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POL 251: Introduction to Political Science Research Methods: Finding Sources

This guide supports the research conducted in Dr. Julie Wronski's POL 251 course during the Fall 2024 semester.

InterLibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan Logon - Use ILL to request material not available from the University of Mississippi Libraries.

Academic Sources

A-Z Databases: Political Science
Use this link to see a list of library databases relevant to the discipline of Political Science. 

Notable Collections

Government, Legal, and News Sources

Government Documents Collections at J.D. Williams Library

  • UM Libraries collects government documents and materials in three primary areas, US Government Documents, State of Mississippi Documents, and Maps

Congressional Publications

  • Indexes Congressional publications including Congressional research and hearings from 1789 to the present, linking to full text when available.


Public Policy Gray Literature

Gray literature is written by scholars or practitioners with expertise in the field of public policy, but not published in traditional academic journals.

Examples include white papers, reports, and proposals from think tanks and other public policy organizations. Gray literature can be very useful in finding policy alternatives or getting background information on a policy topic.