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Religion (Archives): Secondary Sources

Secondary Sources A-I

This section includes  histories of religions or denominations within Mississippi; histories of specific churches in the state; biographies of religious leaders and individuals; and other disciplinary approaches to the study of religion. 

Researchers interested in the religious history of a specific community or church will also find information by consulting local city and county published histories.  These volume typically contain large sections devoted to local churches.  Search the library catalog using keyword terms like "Tupelo Mississippi" or "Lee County Mississippi."  

93 Years, 1867-1960:  Forest Baptist Church, Forest, Mississippi.  [Forest, MS:  1960].  Call Number:  BX6480 F67 N56 1960.

Timothy Dale Ables and Bobbie Peterson Marascalco.  The Memorial Windows of Church of the Holy Trinity.  Vicksburg, MS:  Church of the Holy Trinity, [1992].  Episcopal church in Vicksburg, Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX5990 A25 1992.

Joe K. Alley.  Churches of Christ in Mississippi, 1836-1954.  Bonneville, MS:  J.K. Alley, 1953.  Call Number:  BX7094 C95 A7.

John Armistead.  Collection of Histories:  First Baptist Church, Meridian, Mississippi.  Meridian, MS:  Lauderdale County Department of Archives & History, 1987.  Call Number:  BX6480 M47 A75 1987.

Bill Aron.  Shalom Y'all:  Images of Jewish Life in the American South.  Chapel Hill, NC:  Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2002.  Call Number:  F220 J5 A76 2002.

Harry C. Ash.  But as Yesterday When It Is Past:  A History of the Centreville Methodist Church, 1811-1961.  Centreville, MS:  1961.

Pearle Provine Bailey.  The History of the Coffeeville Methodist Church, 1824-1970; the Community and People Who Contributed to Our Start and Growth and the Beginning of Methodism in the United States and the South, with Connecting Links of State and Local History.  [Coffeeville, MS:  1970].  Call Number:  BX8481 C64 B3.

Baptists.  Mississippi.  Woman's Missionary Union.  Hearts the Lord Opened; The History of Mississippi's Woman's Missionary Union.  Jackson, MS:  [1954].  Call Number:  BX6248 M7 W6.

J. Robert Barth, ed.  Religious Perspectives in Faulkner's Fiction:  Yoknapatawpha and Beyond.  Notre Dame:  University of Notre Dame Press, [1972].  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z72148.

John P. Bartkowski and Helen A. Regis.  Charitable Choices:  Religion, Race, and Poverty in the Post-Welfare Era.  New York:  New York University Press, 2003.  Church charities in Mississippi.  Call Number:  HV530 B37 2003.

L.A. Beckman Jr.  History of Bethsalem Presbyterian Church, Choctaw County, Mississippi, 1839-1926.  Weir, MS:  [Winston County Journal].  Call Number:  BX9211 M7 B4.

Lee A. Belford.  Religious Dimensions in Literature.  New York:  Seabury Press, 1982.  Includes essay by Ellen Douglas on Walker Percy.  Call Number:  PN49 R42 1982.

J.B. Bell.  Hernando Baptist Church, 1840-1990.  [Hernando, MS]:  J.B. Bell, [1990].  Call Number:  F349 H4 B4 1990.

Harper Caldwell Bernard.  The Presbyterian Church, Senatobia, Mississippi, 1848-1936.  [Kingsville, TX:  Tex-Mex Printery, 1936].  Call Number:  BX8947 M7 S38.

Mary Bernard.  The Story of the Sisters of Mercy in Mississippi, 1860-1930.  New York:  P.J. Kennedy & Sons, 1931.  Call Number:  BX4483 U6 B4.

John T. Black.  Faith of Our Fathers:  How Faith Has Influenced the History of Greenville, Mississippi.  Greenville, MS:  John T. Black, 2005.  Christians and Jews.  Call Number:  F349 G65 B53 2005.

Wallace B. Blackwell.  Personal Heart Throbs.  [1936].  Includes a brief history of the Mississippi Baptist Orphanage.  Call Number:  PS3503 L28 P47 1936.

J.L. Boyd.  An Abstract History of the Simpson County Baptist Association (Originally Strong River) 1853-1927, 75 Years.  [19--].  Call Number:  BX6209 M7 S53.

J.L. Boyd.  A Popular History of the Baptists in Mississippi.  [Jackson, MS:  Baptist Press, 1930].  Call Number:  BX6248 M7 B6.

Andrew Jackson Boyles.  The Homewood Methodist Church Circuit:  Located in Scott and Smith Counties, Mississippi:  A Short History, 1874-1962.  Petal, MS:  [1962].  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 B6.

Laura Lipsey Bradley.  "Protestant Churches and the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi during the 1920s."  M.A. Thesis, University of Mississippi, 1962.  

Ellis Ray Branch.  "Born of Conviction:  Racial Conflict and Change in Mississippi Methodism, 1945-1983."  Ph.D. Dissertation, Mississippi State University, 1984.  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 B7 1984a.

Robert H. Brinkmeyer Jr.  Three Catholic Writers of the Modern South.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1985.  Includes Walker Percy.  Call Number:  PS153 C3 B75 1985.

Carroll Brinson.  A Tradition of Caring:  Mississippi Baptist Medical Center's First Eighty Years.  Jackson, MS:  Oakdale Press, 1991.  Call Number:  RA981 A5 M7 1991.

Ann Beckerson Brown, et al.  Christ Episcopal Church, Church Hill, Jefferson County, Mississippi.  Lorman, MS:  Anebec and Co., 1997.  Call Number:  BX5980 C47 C47 1997.   

Joseph A. Brown.  A Retreat with Thea Bowman and Bede Abram:  Leaning on the Lord.  Cincinnati, OH:  St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1997.  Bowman was an African American Catholic nun from Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX1407 N4 L84 1997.

Maude Morrow Brown.  The History of the First Presbtyerian Church of Oxford, Mississippi, July 15, 1837 -- March 31, 1950.  Oxford, MS:  [1950].  Call Number:  BX8947 M7 O9.  

Vernon S. Broyles.  History of the First Presbyterian Church of Canton, Mississippi:  1837-1937.  [Canton, MS:  Canton Herald, 1937].  Call Number:  BX8949 C3 B7.  

John Thomas Buck.  History of the Mississippi Baptist State Convention:  With a List of Its Officers, to Which Is Appended a Chapter on the Mission Work of the Denomination in Mississippi.  Jackson, MS:  C. Winkley, 1883.  Call Number:  BX6248 M7 B86 1883.

Charles S. Bullock III and Mark J. Rozell.  The New Politics of the Old South:  An Introduction to Southern Politics.  Lanham, MD:  Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.  Includes a chapter entitled "The Soul of the South:  Religion and Southern Politics in the Twenty-First Century."  Call Number:  F216 N49 2007

Nash K. Burger.  A History of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Jackson, Mississippi 1839-1944.  [Jackson, MS:  1944].  Call Number:  BX5919 J3 B8

Willie Lee Burks.  "Beginnings of Methodism in Mississippi."  M.A. Thesis, University of Mississippi, 1931.  

Thomas Stevens Burnett.  "Ministerial Roles and Institutional Restraints:  The Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Church."  Thesis, School of Theology, Claremont, 1976.  Call Number:  BX8331.2 B87.

James Barnard Butler.  Protestantism in Mississippi; The First Fifty Years, 1773-1823.  1965.  Call Number:  BR555 M7 B88 1965.

J.B. Cain.  The Cradle of Mississippi Methodism.  [Natchez, MS:  1920].  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 C3.

J.B. Cain.  Hazlehurst Methodist Church, 1860-1960:  A History of Hazlehurst Methodist Church.  Nashville:  Pathenon Press, [1963].  Call Number:  BX8481 H39 C3 1963.

