Publishing Company, 1921. Call Number: HS395 G6 1921.
George H. Gray. The Mystic Circle and American Hand-Book of Masonry: Containing a Brief History of Free Masonry in Europe and America…: A Code of By-Laws for Subordinate Lodges: Instructions, Suggestions and Forms for Secretaries of Lodges. Cincinnati: R.W. Carroll, 1866. Call Number: HS395 G73 1866.
Grand Temple and Tabernacle Knights and Daughters of Tabor. Jurisdiction of Mississippi. Taborian Constitution, Mississippi. Vicksburg, MS: Model Print Shop, [1929]. African American society. Call Number: E185.93 M6 G72 1929.
Grand Temple and Tabernacle Knights and Daughters of Tabor. Jurisdiction of Mississippi. Proceedings of the...Annual Grand Session of the Knights and Daughters of Tabor, Mississippi Jurisdiction. Vicksburg, MS: Model Print Shop. African American society. Special Collections has 1928-1929 edition. Call Number: E185.93 M6 G718 1929.
Jeanne Hand Henry, comp. 1819-1849 Abstradex of Annual Returns: Mississippi Free and Accepted Masons, with 1801, 1816, and 1817 Petitioners & First Returns through 1851. New Market, AL: Southern Genealogical Services, 1969. Call Number: HS537 M72 H4.
Holbrook Benevolent Association. Constitution and By-Laws of the Holbrook Benevolent Association of the State of Mississippi. [Meridian, MS: 19--]. African American society. Call Number: E185.93 M6 H568 1900z.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Grand Encampment of Patriarchs of Mississippi. Proceedings of the...Annual Session of the Grand Encampment of Patriarchs of Mississippi, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Holly Springs, MS: South Print. Special Collections has 1896 edition. Call Number: HS969 M7 P76.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mississippi. Grand Lodge. Proceedings of the R.W. Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F. of the State of Mississippi. Vicksburg, MS: Rogers & Groome, Steam Book and Job Printers. Special Collections has 1861-1866; 1874; 1879; 1884-1886; and 1895. Call Number: HS1043 M7 A2.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mississippi. Grand Lodge. Uniform Constitution Adopted by the Right Worthy Grand Lodge, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of the State of Mississippi, July, 1872, for the Government of Subordinate Lodges, Including Amendments to 1878. Jackson, MS: Clarion Steam Printing Establishment, 1879. Call Number: HS1043 M7 A3 1879.
International Order of Twelve Knights and Daughters. Tabor, Mississippi Jurisdiction. Fraternal Benefit and Hospital Dept. By-Laws of the Fraternal Benefit and Hospital Departments, International Order of Twelve Knights and Daughters of Tabor, Mississippi Jurisdiction. Cleveland, MS: Carl C. Davis, [1942]. Call Number: HG9397.5 M7 I58 1942.
R.M. Kelly. Report of R.M. Kelly, Grand Chancellor, Knights of Pythias, Domain of Mississippi. [Gulfport, MS: 1904]. Call Number: HS1253 M7 K45 1904.
Knights of Pythias. Journal of Proceedings. Jackson, MS: Tucker Printing House. Special Collections has editions from 1905 and 1906. Call Number: HS1253 M7 A2.
Knights of Pythias. Eureka Grand Lodge No. 1 (Jackson, Miss.). Official Proceedings of the...Session of Eureka Grant Lodge No. 1, Colored Knights of Pythias of the State of Mississippi. Meridian, MS: Tell Farmer. Special Collections has 1911 edition. African American society. Call Number: HS1253 M7 K65.
Knights Templar (Masonic Order). Grand Commandery of the State of Mississippi. Annual Conclave. Special Collections has 1900, 1901, 1920, and 1926 editions. Call Number: HS757 M7 A2.
Kosciusko Masonic Female College, Kosciusko, Miss. Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers and Students of the Kosciusko Masonic Female College. Kosciusko, MS: Chronicle Book and Job Establishment. Special Collections has 1866/67 edition. Call Number: LC1755 K6.
Lambda Chi Alpha. Theta Eta Zeta Chapter (Millsaps College). Membership Directory, 1980. [Jackson, MS]. Call Number: LD3311 M641 L36 1980.
Manual of Devotional Offices for the Grand Commandry, Mississippi, Knights Templar. [1933]. Call Number: HS750 M36 1933.
Manual of Devotional Offices for the Grand Commandry, Mississippi, Knights Templar. [1924]. Call Number: HS750 M36 1924.
Cowles Mead. An Address Delivered to Warren Lodge, on the Festival of Saint John the Evangelist, December 27, 1820. Natchez, MS: Andrew Marschalk, 1821. Freemasons. Call Number: HS397 M4.
Mississippi. Improved Order of Red Men. Tahlequah Tribe No. 2. Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Order of Red men of the State of Mississippi. Instituted 2d Sun, Hot Moon, G.S.D. 379. Port Gibson, MS: Irwin Russell, 1871. Call Number: HS122.3 M7 I5.
William D. Neal. Williams Digest of Laws of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi Free and Accepted Masons. [Jackson, MS: 1969]. Call Number: HS537 M7 A17 1969.
Charles B. New. An Address Delivered at Port Gibson, Mississippi, before the Clinton Royal Arch Chapter and Washington Lodge, after the Public Installation of Officers, by Companion Charles B. New, P.M. on the 27th Dec., A.L. 5848, A.D. 1848. Port Gibson, MS: Herald Office, 1849. Call Number: HS397 N4.
