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Mississippi Delta (Archives): Secondary Sources

Secondary Source Publications A-H

This page contains a list of secondary source publications on the subject of the Mississippi Delta in the cataloged holdings of the Archives & Special Collections.  Consider utilizing the following resources for additional material:

Note:  This list does not include histories of the Civil War in the Vicksburg area.  Researchers should conduct a keyword search on that topic in the library catalog.


Timothy Dale Ables.  The Memorial Windows of Church of the Holy Trinity (Vicksburg, MS:  1992).  Vicksburg, Mississippi Epsicopal church.  Call Number:  BX5990 A25 1992.

Nathaniel Sheafe Adams.  History of Yazoo City.  Two Volumes.  Call Number:  F349 Y37 A33.

Amin Abd El-Aziz Montasser Ali.  "An Economic Analysis of Debt Level and Resource Acquisision for Two Sizes of Mississippi Delta Row Crop Farms" (Thesis; Mississippi State University, 1980).  Call Number:  HD1775 M7 A34x.

Samuel C. Adams.  "Changing Negro Life in the Delta" (M.A. Thesis; Fisk University; 1947).  Call Number:  E185.93 M6 A33 1947a.

Albert James Allen.  "An Economic Analysis of Optimal Grain Market Structure and Grainflow Patters with Selected Policy and Technological Changes in the Northeast, South, and Delta Areas within Mississippi, 1970" (Ph.D. dissertation; Mississippi State University, 1978).  Call Number:  HD9037 M7 A4.

Christopher Myers Asch.  The Senator and the Sharecropper:  The Freedom Struggles of James O. Eastland and Fannie Lou Hamer (New York:  New Press, 2008).  Sunflower County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F347 S9 A83 2008.

Sharon D. Wright Austin.  The Transformation of Plantation Politics:  Black Politics, Concentrated Poverty, and Social Capital in the Mississippi Delta (Albany:  State University of New York Press, 2006).  Call Number:  F347 M6 A94 2006.

Dolores Watts Barnett.  "A Parent Education Approach to Attitude Change for Parents of Title I Primary Pupils in Batesville Elementary School, Batesville, Mississippi" (Ph.D. Dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1980). 

Milton P. Barschdorf.  A History of an Inland River Port (Greenville, MS:  McCormick Book Incc, 1997).  Call Number:  F349 G8 B37 1997.

Jimmie Franklin Barnes.  "Factors Related to Deviant Health-Care Practices:  A Study of Black Families in the Mississippi Delta" (Ph.D. dissertation; Mississippi State University; 1979).  Call Number:  E185.88 B3759 1979.

James E. Bell.  The Evolution of the Mississippi Delta:  From Exploited Labor and Mules to Mechanization and Agribusiness (New York:  iUniverse, 2008).  Call Number:  F347 D38 B45 2008.

J.B. Bell.  Hernando Baptist Church, 1840-1990 (Hernando, MS:  [1990]).  Call Number:  F349 H4 B4 1990.

Richard Harold Bennett.  "Clay Fabric and Geotechnical Properties of Selected Submarine Sediment Cores from the Mississippi Delta" (Thesis; Texas A&M University, 1978).  Call Number:  GC 1005.2 B45.

Nancy Dunlap Bercaw.  Gendered Freedoms:  Race, Rights, and the Politics of Households in the Delta, 1861-1875 (Gainsville:  University Press of Florida, 2003).  Call Number:  F347 M6 B47 2003.

Nancy Dunlap Bercaw.  "Politics of Household During the Transition from Slavery to Freedom in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta, 1861-1876" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Pennsylvania, 1996).  Call Number:  F347 Y3 B37 1996a.

John T. Black.  Faith of Our Fathers:  How Faith Has Influenced the History of Greenville, Mississippi (Greenville, MS:  2005).  Call Number:  F349 G65 B53 2005.

John T. Black.  A History of the Mississippi Levee Board:  From Greenville Bends to the Yazoo River (Greenville, MS:  2006).  Call Number:  TC425 M61 B53 2006.

Molly Blank.  Lights in the Delta (Berkeley, CA:  UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, 2004).  VHS recording of documentary on casino industry in Tunica, Mississippi.  Call Number:  HV6711 L544 2004.