J.B. Cain.  Magnolia Methodist Church, 1856-1956:  A History of Magnolia Methodist Church.  Nashville:  Parthenon Press, [1961].  Call Number:  BX8481 M3 C3 1961.

J.B. Cain.  Methodism in the Mississippi Conference, 1846-1870.  Jackson, MS:  Hawkins Foundation, Mississippi Conference Historical Society, [1939].  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 J63.

J.B. Cain.  The Story of the Methodist Children's Home, 1896-1972.  [197-].  Mississippi charity.  Call Number:  HV995 J32 M43.  

Clarice T. Campbell and Oscar Allan Rogers Jr.  Mississippi, the View from Tougaloo.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1978.  Tougaloo Southern Christian College.  Call Number:  LC2851 T6 C35.

Will D. Campbell.  And Also with You:  Duncan Gray and the American Dilemma.  Franklin, TN:  Providence House, 1997.  Episcopal bishop in Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX5995 G73 C36 1997.

Warren A. Candler.  Bishop Charles Betts Galloway, a Prince of Preachers and a Christian Statesman.  Nashville, TN:  Cokesbury Press, 1927.  Mississippi Methodist bishop.  Call Number:  BX8495 G25 C3.

Rev. Wallace Carnahan.  Odd Happenings.  Jackson, MS:  Tucker Printing House, [1915].  Reminiscences of Greenville, Mississippi Episcopal priest.  Call Number:  BV663 C3.

Beverly Carradine.  A Church Yard Story.  Chicago:  M.A. Donohue, 1904.  Author was a Mississippi Methodist minister.  Call Number:  PS1260 C2 C3 1904.

Beverly Carradine.  Graphic Scenes.  Cincinnati, OH:  God's Revivalist Office, 1911.  Author was a Mississippi Methodist minister.  Call Number:  PS1260 C2 G7.

Beverly Carradine.  A Great Sermon:  Are Secret Societies a Blessing?  Chicago:  Christian Witness Co., 1891.  Mississippi Methodist minister.  Call Number:  HS164 C37 1891.

Centennial Celebration of Lynch Chapel Methodist Church of the Forest Charge, March 31 -- April 7, 1968.  [Forest, MS:  1968].  Forest, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX6480 F67 C46 1968.

A Century and a Half of Worship:  St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sesquicentennial, Woodville, Mississippi.  [1973].  Call Number:  BX5980 W6 C46 1973.

Robert G. Certain.  Trinity Church:  A Sesquicentennial History of the Episcopal Church in Yazoo County, Mississippi.  [Yazoo City, MS:  Trinity Church, 1984].  Call Number:  BX5980 Y39 C37 1984.

Vernon Chadwick, ed.  In Search of Elvis:  Music, Race, Art, Religion.  Boulder, CO:  Westview Press, 1997.  Call Number:  ML420 P96 I5 1997.

David L. Chappell.  A Stone of Hope: Prophetic Religion and the Death of Jim Crow.  Chapel Hill:  University of North Carolina Press, 2004.  Call Number:  E185.61 C5435 2004.

J. Julian Chisolm.  History of the First Presbyterian Church of Natchez, Mississippi.  Natchez, MS:  McDonald's Printers & Publishers, 1972.  Call Number:  BX9211 N32 F573.

Church Histories.  [1932-1968].  Histories of Mississippi Presbyterian churches in Tupelo, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Red Bank, Oxford, Marks, and Columbus. Call Number:  BX8947 M7.

F.W. Cirlot.  Celebration of the American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976, and a Brief History of the First United Methodist Church:  Moss Point, Jackson County, Mississippi.  [Pascagoula, MS:  Lewis Printing Services, 1976].  Call Number:  BX8481 M68 C5 1976.

Clear Creak Baptist Church:  A Sesquicentennial History, 1836-1986.  [Oxford, MS:  1986].  Oxford, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX6480 O94 C54 1986.

Jessie McGuire Coffee.  Faulkner's Un-Christlike Christians:  Biblical Allusions in the Novels.  Ann Arbor, MI:  UMI Research Press, 1983.  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z757694.

Edward Cohen.  The Peddler's Grandson:  Growing Up Jewish in Mississippi.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1999.  Call Number:  F349 J13 C64 1999.

Thomas L. Connelly.  Will Campbell and the Soul of the South.  New York:  Continuum, 1982.  Campbell is a Mississippi Baptist preacher.  Call Number:  BX6495 C28 C66 1982.

Gordon A. Cotton.  Antioch, the First Baptist Church in Warren County, Mississippi.  Vicksburg, MS:  G.A. Cotton, 1997.  Call Number:  BX6480 A58 C68 1997.

Gordon A. Cotton.  Asbury, a History:  The History of a Church, a Cemetery, and a Community.  Vicksburg, MS:  G. Cotton, 1994.  Warren County, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  F347 W29 C6 1994.

Gordon A. Cotton.  Hopewell Cemetery and the Old Town of Warrenton:  A History of the First County Seat of Warren County, Mississippi and Hopewell Methodist Church, Which Was the First Church Established in the County.  [G. Cotton, 1999].  Call Number:  F347 W29 C62 1999.

Gordon A. Cotton.  Of Primitive Faith and Order:  A History of the Mississippi Primitive Baptist Church, 1780-1974.  Raymond, MS:  Keith Press, 1974.  Call Number:  BX6384 M7 C68.

T.W. Crigler Jr., ed.  History of the First Baptist Church, 1835-1960, Macon, Mississippi.  Montgomery, AL:  Paragon Press, 1960.  Call Number:  BX6480 M33 H57 1960.

W.J. Cunningham.  Agony at Galloway:  One Church's Struggle with Social Change.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1980.  Galloway Memorial Methodist Church in Jackson, Mississippi during the civil rights movement.  Call Number:  BX8481 J324 C86.

Robert W. Cunny.  A History of the First Presbyterian Church of Vicksburg, Mississippi in the Twentieth Century.  [Vicksburg, MS]:  2006.  Call Number:  BX9211 V54 C86 2006.

David Douglas Daniels III.  "The Cultural Renewal of Slave Religion:  Charles Price Jones and the Emergence of the Holiness Movement in Mississippi."  Ph.D. Dissertation, Union Theological Seminary (New York, NY), 1992.  Call Number:  BX6444 M7 D34 1992a.

Whitman Davis, comp.  Thomas Albert Smith Adams, Preacher-Teacher-Poet-Friend, One of Mississippi's Little Known But Really Great Men.  1952.  Call Number:  LA2315 M7 A3.

James T. Dawson.  History:  Bethany Baptist Church, Why Not, Mississippi.  Meridian, MS:  Why Not Community Club, 1990.  Call Number:  BX6480 W59 D38 1990.

Joan DelFattore.  The Fourth R:  Conflicts over Religion in America's Public Schools.  New Haven:  Yale University Press, 2004.  Includes chapter on Mississippi.  Call Number:  LC111 D43 2004

John Francis Desmond.   "Christian Historical Analogues in the Fiction of William Faulkner and Flannery O'Connor."  Thesis, University of Oklahoma, 1971.  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z7726.

Charles Conrad Di Michele.  "The History of the Eastern Orthodox Church in Mississippi."  M.A. Thesis, Mississippi College, 1968.  Call Number:  BX734 M7 D5.

Charles Conrad Di Michele.  "The History of the Roman Catholic Educational System in Mississippi."  Ed.D. Dissertation, Mississippi State University, 1973.  Call Number:  LC502 M7 D55.

B.M. Drake.  A Sketch of the Life of Rev. Elijah Steele, by B.M. Drake; to Which Is Added a Funeral Discourse by W. Winans.  Cincinnati:  Methodist Book Concern, 1843.  Mississippi Methodist minister.  Call Number:  BX8495 S78 D7.   