Order of the Eastern Star. Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi. Book of Instructions for the Subordinate Chapters of the Order of the Eastern Star in the State of Mississippi. Meridian, MS. Special Collections has 1911, 1926, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1942, 1946, 1947, 1954, 1956, 1961, 1962, 1965, 1967, 1970. Call Number: HS853.7 M7 B66.
Order of the Eastern Star. Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi. Ceremonies: Instituting Chapters under Dispensation and Constituting Chapters under Charter, in Mississippi: And Opening Ceremony for Grand Chapter of Mississippi, O.E.S. [1911]. Call Number: HS853.7 M7 C47 1911.
Order of the Eastern Star. Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi. Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star of the State of Mississippi. [Meridian, MS]. Special Collections has 1913, 1935, 1948, 1963, 1965, and 1970. Call Number: HS853.7 M7 O63.
Order of the Eastern Star. Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi. Digest of Laws of the Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi, Order of the Eastern Star. Houston, MS. Special Collections has 1930, 1942, 1953, 1963, and 1966. Call Number: HS853.7 M7 A5.
Order of the Eastern Star. Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi. Directory. [Houston, MS]. Special Collections has 1959/60 and 1962/63 – 1971/72. Call Number: HS853.7 M7 O64.
Order of the Eastern Star. Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi. The Grand Chapter of Mississippi, Order of the Eastern Star, Cordially Invites You to Attend Its Twenty-Fifth Annual Session. [Hattiesburg, MS: 1931]. Call Number: HS853.7 M7 G733 1931.
Order of the Eastern Star. Grand Chapter of the State of Mississippi. Proceedings of the…Annual Session of the Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star in the State of Mississippi. Meridian, MS. Special Collections has 1906-1908, 1911, 1914-1923, 1928-1970. Call Number: HS853.7 M7 A2.
Oxford Consistory No. 183 and Oxford Assembly No. 183, Order of the Golden Circle Presents Their...Annual Banquet. Oxford, MS. Special Collections has 1982, 1983, 1996, and 1998 editions. African American society. Call Number: HS539 O94 O94.
James Earl Price, comp. The Masons and the Methodists in Utica, Mississippi. Carrollton, MS: Pioneer Publishing, 1998. Call Number: BX8249 U85 P7 1998.
The Pythian Journal: A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Cause of Pythianism. Jackson, MS: Tucker Printing House. Knights of Pythias. Special Collections has editions from 1902 & 1905. Call Number: HS1201 P9 and HS1201 P9 OVRS.
Ritual: Afro-American Sons & Daughters. Yazoo City, MS: Birdsall, 1930. Call Number: E185.93 M6 R579 1930.
Royal Arch Masons. Grand Chapter of Mississippi. Proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Mississippi at Its…Annual Convocation. Special Collections has 1861, 1866, 1896, 1912, and 1936 editions. Call Number: HS717 M7 A2.
Charles Scott. The Analogy of Ancient Craft Masonry to Natural and Revealed Religion. Mississippi author. Philadelphia: E.H. Butler, 1857. Call Number: HS425 S45 1857.
Charles Scott. The Keystone of the Masonic Arch. A Commentary on the Universal Laws and Principles of Ancient Freemasonry. Jackson, MS: T. Palmer, 1856. Call Number: HS425 S3.
Frederic Speed. Digest of the Decisions of the Grand Lodge of Masons in Mississippi. From Its Organization in 1818, to Include the Annual Communication of 1903. Vicksburg: Herald, 1904. Call Number: HS537 M7 A5 1904.
Henry Tooley. Address. Circa early 1800s. Mississippi Freemasons. Call Number: HS397 T6.
J. Rice Williams. Digest of Laws F. & A.M. Mississippi. Meridian, MS: Dement Printing Cjo., 1922. Call Number: HS537 M7 A17 1922.
J. Rice Williams. Masonic Laws and Digest Interpreting the Laws of the Ancient Craft Masonry in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. [1956]. Call Number: HS537 M7 A17 1956.
J. Rice Williams. Masonic Laws and Digest Interpreting the Laws of the Ancient Craft Masonry in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. [1953]. Call Number: HS537 M7 A17 1953.
J. Rice Williams. Masonic Laws and Digest Interpreting the Laws of the Ancient Craft Masonry in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. [1950]. Call Number: HS 537 M7 A17 1950.
J. Rice Williams. Masonic Laws and Digest Interpreting the Laws of the Ancient Craft Masonry in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. [1946]. Call Number: HS537 M7 A17 1946.
J. Rice Williams. Masonic Laws and Digest Interpreting the Laws of the Ancient Craft Masonry in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. [1938]. Call Number: HS537 M7 A17 1938.
J. Rice Williams. Masonic Laws and Digest Interpreting the Laws of the Ancient Craft Masonry in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. [1934]. Call Number: HS537 M7 A17 1934.
J. Rice Williams. Masonic Laws and Digest Interpreting the Laws of the Ancient Craft Masonry in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. [1929]. Call Number: HS537 M7 A17 1929.
Fountain Winston. An Address Delivered on the Anniversary of St. John the Baptist, 24th June, 1820. Natchez, MS: Andrew Marschalk, 1820. Freemasons. Call Number: HS397 W5.