Donald H. Bowman.  A History of the Delta Branch Experimental Station, 1904-1985 (Mississippi State:  Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station, [1986]).  Call Number:  S79 B69 1986.

Lennie Barnett Branch.  The Holmes Junior College Story of Fifty Years of Growth:  1925-1975 (1976).  Call Number:  LD6501 H64 B73 1976.

Robert L. Brandfon.  Cotton Kingdom of the New South:  A History of the Yazoo Mississippi Delta from Reconstruction to the Twentieth Century (Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press, 1967).  Call Number:  F347 Y3 B7.

Stanley R. Brav.  Jewish Family Solidarity:  Myth of Fact? (Vicksburg:  Nogales Press, 1940).  Vicksburg, Mississipppi Jews.  Call Number:  HQ525 J4 B7.

Frank A. Brooks.  "Memories of the I.C. Depot at Lake, Mississippi:  And Footnotes on the Alabama & Vicksburg Railway It Once Served" in Green Diamond:  Official Publication of the Illinois Central Historical Society (March 2003).  Call Number:  HE2791 M7224.

Robert Norman Brown.  "Coming Home:  Black Return Migration to the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta" (Ph.D. dissertation; Louisiana State University; 2001).  Call Number:  F347 Y3 B768 2001a.

Colgan Hobson Bryan.  "Breaking the Poverty Cycle:  An Investigation into the Correlates of Propensity for Change among the Rural Impoverished in the Mississippi Delta" (Ph.D. dissertation; Louisiana State University; 1968).  Call Number:  HN79 A15 B78.

Minor Ferris Buchanan.  Holt Collier:  His Life, His Roosevelt Hunts, and the Origin of the Teddy Bear (Jackson, MS:  Centennial Press of Mississippi, 2002).  African Amerian hunter in the Mississippi Delta.  Call Number:  E185.97 C66 B83 2002.

William Emory Buchanan.  "The Yazoo Library Association's Significance in History:  The American Social and Public Library Movements in the South" (Ed.D. thesis; University of North Carolina at Greensboro; 1992).  Call Number:  Z673 Y39 B83 1992a.

Elizabeth Caldwell.  Reconstruction in Yazoo County, Mississippi (M.A. thesis; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1931).  Call Number:  F347 Y2 C35 1931.

Will Campbell.  Providence (Atlanta, GA:  Longstreet Press, 1992).  Holmes County, Mississippi history.  Call Number:  F347 H6 C35 1992.

Paul Victor Canonici.  The Delta Indians:  Their Pursuit of "The Better Life" and Their Struggle Against Mosquitos, Flood, and Prejudice ([Madison, MS:  Caló Creative Designs], 2003).  History of Italian Americans in the Mississippi and Arkansas Delta.  Call Number:  F347 M6 C36 2003.

Betty W. Carter. Mules in the Delta (Daily Toccopolian, 1977).  Call Number:  SF362 M85 1977.

William H. Cash.  The Delta Council:  Fifty Years of Service to the Mississippi Delta (Stoneville, MS:  Delta Council, 1986).  Call Number:  HC107 M7 C37 1986.

Virginia Estes Causey.  "Glen Allan, Mississippi:  Change and Continuity in a Delta Community, 1900 to 1950" (Ph.D. dissertation; Emory University, 1983).  Call Number:  F349 G4 C3 1983.

Sharron Daniel Cauthen.  Durant Pioneer Families:  Community History and Family Stories (Clinton, MS:  China Lamp Publishing, 2001).  Call Number:  F349 D87 C38 2001 OVRS.

Mrs. Jon Cerame.  From Greasy Row to Catfish Capital (Oxford, MS:  Rebel Press, 1978).  Belzoni, Mississippi history.  Call Number:  F349 B43 C47.

Robert G. Certain.  Trinity Church:  A Sesquicentennial History of the Episcopal Church in Yazoo County, Mississippi (Yazoo City, MS:  1984).  Call Number:  BX5980 Y39 C37 1984.

Edgar Jones Cheatham.  "Washington County, Mississippi:  Its Antebellum Generation" (M.A. Thesis; Tulane University, 1950).  Call Number:  F347 W35 C3.