William Larkin Duren.  Charles Betts Galloway, Orator, Preacher, and "Prince of Christian Chilvary."  Emory University, GA:  Banner, [1932].  Mississippi Methodist bishop.  Call Number:  BX8495 G25 D8.

Cleta Ellington.  Christ, the Living Water:  The Catholic Church in Mississippi.  Jackson, MS:  Mississippi Today, 1989.  Call Number:  BX1415 M7 E44 1989.

Dan Ellis.  St. Paul Parish, Pass Christian, Mississippi:  Jubilee-3, Catholic Faith Sesquicentennial.  [Pass Christian, MS:  Dan Ellis, 1997].  Church history.  Call Number:  F349 P32 E447 1997.

Dan Ellis.  Trinity and Live Oak.  [Pass Christian, MS:  Dan Ellis], 2003.  History of Trinity Episcopal Church and Live Oak Cemetery in Pass Christian, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F349 P32 E448 2003.

The Episcopal Church in Mississippi:  1763-1992.  Jackson:  Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, 1992.  Call Number:  BX5917 M7 E85 1992.

James A. Ertl, ed.  God's Amazing Grace:  A Centennial History of the Southern District of the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod, 1882-1982.  [Southern District Centennial Committee, 1982].  Mississippi encompassed in the Southern District.  Call Number:  BX8061 M725 G63 1982.

Bruce A. Evans.  A History of the Catholic Church in Corinth.  [Corinth, MS]:  Evans, 1975.  Call Number:  BX1418 C8 E9.

Eli N. Evans.  The Lonely Days Were Sundays:  Reflections of a Jewish Southerner.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1993.  Call Number:  F220 J5 E8 1993.  

James H. Evans.  Spiritual Empowerment in Afro-American Literature:  Frederick Douglass, Rebecca Jackson, Booker T. Washington, Richard Wright, Toni Morrison.  Lewiston, NY:  E. Mellen Press, 1987.  Call Number:  PS153 N5 E92 1987.

W.A. Evans.  A History of First Baptist Church, Aberdeen, Miss., 1837 to 1945, Inclusive.  Aberdeen, MS:  First Baptist Church, 1945.  Call Number:  BX6480 A2 F5.

William Jennings Evans.  The First Methodist Church, Columbus, Mississippi, 1860-1960.  Columbus, MS:  The Church, 1960.  Call Number:  BX8249 C6 E93.

Frank E. Everett Jr.  History of the First Presbyterian Church, Vicksburg, Mississippi in the Nineteenth Century.  [1980].  Call Number:  BX9211 V54 F57 1980.

Grace G. Everman, ed.  History of St. James' Church, Greenville, Mississippi, 1869-1946.  Greenville, MS:  Office Supply Co., 1946.  Call Number:  BX5917 M7 G73.

David L. Fairley.  Moved by Such a Man.  Muncie, IN:  Townsends Printing, 1980.  Biography of Oscar H. Sanders, an African American evangelist from Mississippi.  Call Number:  BV3785 S17 F35 1980.

Eugene Ijams Farr.  A History of Richland Baptist Church:  Richland, Mississippi.  Florence, MS:  Messenger, 1976.  Call Number:  BX6480 R49 F3 1976.

H. Walter Featherstun.  Woodville Methodism.  A History of the Methodist Church in Woodville, Miss.  Woodville, MS:  Courier Book and Job Print, 1893.  Call Number:  BX8395 W6 F4.

William R. Ferris.  Rose Hill Church:  Her People and Their Religion.  [198-].  African American Baptist Church in Vicksburg, Mississippi; church music.  Call number:  BX6480 V53 F47 1980z.

James F. Findlay.  Church People in the Struggle:  The National Council of Churches and the Black Freedom Movement.  New York:  Oxford University Press, 1993.  Civil rights in Mississippi.  Call Number:  E185.61 F47 1993.

First Baptist Church, Hazlehurst, Mississippi:  90th Anniversary Souvenir.  [Hazlehurst, MS:  1960].  Call Number:  BX6480 H3 F47 1960.

First Baptist Church, Mount Olive, Mississippi 100th Anniversary:  1900-2000, One Hundred Years in Service of Our Lord.  [2000].  Call Number:  BX6480 M68 F57 2000.

The First Hundred Years, 1869-1969:  The Church of the Holy Trinity, Episcopal, Vicksburg, Mississippi.  [1969].  Call Number:  BX5980 V53 F57 1969.

First Presbyterian Church, Oxford, Mississippi, July 15, 1837-July 15, 1987:  One Hundred Fifty Years of Service.  [Oxford, MS:  1987].  Call Number:  BX9211 O94 F57 1987.

Oscar Penn Fitzgerald.  Judge Longstreet:  A Life Sketch.  Nashville, TN:  Publishing House of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1891.  Mississippi Methodist Augustus Baldwin Longstreet.  Call Number:  PS2299 L4 Z6.

L.S. Foster.  History of the Columbus Baptist Association:  From 1840 to 1880.  Starkville, MS:  Novelty Job Printing Office, 1881.  Call Number:  BX6249 C648 F6 1881.

L.S. Foster.  Mississippi Baptist Preachers.  St. Louis:  National Baptist Publishing Company, 1895.  Call Number:  BX6248 M7 F7.

A Foundation in Christ:  The History and Recipes of College Hill Presbyterian Church, College Hill, Mississippi.  [University, MS:  University Printing Services, 2001].  Oxford, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX8949 O94 F68 2001.

Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie.  Faulkner and Religion:  Faulkner and Yoknapatapha, 1989.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1991.  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z7778 1989.

Delma Furniss.  Rena Lara Baptist Church:  Rena Lara, Mississippi; a History.  Rena Lara, MS:  Furniss Publishing, 1996.  Call Number:  BX6480 R46 F87 1996.

Ann Mace Futrell.  The Signs of Christianity in the Work of Walker Percy.  San Francisco:  Catholic Scholars Press, 1994.  Call Number:  PS3566 E648 Z6724 1994.  

Mrs. Charles Gentry.  A Brief History of the Mt. Olive Baptist Church.  [1951].  Prentiss County, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX6480 P74 G46 1951.

Claude Gentry.  "Wolves in the Fold":  A History of The Church of Christ at Baldwyn, Mississippi.  [1971].  Call Number:  BX7075 Z7 B3.

R.O. Gerow.  Catholicity in Mississippi.  Natchez, MS:  1939.  Call Number:  BX1415 M7 G4.

R.O. Gerow.  Cradle Days of St. Mary's at Natchez.  Natchez, MS:  1941.  Cathedral of Our Lady of Sorrows in Natchez, Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX4603 N34 A3.

R.O. Gerow.  St. Mary's Parish, Natchez, Bishop Janssens' Administration, 1880-1888.  [Natchez, MS]:  1961.  Call Number:  BX1417 N3 G4.

James Delma Gilbert.  "Laws, Practices, and Policies Relative to Religion and Public Higher Education in Mississippi."  Ed.D. Dissertation, University of Mississippi, 1966.  Call Number:  BL65 L33 G56 1966.

Golden Anniversary:  Holy Ghost Parish, Jackson, Mississippi.  New Orleans:  Moret Printing, [1959].  Call Number:  BX4603 J33 G65 1959.

Gloria Davis Goode.  "Preachers of the Word and Singers of the Gospel:  The Ministry of Women among Nineteenth Century African Americans."  Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1990.  Call Number:  BV676 G654 1990a.  

John H. Graham.  Black United Methodists:  Retrospect and Prospect.  New York:  Vantage Press, 1979.  Mississippi author.  Call Number:  BX8435 G73 1979.

John H. Graham.  Mississippi Circuit Riders, 1865-1965.  Nashville:  Parthenon Press, [1967].  Itinerant Methodist ministers; African American Methodists.  Call Number:  BX8436 M7 G7.

Richardson K. Gray.  "A Christian-Existentialist:  The Vision of Walker Percy."  Thesis, Ohio State, 1978.  Call Number:  PS3566 E648 Z675.

Tara T. Green.  "That Preacher's Going to Eat All the Chicken!":  Power and Religion in Richard Wright.  Ph.D. Dissertation, Louisiana State University, 2000.  Call Number:  PS3545 R815 Z6538 2000a.

Mrs. W.C. Gregg, et al.  Coldwater United Methodist Church:  Church History in Renewal, 1996.  [Coldwater, MS:  1996].  Coldwater, Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX8481 C65 C65 1996.

Jewell Handy Gresham.  "The Fatal Illusions:  Self, Sex, Race, and Religion in William Faulkner's World."  Thesis, Columbia University, 1970.  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z7838.

Benjamin Griffen.  History of the Primitive Baptists of Mississippi:  From the First Settlement by the Americans up to the Middle of the XIXth Century.  [Jonesboro, AR:  Sammons Printing Co., 1958].  Reprint of 1853 edition.  Call Number:  BX6384 M7 G8 1853a.

Jack Winton Gunn.  A Christian Heritage:  The History of First Baptist Church, Grenada, Mississippi.  Grenada, MS:  Baptist Press, [1959].  Call Number:  BX6480 G73 F5.

Jack Winton Gunn.  Mississippi Baptist Convention Ministers:  Current Biographies.  Clinton, MS:  Mississippi Baptist Historical Commission, 1986.  Call Number:  BX6493 M543 1986.

Alfred P. Hamilton.  Galloway Memorial Methodist Church, 1836-1956; A History Compiled from Very Scanty Records of Private Individuals, Archives from the Methodist Room, Millsaps College, General Minutes of the Church at Large and Mississippi Conference Journals, Minutes of the Woman's Society of Christian Service, and of the Official Board of Our Church.  [Nashville:  Parthenon, 1956].  Call Number:  BX8481 J32 G33.

William Lee Hamrick.  The Mississippi Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church.  An Account of the Methodist Protestant Church at Work in the Territory of the Mississippi Conference during All the Years -- 1829 to 1939.  Jackson, MS:  Hawkins Foundation, [1957].  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 J645.

Marion Franklin Harmon.  A History of the Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) in Mississippi.  Aberdeen, MS:  M.F. Harmon, 1929.  Call Number:  BX7317 M7 H3.

David A. Haury.  The Quiet Demonstration:  The Mennonite Mission in Gulfport, Mississippi.  Newton, KA:  Faith and Life Press, 1979.  Civil rights movement.  Call Number:  BX8118 G84 H38.

Henry G. Hawkins and W.C. Black.  Methodism in Natchez.  Jackson, MS:  Hawkins Foundation, Mississippi Annual Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, [1937].  Natchez, Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX8249 N25 H3.

Merrill M. Hawkins Jr.  "The Social and Religious Thought of Will D. Campbell."  Ph.D. Dissertation, Baylor University, 1994.  Campbell is a Mississippi Baptist preacher.  Call Number:  BX6495 C28 H39 1995.

Gene Allen Hendrix.  "The Role of the Education Commission of the Mississippi Baptist Convention in the Coordination of Baptist Higher Education in Mississippi."  Ed.D. Dissertation, University of Mississippi, 1981. 

J. Clark Hensley.  In the Heart of the Young.  Kansas City, KA:  Central Seminary Press, 1952.  Biography of Harvey Eugene Dana, a Mississippi Baptist minister.   Call Number:  BX6495 D3 H46 1952.

Julius Herscovici.  Bernhard Henry Gotthelf:  The First Reform Rabbi of Vicksburg, Mississippi.  Vicksburg, MS:  J. Herscovici, 2001.  Call Number:  BM755 G69 H47 2001.

Louise Aldridge Hester.  An Unfinished Experiment:  A History of the Benoit Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian Churches.  [Birmingham, AL:  Birmingham Publishing Co., 1980].  Benoit, Mississippi churches.  Call Number:  BX6480 B4 B4 1980.

Pauline L. Hester.  Our Heritage -- A Foundation of Faith:  A History of the First Baptist Church, Laurel, Mississippi.  [Laurel, MS:  First Baptist Church, 1984].  Call Number:  BX6480 L37 H47 1984.

Bruce Hilton.  The Delta Ministry.  [New York]:  Macmillan, [1969].  Christian civil rights organization focused on Mississippi.  Call Number:  F347 D3 H5.

A History of the First Baptist Church of Holly Springs, Mississippi, 1837-1987.  [Holly Springs, MS]:  Holly Springs Printing Co., 1987.  Call Number:  BX6480 H65 H57 1987.  

History of First United Methodist Church of Columbia, 1823-1989.  Columbia, Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX8481 C6 H57 1989.

A History of Grace Episcopal Church, Canton, Mississippi, 1848-1948:  Commemorating the One Hundredth Anniversary of Grace Parish.  [Canton, MS:  Herald Printing, 1948].  Call Number:  BX5917 M7 C3

A History of Saint Peter's Episcopal Church, Proto-Cathedral of Mississippi Commemorating Its One Hundredth Anniversary.  Oxford, MS:  1951.  Oxford, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX5917 M7 O9.

History of the Magnolia Conservative Mennonite Church.  [1985].  Macon, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX8177 M7 H57 1985.

Gwen Keys Hitt.  We Shall Come Rejoicing:  A History of Baptist Church Music in Mississippi.  Starkville, MS:  Mississippi State University Press, 1984.  Call Number:  ML3160 H57 1984.

Elizabeth Holcomb.  The Hundredth Anniversary of the First Baptist Church, Tupelo, Mississippi; the Highlights of One Hundred Years of Progress.  1950.  Call Number:  BX6480 T9 F5.

Rowe Conwell Holcomb.  The Family Album of Rev. William Benton Holcomb, Sr., South Mississippi Minister.  [1961].  Call Number:  CS71 H724.

Ray Holder.  The Mississippi Methodists, 1799-1983:  A Moral People "Born of Conviction."  [Jackson, MS]:  Maverick Prints, 1984.  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 H65 1984.

Ray Holder.  William Winans:  Methodist Leader in Antebellum Mississippi.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1976.  Call Number:  BX8495 W657 H64.

Davis W. Houck and David E. Dixon, eds.  Rhetoric, Religion, and the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1965.  Waco, TX:  Baylor University Press, 2006.  Several chapters deal specifically with Mississippi.  Call Number:  E185.61 R48 2006.

Dottie L. Hudson.  He Still Stands Tall:  The Life of Roland Q. Leavell.  Grenta, LA:  Dove Inspirational Press, 2008.  Mississippi Baptist minister.  Call Number:  BX6495 L38 H83 2008.

Emily Barksdale Humphrey.  An Informal History of St. Clement's Episcopal Church, Vaiden, Mississippi, 1876-1976.  [197-].  Call Number:  BX5980 V35 S3.

Edgar Ray Izzard.  History of the Bethel Baptist Church, 1867-1967.  Hazlehurst, MS:  [1967].  Hazlehurst, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX6480 H3 B4.

Edgar Ray Izzard and Rowe C. Holcomb.  History of the First Baptist Church, 1870-1970.  Hazlehurst, MS:  [1970].  Hazlehurst, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX6480 H3 F5.

Secondary Sources J-Z

Anita Bingham Jefferson.  Songs of Unsung Heroes.  Pearl, MS:  A. Jefferson, 1991.  African American Holiness Church members in Mississippi.  Call Number:  BR563 N4 J4.

William L. Jenkins.  Mississippi United Methodist Churches:  Two Hundred Years of Heritage and Hope.  Franklin, TN:  Providence House, 1998.  Call Number:  BX8382.2 A43 M574 1998.