Richard Dallas Chesteen.  "Change and Reaction in a Mississippi Delta Civil Community" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1975).  Indianola, Mississippi.

Michael Douglas Chute.  "Clayton Thomas Rand and the Role of the Rural Press in the Development of Mississippi" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Southern Mississippi, 2001).  Tunica Times.  Call Number:  PN4874 R27 C58 2001a.

James C. Cobb.  The Most Southern Place on Earth:  The Mississippi Delta and the Roots of Regional Identity (New York:  Oxford University Press, 1992).  Call Number:  F347 D38 C63 1992.

Monroe F. Cockrell.  After Sundown:  Those Dueling Editors of Vicksburg, 1841-1860; and "Casket of Reminiscences," by Henry S. Foote (Evanston, IL:  1961). Call Number:  CR4595 U6 C6 1961.

Monroe F. Cockrell.  Those Dueling Editors of Vicksburg, 1841-1860:  A Study from Contemporary Newspapers (Evanston, IL:  1956).  Call Number:  CR4595 U5 C56 1956.

John Philip Colleta.  Only a Few Bones:  A True Account of the Rolling Fork Tragedy and Its Aftermath (Washington, DC:  Direct Descent, 2000).  Murder in Rolling Fork, Mississippi.  Call Number:  HV6534 R623 C65 2000. 

Community Progress:  Greenwood, Grenada, and Winona (1945).  Call Number:  F349 G66 C65.

John M. Connaway and Sam McGahey.  Archaeological Survey and Salvage in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta and in Hinds County, November 1, 1968-December 31, 1969:  Preliminary Report (Jackson:  Mississippi Archaeological Survey, 1970).  Call Number:  E78 M73 M55 no.1.

Gordon A. Cotton.  15 China and Other Tales (Raymond, MS:  Keith Printing Co., 1978).  Vicksburg, Mississippi history.  Call Number:  F349 V6 C6. 

 Gordon A. Cotton.  Antioch, the First Baptist Church in Warren County, Mississippi (Vicksburg, MS:  1997).  Call Number:  BX6480 A58 C68 1997.

Gordon A. Cotton.  Asbury, a History:  The History of a Church, a Cemetery, and a Community (Vicksburg, MS:  1994).  Warren County, Mississippi. Call Number:  F347 W29 C6 1994.

Gordon A. Cotton.  Hopewell Cemetery and the Old Town of Warrenton:  A History of the First County Seat of Warren County, Mississippi, and Hopewell Methodist Church, which Was the First Church Established in the County (1999).  Call Number:  F347 W29 C62 1999.

Gordon A. Cotton.  The Murder of Minerva Cook (Vicksburg, MS:  1993).  Death of a Warren County, Mississippi citizen killed by soldiers during Union military occupation in 1865.  Call Number:  F346 V6 C615 1993.

Gordon A. Cotton.  The Old Court House (Raymond, MS:  Keith Printing Co., 1982).  Vicksbug, Mississippi court house.  Call Number:  NA4473 V6 C68 1982.

Gordon A. Cotton.  With Malice Toward Some:  The Military Occupation of Vicksburg, 1864-1865, Including the Names of Civilians, Captured Confederates, and Union Soldiers Who Were Arrested and the Charges Brought against Them by the Occupation Forces of the United States Government (Vicksburg, MS:  Vicksburg and Warren County Historical Society, 1991).  Call Number:  F349 V6 C625 1991.

Gordon A. Cotton.  Vicksburg (Charleston, SC:  Arcadia Pub., 1999).  Call Number:  F349 V6 C62 1999.

Gordon A. Cotton.  Vicksburg:  Town and Country (Charleston, SC:  Arcadia, 2001).  Call Number:  F349 V6 C62 2001.

Del Cox.  Vicksburg, Mississippi Corruption (Vicksburg, MS;  Liame Press, 1991).  Political corruption. Call Number:  JF1081 C69 1991.

Lloyd Hughes Crossley.  "An Assessment of High School In-Service Education Programs in Formerly Dual School Systems in Adjacent Portions of the Mississippi Delta of Arkansas and Mississippi" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1972).

Robert W. Cunny.  A History of the First Presbyterian Church of Vicksburg, Mississippi in the Twentieth Century (Vicksburg, MS:  2006).  Call Number:  BX9211 V54 C86 2006.