Robin LeRoy Jimmerson.  "A Sociological Analysis of the Prophetic Ministry of Will D. Campbell."  Ph.D. Dissertation, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1990.  Campbell is a Mississippi Baptist preacher.  Call Number:  BX6495 C28 J55 1990a.

John G. Jones.  A Complete History of Methodism as Connected with the Mississippi Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1799-1845.  Baton Rouge:  Claitor's Book Store, 1966.  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 J6 1966.

John G. Jones.  A Concise History of the Introduction of Protestantism into Mississippi and the Southwest.  St. Louis:  P.M. Pinckard, 1866.  Call Number:  BR555 M7 J7.

W.B. Jones.  Methodism in the Mississippi Conference [1870-1894].  Jackson, MS:  Hawkins Foundation, Mississippi Conference Historical Society, [1951].  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 J64.

Marjorie Waggoner Jordan.  "Mississippi Methodists and the Division of the Church over Slavery."  Thesis, University of Southern Mississippi, 1972.  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 J643.  

James E. Juergensen Sr.  "Nihilism and Religion in Faulkner's Prose."  Ph.D. Dissertation, Kent State University, 1998.  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z8528 1988b.

Alfred Kazin.  God & the American Writer.  New York:  Alfred A. Knopf, 1997.  Includes section on William Faulkner.  Call Number:  PS166 K39 1997.

Susan Ketchin.  The Christ-Haunted Landscape:  Faith and Doubt in Southern Fiction.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1994.  Includes sections on Mississippi authors Larry Brown and Will Campbell.  Call Number:  PS261 K416 1994.

King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church's One Hundredth Year Anniversary Celebration:  February 15, 21, 1960:  Souvenir Bulletin, 1860-1960.  Vicksburg, MS:  King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church, [1960].  Call Number:  BX6480 V53 K56 1960.

Kingston Methodist Church:  An Old Church with a Young Spirit.  [Natchez, MS:  Kingston Methodist Church, 195-].  Call Number:  BX8481 N38 K56 1950z.

Edward Joseph Klaas.  Gluckstadt, Madison County, Mississippi:  A History of a German-American Catholic Farming Community in the Deep South.  Baltimore, MD:  Gateway Press, 1995.  Call Number:  F349 G48 K4 1995.

Beach Langston.  To Endure and to Prevail:  Christian Tradition and Myth in Faulkner.  Los Angeles, CA:  Abington Group, 1988.  Call Number:  PS3511 A87 Z87133 1988.

Mathurin Le Petit.  The Natchez Massacre, a Full and Authoritative Relation Derived from Eye-Witnesses of the Massacre at the Post of the Natchez on October 28th 1729...Including a Minutely Detailed Account of the Manners and Customs, Religion, Marriage Ceremonies, Witchdoctors, and Mode of Warfare of the Natchez Indians. As Copied from an 18th Century Volume, Since Lost, and Translated from the French by Richard H. Hart.  To Which Has Been Appended a Full and Detailed List of Victims, Certified by Fr. Philibert, Missionary.  New Orleans:  Poor Rich Press, 1950.  Call Number:  E99 N2 L46

Roland Q. Leavell.  Corra Berry Leavell:  A Christian Mother.  1944.  Mississippi baptist family.  Call Number:  CS71 B526 L4 1944.

Roland Q. Leavell.  Landrum Pinson Leavell, D.D., an Unashamed Workman.  Nashville, TN:  Broadman Press, [1941].  Biography of Field Secretary for the Baptist Sunday School board of the Southern Baptist Convention (a Mississippian).  Call Number:  BX6495 L38 L4 1941.

Zachary Taylor Leavell and H.F. Sproles.  Baptist Annals; or Twenty-Two Years with Mississippi Baptists.  Philadelphia:  American Baptist Publication Society, [1899].  Call Number: BX6248 M7 L39.

Zachary Taylor Leavell and T.J. Bailey.  A Complete History of Mississippi Baptists, from the Earliest Times.  Jackson, MS:  Mississippi Baptist Publishing Co., 1904.  Call Number:  BX6248 M7 L4.

Mrs.  Benjamin Franklin Lewis.  Historical Sketch of the Woman's Missionary Society, Mississippi Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South:  Organized at Hazlehurst, Miss., 1878:  [Our Golden Jubilee, 1878-1928].  [1928].  Call Number:  BV4415 L48 1928.

J. Allen Lindsey.  Methodism in the Mississippi Conference [1894-1919].  Jackson, MS:  Hawkins Foundation, Mississippi Conference Historical Society, 1964.  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 J65.

Sarah Wofford Love.  A Cloud of Witnesses:  A History of the Drew United Methodist Women, 1901-1984.  Drew, MS:  Drew United Methodist Church, 1984.  Call Number:  BX8481 D7 L6 1984.

William B. Lowrance.  The Story of the Church with the Hand Pointing Heavenward...First Presbyterian Church, Founded in 1807.  Port Gibson, MS:  Reveille, 1953.  Port Gibson, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX8947 M7 P6.

William B. Lowrance.  The Story of the Old Rodney Presbyterian Church.  Port Gibson, MS:  Reveille Press, 1955.  Rodney, Mississippi church.  2nd edition.  Call Number:  BX8969.4 R63 L69 1955.

Charles Marsh.  The Beloved Community:  How Faith Shapes Social Justice, from the Civil Rights Movement for Today.  New York:  Basic Books, 2005.  Call Number:  HN31 M238 2005.

Charles Marsh.  God's Long Summer:  Stories of Faith and Civil Rights.  Princeton, NJ:  Princeton University Press, 1997.  Mississippi.  Call Number:  E185.93 M6 M26 1997.

Charles E. Martin.  A Heritage to Cherish:  A History of First Baptist Church, Clinton, Mississippi, 1852-2002.  Brentwood, TN:  Baptist History and Heritage Society, 2001.  Call Number:  BX6480 C45 F5 2001.

Bruce Duncan Mactavish.  "With Strangers United in Kindred Relation:  Education, Religion and Community in Northern Mississippi, 1836-1880."  Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Mississippi, 1993.   

Wendy Machlovitz.  Clara Lowenburg Moses:  Memoir of a Southern Jewish Woman.  Jackson, MS:  Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience.  Biography of a Natchez, Mississippi woman.  Call Number:  F349 N2 M762 2000.  

Weaver H. McCracken.  "An Assessment of the Relationships between Selected Program Activities and Program Outcomes for Baptist Student Union Programs in Mississippi."  Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Mississippi, 1996.  

James Patrick McGough.  The Laws of the State of Mississippi Affecting Church Property.  Washington:  Catholic University of American Press, 1962.  Call Number:  BX1950 M3 1962.

James Patrick McGough.  "Summary of the Laws on Donations in Roman and Decretal Law and the Church in Mississippi with Reference to the Civil Powers under Which It Developed."  Ph.D. Dissertation, Catholic University of America, 1960.  Call Number:  BX1950 M3 1960.

William E. McHenry.  Second Baptist Church, 1880-1982.  [Starkville, MS:  The Church, 1982].  History of Starkville, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX6249 S78 S4256.

Elma Lois Ray McKinstry.  Wallerville Baptist Church 100th Anniversary, Organized 1854-1954.  Wallerville, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX6480 W3 W3.

Carrol Dee McLaughlin.  "Religion in Yoknapatawpha County."  Thesis, University of Denver, 1962.  William Faulkner's fictional Mississippi county.  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z885.

Richard Aubrey McLemore and Nannie Pitts McLemore.  The History of the First Baptist Church of Jackson, Mississippi.  Jackson, MS:  Hederman Bros., [1976].  Call Number:  BX6480 J325 M325.

Richard Aubrey McLemore.  A History of Mississippi Baptists, 1780-1970.  [Jackson, MS]:  Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, [1971].  Call Number:  BX6248 M7 M25.

Richard Aubrey McLemore.  A History of Providence Baptist Church, 1818-1973.  [Hattiesburg, MS]:  Walter M. Lee Sr. [1973].  Hattiesburg, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX6480 H28 M35 1969.

Jack Mendelsohn.  The Martyrs:  Sixteen Who Gave Their Lives for Racial Justice.  New York:  Harper & Row, [1966].  Includes section on Reverend George W. Lee.  Call Number:  E185.61 M54.

Mabel Pittman Middleton.  The Central Connection:  A History of the First One Hundred Years at Central United Methodist Church.  Jackson, MS:  Town Square Books, 1998.  African American Methodist Episcopal Church in Jackson, Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX8481 J32 M5 1998.

Gene Ramsey Miller.  A History of North Mississippi Methodism, 1820-1900.  Nashville: Parthenon Press, [1966].  Call Number:  BX8381 M755 M5 1966.

Mississippi Methodist Rehabilitation Center:  The First Twenty-Five Years.  Jackson, MS:  Mississippi Methodist Rehabilitation Center, 1998.  Call Number:  RA964 M58 1998.

Jerry Mitchell.  The Preacher and the Klansman.  Jackson, MS:  Clarion-Ledger, [1998].  Story of relationship between John Perkins, a preacher and civil rights leader, and Tommy Tarrants (suspected Ku Klux Klan bomber).  Call Number:  E185.97 P48 M57 1998.

Franklin E. Moak and Maud Morrow Brown.  The History of the First Presbyterian Church U.S.A., Oxford, Mississippi:  Volume II, 1951-1987.  Oxford, MS:  [1987].  Call Number:  BX8947 M7 O9 1987.

James J. Morant.  Mississippi Minister.  New York:  Vantage Press, [1958].  Autobiography of an African Methodist Episcopal Church minister in Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX8443 M6

J.H. Morrow.  The First Methodist Church, Forest, Mississippi:  From Log Cabin to Cathedral.  [Forest, MS]:  Methodist Men, Forest Methodist Church, [1957].  Call Number:  BX8481 F67 M67 1957.

Bob V. Moulder and Carl McIntire.  Shrines to Tomorrow.  [1971].  Photographs of Mississippi churches.  Call Number:  BR555 M7 M68.

Chester Spurgeon Moulder.  Dan Moulder:  The Flaming Untiring Country Preacher.  [Hattiesburg, MS:  Moulder], 1942.  Mississippi Baptist preacher.  Call Number:  BX6495 M6 M6 1942.

Mary Katherine Mumbach.  "'Remaining Must Remain':  Patterns of Christian Comedy in Faulkner's The Mansion."  Ph.D., University of Dallas, 1972.  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 M287 1977a.

Michael V. Namorato.  The Catholic Church in Mississippi, 1911-1984:  A History.  Westport, CN:  Greenwood Press, 1998.  Call Number:  BX1415 M7 N35 1998.  

Jack Nelson.  Terror in the Night:  The Klan's Campaign Against the Jews.  New York:  Simon & Schuster, 1993.  Includes content on anti-Semitism in Meridian and Jackson, Mississippi.  Call Number:  DS146 U6 N45 1993.

Tom J. Nettles.  The Patience of Providence:  A History of First Baptist Church Brandon, Mississippi, 1835-1985.  Brandon, MS:  First Baptist Church, 1989.  Call Number:  BX6480 B69 N47.

Jules Newman.  "The Religion of William Faulkner:  An Inquiry into the Calvinist Mind."  M.A. Thesis, Columbia University, 1953.  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z928.

Mark Newman.  Divine Agitators:  The Delta Ministry and Civil Rights in Mississippi.  Athens:  University of Georgia Press, 2004.  Call Number:  E185.93 M6 N49 2004.

Charles E. Nolan.  St. Mary's of Natchez:  The History of a Southern Catholic Congregation, 1716-1988.  Natchez, MS:  St. Mary's Catholic Church, 1992.  Call Number:  BX4603 N34 S25 1992.

Herman Norton.  Rebel Religion:  The Story of Confederate Chaplains.  St. Louis, MO:  Bethany Press, 1961.  Call Number:  E546.7 N6 1961.

Noxubee County Baptist Association.  Standing on the Promises:  The Baptist Influence on Noxubee County.  [Macon, MS]:  Noxubee County Baptist Association, [2002].  Call Number:  BX6249 N69 S73 2002.

James Joseph O'Brien.  The Louisiana and Mississippi Martyrs.  New York:  Paulist Press, 1928.  Catholics.  Call Number:  BX4651 O27 1928.

One Hundred Years of Progress, 1854-1954:  Cato Baptist Church, Rankin County, Mississippi.  Rankin County, MS:  Cato Baptist Church, 1954.  Call Number:  BX6480 C38 C385 1954.

One Hundredth Anniversary of the Senatobia Presbyterian Church, Senatobia, Mississippi, 1848-1948.  Senatobia, MS:  [Tate County Democrat], 1948.  Call Number:  BX8947 M7 S4.

Our Story, 1836-1986:  First United Methodist Church, Louisville, Mississippi.  Louisville, MS:  First United Methodist Church, 1986.  Call Number:  BX8481 L68 O87 1986.

A.M. Overton.  A Minister of Christ:  A Brief Sketch of the Life and Work of J.A. Rogers.  Fulton, MS:  [1935].  Mississippi Baptist minister. Call Number:  BX6495 R6 O9.

Jeong-Mi Park.   "Religious Experience in the Novels of Walker Percy."  Ph.D. Dissertation, Saint Louis University, 1984.  Call Number:  PS3566 E648 Z757 1984a.

Marjean Patterson.  Covered Foundations:  A History of Mississippi Woman's Missionary Union.  [1978].  Baptists.  Call Number:  BX6248 M7 P37 1978.

James M. Perrin.  Reverend Newit Vick, Founder of Vicksburg, Mississippi:  His Ancestry, Relatives, and Descendants.  Hammond, LA:  J.M. Perrin, 1990.  Call Number:  CS71 V635 1990.

J.B. Perry Jr. and Mrs. John Rundle.  History of Yalobusha Baptist Association from 1835 to 1920.  Grenada, MS:  Baptist Press, 1960.  Call Number:  BX6209 M7 Y3.

Sandra Perry.  In His Presence for Over 150 Years:  First United Methodist Church, Greenwood, Mississippi.  Greenwood, MS:  First United Methodist Church, 1996.  Call Number:  BX8249 G7343 P47 1996.

Ernest Edward Phelps.  "The Office of Communication:  The Participant Advocate, Its Function as a Broadcast Citizen Group, March 1964 to March 1971."  Ph.D. Dissertation, Ohio State University, 1971.  Role of United Church of Christ Office of Communication in Mississippi television broadcasting.  Call Number:  KF2805 P54 1971.

Philadelphia...Church of Six Generations; a History of the Red Banks Presbyterian Church.  [Holly Springs, MS:  The South Reporter Printing Co., 1955].  Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX8947 M7 R4.

Philadelphus Presbyterian Church.  The History of an Old Church and Her People, 1821-1950.  [1950].  Wayne County, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX8947 M7 P3.

Gertrude Philippsborn.  The History of the Jewish Community of Vicksburg from 1820 to 1968.  Vicksburg, MS:  1969.  Call Number:  F349 V6 P3.

Winnie Phillips.  A History of Methodist Women:  Mississippi Conference, Southeastern Jurisdiction, the Methodist Church, 1928-1968.  [Jackson, MS]:  Mississippi Conference, United Methodist Church, United Methodist Women, [1980].  Call Number:  BX8493 M57 P44 1980.

John Edward Pilaczynski.  "Factors Leading to the Closing of a Roman Catholic Clerical-Religious Professional School, Our Lady of the Snows Scholasticate (Pine Hills), Pascagoula, Miss."  Thesis, Saint Louis University, 1973.  Call Number:  BX909 P3 P54.