James T. Currie.  Enclave:  Vicksburg and Her Plantations, 1863-1870 (Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1979).  Call Number:  F349 V6 C869.

James Tyson Currie.  "Vicksburg, 1863-1870:  The Promise and the Reality of Reconstruction on the Mississippi" (Thesis; University of Virginia; 1975).  Call Number:  F349 V6 C87.

Constance Curry.  The Intolerable Burden (Brooklyn, NY:  First Run/Icarus Films, 2002).  VHS recording of documentary on integration of public schools in Drew, Mississippi in 1965.  Call Number:  F347 S9 I58 2002.

Constance Curry.  Silver Rights (Chapel Hill, NC:  Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1995).  Integration of public schools in Drew, Mississippi in 1965.  Call Number:  F347 S9 C87 1995.

Wayne Coston Curtis.  "Income and Employment Effects of Investments in Natural Resources:  An Input-Output Study of the Yazoo-Little Tallahatchie Watershed of Mississippi" (Ph.D. dissertation; Mississippi State University; 1978).  Call Number:  SD436 M7 C8.

Jack Custer.  The Steamer Sprague:  This Is the Story of Big Mama, the Largest Steam Towboat the World Has Known.  She Now Belongs to Vicksburg, Miss. [196-].  Call Number:  VM461 S66 C87.

Jean E. Dawson.  "Mound Bayou" in Our Heritage vol.1, no. 3 (Winter, 1995).  Call Number:  F349 M6 D39 1995.

Harriet DeCell and JoAnne Prichard.  Yazoo:  Its Legends and Legacies (Yazoo City, MS:  Yazoo Delta Press, 1976).  Call Number:  F347 Y2 D4.

Harris Dickson.  The Romance and Reality of Vicksburg, a Story-Telling Ramble with Harris Dickson.  Call Number:  E475.2 H3.

Sherry Mills Donald.  "A History of Sunflower County, Mississippi" (M.Lib.Sci. essay; University of Mississippi, 1968).  Call Number:  Lib.Sc. Essay D6635.

Zhengkai Dong.  "From Postbellum Plantation to Modern Agribusiness:  A History of the Delta and Pine Land Company" (Ph.D. dissertation; Purdue University; 1993).  Call Number:  HD9079 D44 D65 1993a.

Cliff Dorfman.  Leland Rotary Club History, 1923-1955 (Leland, MS:  1955).  Call Number:  HF5001 L4.

Mildred E. Nero Drinkard.  Contributions of Blacks in Building Vicksburg, Mississippi and Its Environmental Systems, 1820-1989:  A Resource Planning Guide (Vicksburg, MS:  City Planning Dept., [1989]).  Call Number:  F349 V6 D7 1989.

Durant Centennial:  Celebrating 100 Years of Progress, "From Wagons to Diesels": A Presentation to the Citizens of Durant, Mississippi (1958).  Call Number:  F349 D87 D8.

J. Daniel Edwards.  "Antebellum Holmes County, Mississippi:  A History" (M.A. Thesis; Mississippi State University, 1992).  Call Number:  F347 H6 E38 1992a.

Robert Miller Ellard.  "A History of Clarksdale, Mississippi, Public Schools from 1905 to 1975" (Ed.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi, 1977). 

W.S. Eskridge.  Eskridge's Early History of Tallahatchie County, Mississippi (Carrollton, MS:  Pioneer Pub. Co., [199-]).  Articles reprinted from the Tallahatchie Herald in 1904 and 1905.  Call Number:  F347 T3 E75 1990z.

Frank E. Everett.  History of the First Presbyterian Church Vicksburg, Mississippi in the Nineteenth Century (1980).  Call Number:  BX9211 V54 F57 1980.

Frank E. Everett.  Vicksburg Lawyers Prior to the Civil War (1965).  Call Number:  E339 E94.

Grace G. Everman.  History of St. James' Church, Greenville, Mississippi, 1869-1946 (Greenville, MS:  Office Supply Co., 1946).  Call Number:  BX5917 M7 G73.

Sammy Lee Felton.  "Transactional and Transformational Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1995).  Mid-Delta Mississippi school districts.