James L. Pillar.  The Catholic Church in Mississippi, 1837-65.  New Orleans:  Hauser Press, [1964].  Call Number:  BX1415 M7 P5.  

Anne H. Porter, et al.  The History of the First Baptist Church of Kosciusko, Mississippi, 1848-1998.  [Kosciusko, MS:  Professional Publishing], 1998.  Call Number:  BX6480 K6 F5 1998.

Walter Brownloe Posey.  The Early Baptist Church in the Lower Southwest.  Reprint from Journal of Southern History (May 1944).  Mississippi was part of the Old Southwest.  Call Number:  BX6241 P62.

James Earl Price.  The History of Carpenter United Methodist Church Located in the Carpenter Community of Northeastern Copiah County, Mississippi.  Vicksburg, MS:  J. Price, 1977.  Call Number:  BX8481 C37 P75 1997.  

James Earl Price.  The Masons and the Methodists in Utica, Mississippi.  Carrollton, MS:  Pioneer Publishing, 1998.  Call Number:  BX8249 U85 P7 1998.

Alice Bell Prindiville.  Trinity Epsicopal Church, Pass Christian, Mississippi 1849-1974:  An Historical Record.  [1974].  Call Number:  BX5980 P37 T75.

Karen Quinlan.  Walker Percy:  The Last Catholic Novelist.  Baton Rouge:  Louisiana State University Press, 1998.  Call Number:  PS3566 E648 Z832 1998.

Roxanne Christine Radzykewycz.  "Voluntary, Student-Initiated Prayer:  The Case of Mississippi."  Ed.D. Dissertation, George Peabody College for Teachers of Vanderbilt University, 1996.  Call Number:  KF4162 R33 1996a.

Tom Rankin.  Sacred Space:  Photographs from the Mississippi Delta.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1993.  African American churches.  Call Number:  BR563 N4 R29 1993.

Charles Edward Reichel.  "The Effects of the Curriculum Material Non-White Images in Bible Salvation History in Lowering Prejudice and Raising Self-Concept in a Mixed Ethnic Group Sample of Southern Lutheran Christians."  Ph.D., University of Mississippi, 1977.  

Charles Edward Reichel.  A Theological Perspective and Synopsis of the History of Peace Lutheran Church, 1930-1980.  [Oxford, MS:  1980].  Oxford, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX8076 O94 R45 1980.

Religious Archives in the United States and Canada:  A Bibliography.  Chicago:  Society of American Archivists, 1984.  Call Number:  CD974 R44 1984.

Rev. J.H. Alexander, D.D.  [Mississippi:  1906].  Presbyterian Church in Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX8947 M7 R48 1906.

Chris P. Rice.  Grace Matters:  A True Story of Race, Friendship, and Faith in the Heart of the South.  San Francisco, CA:  Jossey-Bass, 2002.  Voice of Calvary Ministries in Jackson, Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX9999 J3 R53 2002.

Charles Rise.  Anshe Chesed:  Vicksburg's Jewish Cemetery.  Vicksburg, MS:  Riles, 2001.  Call Number:  F349 V6 R49 2001.

John A. Robertson.  A Golden Treasure:  Letters from the Former Pastors, 1919-1971, Being a Special Historical Feature, and Also Containing a Brief History of the Ruleville Baptist Church, Ruleville, Mississippi, 1902-1971.  [Ruleville, MS]:  1972.  Call Number:  BX6480 R8 R6.

Hugh Harris Robison, et al.  Historical Sketch of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ebenezer, Tippah County, Mississippi, by a Pastor, Rev. H.H. Robison to Which Is Added Sketches of Pastors' Lives, by Rev. S.A. Agnew...and Others; and Subsequent History, by a Ruling Elder, H.B Wiseman.  Includes Dr. A. Newton's columns on the position of the Old School Presbyterian Assembly on the subject of slavery (1859).  Call Number:  BX8999 A7 R6.  

Vernon Ruleland.  "Descent into Hell:  William Faulkner and the Theology of Death."  Thesis, University of Chicago, 1967.  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z9466.

Bowden Hudson Rundle.  History of Grenada County Baptist Assoc. 1921-1960.  Grenada, MS:  Baptist Press, 1961.  Call Number:  BX6209 M7 G7.

Peggy Ross Beasley Russell.  100 Years with United Methodist Women, 1879-1979:  First United Methodist Church, Columbus, Mississippi.  Columbus, MS:  First United Methodist Church, 1981.  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 R87 1981.

Robert Saul.  A Vine out of Egypt:  The Story of the Episcopal Church in Mississippi.  Vicksburg, MS:  [1988].  Call Number:  BX5917 M7 S28 1988.

T.C. Schilling.  Abstract History of the Mississippi Baptist Association for One Hundred Years:  From Its Preliminary Organization in 1806 to the Centennial Session in 1906.  New Orleans:  Press of J.G. Hauser, [1908].  Call Number:  BX6209 M56 S3.

James W. Silver.  Confederate Morale and Church Propaganda.  Gloucester, MA:  P. Smith, 1964.  Call Number:  E540 C5 S52.

Peter Slade.  Open Friendship in a Closed Society:  Mission Mississippi and a Theology of Friendship.  Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 2009.  Religion and civil rights.  Call Number:  BV4468 S53 2009.

George K. Smart.  Religious Elements in Faulkner's Early Novels; a Selective Concordance.  Coral Gables, FL:  University of Miami Press, [1965].  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z95452.

Dale Edwyna Smith.  The Slaves of Liberty:  Freedom in Amite County, Mississippi, 1820-1868.  New York:  Garland Publishing, 1999.  Includes chapter on local churches.  Call Number:  F347 A5 S64 1999.

Frances Thornton Smith.  The Faith that Compelled Us:  Court Street United Methodist Church, 1900-1963.  Hattiesburg, MS:  Fox Printing Co., 1979.  Hattiesburg, Mississippi church.  Call Number:  BX8481 H38 S65 1979.

Gerald L.K. Smith.  Congressman John E. Rankin; Patriot, Christian, Statesman... [St. Louis: Christian Nationalist Crusade].  Mississippi congressman.  Call Number:  E748 R22 S5.

Jeremy Smith.  Religious Feeling and Religious Commitments in Faulkner, Dostoyevsky, Werfel, and Bernanos.  New York:  Garland Publishing, 1988.  Call Number:  PN49 S56 1988.

Therese Smith.  Let the Church Sing!:  Music and Worship in a Black Mississippi Community.  Rochester, NY:  University of Rochester Press, 2004.  Includes CD with music.  Call Number:  ML3187 S55 2004.

Therese Smith.  "Moving in the Spirit:  Music of Worship in Clear Creek, Mississippi, as an Expression of World View."  Ph.D. Dissertation, Brown University, 1988.  African American Baptist church in Clear Creek, Mississippi.  Call Number:  ML3869 S55 1988b.

Harry B. Sones.  Jim, the Baptist, 1876-1954.  [1976].  Biography of a Mississippi Baptist minister.  Call Number:  BX6495 S654 S6 1976.  

Randy Jay Sparks.  "A Mingled Yarn:  Race and Religion in Mississippi."  Ph.D. Dissertation, Rice University, 1988.  Call Number:  F341 S69 1988b.

Randy J. Sparks.  On Jordan's Stormy Banks:  Evangelicalism in Mississippi, 1773-1876.  Athens:  University of Georgia Press, 1994.  Call Number:  BR1642 U5 S63 1994.

Randy J. Sparks.  Religion in Mississippi.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 2001.  Call Number:  BR555 M7 S68 2001.

Robert Harry Spiro.  Onward, Then, Ye People:  The History of Northside Baptist Church, Jackson, Mississippi, on the Occasion of the Silver Anniversary, September 25, 1955.  [Jackson, MS:  Northside Baptist Church], 1955.  Call Number:  BX6480 J33 S65 1955.