William R. Ferris.  Black Folklore from the Mississippi Delta (Thesis; Univesity of Pennsylvania; 1969).  Call Number:  GR110 M7 F4.

William R. Ferris.  Rose Hill Church:  Her People and Their Religion (198-).  African American church in Vicksburg, Mississippi.  Call Number:  BX6480 V53 F47 1980z.

The First Hundred Years, 1869-1969:  The Church of the Holy Trinity, Episcopal, Vicksburg, Mississippi (Vicksburg, MS:  1969).  Call Number:  BX5980 V53 F57 1969.

Douglas Barcroft Floyd.  "A Comparison of Pupil Achievement in a Team Teaching Program and a Traditional Program in the Lower Elementary School Grades in Indianola, Mississippi" (Thesis; Mississippi State University; 1974).  Call Number:  LB1027 F6.

Maude Mize Franklin.  "The Story behind Vicksburg" (M.Lib.Sc. essay; University of Mississippi; 1963).  Call Number:  Lib.Sc. Essay F8332.

Roland L. Freeman.  The Mule Train:  A Journey of Hope Remembered (Nashville, TN:  Rutledge Hill Press, 1998).  Civil rights in Marks, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F349 M29 F74 1998.

West Freeman.  The Majesty of the Mississippi Delta (Gretna, LA:  Pelican Pub., 2002).  Architecture photography.  Call Number:  NA730 M72 D454 2002.

James Smith Ferguson.  "A History of Music in Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1820-1900" (Thesis; University of Michigan; 1970).  Call Number:  ML197.8 V5 F4.

Delma Furniss.  Rena Lara Baptist Church:  Rena Lara, Mississippi; a History (Rena Lara, MS:  Furniss Publishing, 1996).  Call Number:  BX6480 R46 J87 1996.

William Y. Gadbury.  Abortive Treatment of Pneumonia by W.Y. Gadbury, M.D., of Yazoo City, Mississippi.  Read before the State Medical Association of Mississippi.  Call Number:  RC771 G3.

Gerald E. Galloway Jr.  "Ex Post Evaluation of Regional Water Resources Development:  The Case of the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 1979).  Call Number:  HD1694 M7 G3.

Willard B. Gatewood Jr.  Theodore Roosevelt and the Art of Controversy:  Episodes of the White House Years (Baton Rouge:  Louisiana State University Press, [1970]).  Includes chapter on closing of Indianola, Mississippi post office when whites intimidated the black postmistress.  Call Number:  E757 G37 1970.

William F. Gay.  Imperial Bolivar (Cleveland, MS:  1923).  Bolivar County Mississippi history.  Call Number:  F347 B6 G7.

Reecie Gillespie Gee.  History of Middleton, Carroll County, Mississippi (Winona, MS:  Lowry Print Co., 1916).  Call Number:  F349 M533 G4.

Reecie Gillespie Gee.  Marriage Records in Carroll County Courthouse, Carrollton, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F340 G4.

Sylvia Reedy Gist.  "Educating a Southern Rural Community:  The Case of Blacks in Holmes County, Mississippi, 1870 to Present" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Chicago, 1994).  Call Number:  LC2802 M7 G58 1995.

Elizabeth Ann McMillan Green.  "A Study of the Development of Elementary Education in Bolivar County, Mississippi, 1838 -- June 1970" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Southern Mississippi, 1972).  Call Number:  LB1561 M7 G74.

Pamela Lea Grillis.  Vicksburg and Warren County:  A History of a People and Place (Vicksburg, MS:  Dancing Rabbit Books, 1992).  Call Number:  F347 W29 G75 1992.

Valerie Grim.  "Black Farm Famlies in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta:  A Study of the Brooks Farm Community, 1920-1970" (Ph.D. dissertation; Iowa State University, 1990).  Call Number:  F349 D7 G73 1990a.

Charles R. Gunn, et al.  Vascular Flora of Washington County, Mississippi and Environs (New Orleans: 1980).  Call Number:  QK169 V37.

Jack Winton Gunn.  A Pictorial History of Delta State University (Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, [1980]).  Call Number:  LD1492 D4 G86.

Russell S. Hall.  Washington County, Mississippi (Charleston, SC:  Arcadia, 2000).  Pictorial history.  Call Number:  F347 W35 H35 2000.