St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 1851-1976, Oxford, Mississippi.  [Oxford, MS:  St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 1976].  Call Number:  BX5980 O94 S8 1976.

E.L. Stanford.  The History of Calvary Baptist Church, Jackson, Mississippi.  Jackson, MS:  Hederman Brothers, 1980.  Call Number:  BX6480 J3 S8 1980.

Annabel Wiseman Stephens.  History of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church of Hopewell, Union County, Mississippi.  [1952].  Call Number:  BX8999 A8 S7.

James J. Steward.  L.A. Moxley:  A Crown Awaits.  Cleveland, TN:  White Wing Publishing House & Press, [1973].  Biography of Mississippi Church of God clergyman.  Call Number:  BX7060 Z8 M69 1973.

Thomas Hunter Stewart.  "The Minister and His Work:  The Preacher in the Humor of the Old Southwest."  Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Mississippi, 1987.  Mississippi is considered part of the Old Southwest.

Charles Stietenroth.  One Hundred Years with "Old Trinity" Church, Natchez, Miss.  Natchez, MS:  Natchez Printing & Stationery Co., 1922.  Call Number:  BX5980 N27 T7.

Ellen McKinstry Street.  Highlights in the History of First Baptist Church, Ripley, Mississippi, 1839-1968.  [1968].  Call Number:  BX6480 R5 F5 1968.

Charles L. Sullivan.  Gatherings at the River:  South Mississippi's Methodist Camp Meetings.  Perkinston, MS:  Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Press, 1990.  Includes VHS tape.  Call Number:  BX8475 S8 1990.

Martha H. Swain, et al.  Mississippi Women:  Their Histories, Their Lives.  Athens:  University of Georgia Press, 2003.  Includes "Felicite Girodeau (1791-1860):  Racial and Religious Identity in Antebellum Natchez" by Emily Clark.  Call Number:  CT3260 M57 2003.

Lois Swaney.  History of the First Baptist Church, Holly Springs, Mississippi.  [Holly Springs, MS:  First Baptist Church, 1974].  Call Number:  BX6480 H65 S93 1974.

James Lundy Sykes.  A History of St. John's Parish, Aberdeen, Mississippi.  [1916].  Call Number:  BX5980 A22 S9 1916.

Roger Tate.  A Brief History of the First Christian Church of Columbus, Mississippi.  [1967].  Call Number:  BX6781 C6

Frank H. Thomas Jr.  Looking Back with Pride:  A Fiftieth Anniversary History of Alta Woods Baptist Church, Jackson, Mississippi.  Jackson, MS:  Alta Woods Baptist Church, 1997.  Call Number:  BX6480 J223 T48 1997.

Patrick H. Thompson.  The History of Negro Baptists in Mississippi.  Jackson, MS:  R.W. Bailey Printing Co., 1898.  Call Number:  BX6444 M7 T48 1898b.

Steven C. Tracy.  Write Me a Few of Your Lines:  A Blues Reader.  Amherst:  University of Massachusetts Press, 1999.  Includes a chapter on blues and religion.  Call Number:  ML3521 W75 1999a.

Leo Turitz.  Jews in Early Mississippi.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, [1983].  Call Number:  F350 J5 T87 1983.

James D. Tyms.  The Rise of Religious Education Among Negro Baptists:  A Historical Case Study.  New York:  Exposition Press, [1966].  Call Number:  BX6450 T93.

Craig E. Van Gelder.  "Growth Patterns of Mainline Denominations and Their Churches:  A Case Study of Jackson, Mississippi 1900-1980."  Ph.D. Dissertation, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1982.  Call Number:  BR560 J34 V36 1982.

James Perry Walker.  The Preacher and His Congregation:  Photographs by James Perry Walker:  February 5 -- March 19, 2000, Flint Institute of Arts.  Flint, MI:  Flint Institute of the Arts, 2000.  Exhibition catalog for photographs of African American Baptists in Marshall County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  TR680 W27 2000.

L.S. Walker.  "Labourers Together with God":  A History of the Hobolochitto Baptist Association.  Jackson, MS:  Gordon's Graphics, 1979.  Mississippi and Louisiana Baptists.  Call Number:  BX6209 H52 W3

Mary Warriner Weaver.  And Are We Yet Alive?  The Story of the Beginning and Progress of the Methodist Church in Corinth, Mississippi, 1799-1953.  Weaver, 1955.  Call Number:  BX8249 C67 W4 1955.   

Holly Wilberforce Wells.  Recollections of Bishop Theodore DuBose Bratton.  [1957].  Bratton was an Episcopal church bishop in Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX5995 B73 W45 1957.

Mary Ann Wells.  Searching for Red Eagle:  A Personal Journal into the Spirit World of Native America.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1998.  Creek Indians.  Call Number:  E99 C9 W438 1998.

Frances Boushe West.  A Charge to Keep; History of First Methodist Church, Grenada, Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX8249 G7 W4.

Amos N. Wilder.  Theology and Modern Literature.  Cambridge:  Harvard University Press, 1958.  Includes section on William Faulkner.  Call Number:  PN49 W5.

Philip Eugene Williams.  "The Biblical View of History:  Hawthorne, Mark Twain, Faulkner, and Eliot."  Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1964.  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z985385.

Charles Reagan Wilson.  Judgment & Grace in Dixie:  Southern Faiths from Faulkner to Elvis.  Athens, GA:  University of Georgia Press, 1995.  Call Number:  BR535 W55 1995b.

Charles Reagan Wilson, ed.  The Stained Glass Windows of St. Peter's Episcopal Church Oxford, Mississippi.  [Oxford, MS]:  Nautilus Publishing Company, [2007].  Call Number:  BX5980 O94 S73 2007

John M. Wilson.  History of St. Paul's Church, Meridian, Mississippi, May 27, 1901 -- April 3, 1910.  Call Number:  BX6081 S3 W45.

E.T. Winston.  "Father" Stuart and the Monroe Mission.  Meridian, MS:  Tell Farmer, [1927].  Monroe Presbyterian Mission to Native Americans in Pontotoc, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F349 P64 W5

Robert Milton Winter.  Shadow of a Mighty Rock:  A Social and Cultural History of Presbyterianism in Marshall County, Mississippi.  Franklin, TN:  Providence House, 1997.  Call Number:  BX9211 H64 W5 1997.

R. Milton Winter.  Thy Dwellings Fair:  Churches of Saint Andrew Presbytery.  Oxford, MS:  Presbytery of Saint Andrew, 2000.  Mississippi Presbyterian church buildings.  Call Number:  NA5230 M7 T44 2000.

Sherwood Willing Wise.  The Cathedral Church of St. Andrew:  A Sesquicentennial History, 1839-1989.  Jackson, MS:  Cathedral Church of St. Andrew, 1989.  Call Number:  BX5004 W5 1989.

Sally Wolff and Floyd C. Watkins.  Talking about William Faulkner:  Interviews with Jimmy Faulkner and Others.  Baton Rouge:  Louisiana State University Press, 1996.  Includes sections on Lafayette County, Mississippi churches:  Toby Tubby Church, College Hill Church, and St. Peter's Church.  Call Number:  PS3511 A86 Z78285 1996.

Tom Womack.  A History of the First Baptist Church of West Point, Mississippi, 1855-1985.  [West Point, MS]:  Sullivan's Print Co., [1987].  Call Number:  BX6480 W434 W66 1987.

John W. Work, et al.  Lost Delta Found:  Rediscovering the Fisk University-Library of Congress Coahoma County Study, 1941-1942.  Nashville:  Vanderbilt University Press, 2005.  Includes material on African American religion in Coahoma County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F347 C7 W67 2005.

Yearbook.  1905-06.  First Presbyterian Church in Greenville, Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX8947 M7 G7.