Françoise N. Hamlin.  Crossroads at Clarksdale:  The Black Freedom Struggle in the Mississippi Delta after World War II (Chapel Hill:  University of North Carolina Press, 2012).  Call Number:  F349 C6 H36 2012.

Howard A. Hanlon.  Delta Harvest:  An Authentic Story of a Hardwood Harvest Interwoven with Intriguing Romance (Watkins Glen, NY:  Watkins Review, 1966).  Lumber industry.  Call Number:  SD144 A15 H3.

Virginia Calohan Harrell.  Vicksburg and the River (Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1982).  Call Number:  F349 V6 H35 1982.

J. William Harris.  Deep Souths:  Delta, Piedmont, and Sea Island Society in the Age of Segregation (Baltimore, MD:  Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001).  Call Number:  F215 H29 2001.

Rose Varnado Hart.  "The Differential Effects of Counselors Trained in Facilitative Communication on the Self-Concepts, Problems and Level of Verbal Interaction of Mississippi Delta Concentrated Employment Program Trainees" (Thesis; Mississippi State University; 1978).  Call Number:  BF637 C6 H329.

Merrill Morris Hawkins.  "A Study of Arithmetic Performance, Reading Levels, and Teachers' Scores for Fifth and Sixth Grade Pupils in the Vicksburg Public Schools in 1885 and 1959" (Ed.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1960).

Sterling John Helwick.  "Prediction of the Geotechnical Properties of Late Quaternary Mississippi Delta Deposits" (Thesis; Texas A&M University, 1980).  Call Number:  QE471.2 H44.

Marie H. Hemphill.  Fevers, Floods, and Faith:  A History of Sunflower County, Mississippi, 1844-1976 (Indianola, MS:  1980).  Call Number:  F347 S9 H4.

Janet Sharp Hermann.  The Pursuit of a Dream (New York:  Oxford University Press, 1981).  Former slaves of Davis Bend plantation and formation of Mound Bayou, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F349 D38 H47.

Julius Herscovici.  Bernhard Henry Gotthelf:  The First Reform Rabbi of Vicksburg, Mississippi (Vicksburg, MS: 2001).  Call Number:  BM755 G69 H47 2001.

Louise Aldridge Hester.  An Unfinished Experiment:  A History of the Benoit Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian Churches (Birmingham, AL:  Birmingham Pub. Co., 1980).  Call Number:  BX6480 B4 B4 1980.

Eugene W. Hilgard.  A New Development in the Mississippi Delta (1912).  Geology.  Benoit, Mississippi.  Call Number:  QE130 H5.

Eugene W. Hilgard.  On the Geology of the Delta, and the Mudlumps of the Passes of the Mississippi [New Haven:  1871].  Reprint from American Journal of Science and Arts.  Call Number:  QE129 H54.

Eugene W. Hilgard.  Report on the Geological Age of the Mississippi Delta (Washington, DC:  Government Printing Office, 1870).  Call Number:  QE117 H6 1870.

Bruce Hilton.  The Delta Ministry ([New York]:  Macmillan, [1969]).  Christian civil rights organization.  Call Number:  F347 D3 H5.

John Hough and Ann Gladys Hough.  Indianola Rotary Club History (Indianola, MS:  1958).  Call Number:  HF5001 R82 I53 1958.

H.R. Howard.  The History of Virgil A. Stewart and His Adventure in Capturing and Exposing the Great "Western Land Pirate" and His Gang, in Connection with the Evidence:  Also of the Trials, Confessions, and Execution of a Number of Murrell's Associates in the State of Mississippi during the Summer of 1835, and the Execution of Five Professional Gamblers by the Citizens of Vicksburg, on the 6th July 1835 (Spartanburg, SC:  Reprint Co., 1976).  Reprint of 1836 edition.  Call Number:  F341 H696 1836a.

Leon Howell.  Freedom City:  The Substance of Things Hoped For (Richmond:  John Knox Press, [1969].  An agricultural commune near Greenville, Mississippi started in 1966.  Call Number:  E185.93 M6 H6.

Emily Barksdale Humphrey.  An Informal History of St. Clement's Episcopal Church, Vaiden, Mississippi, 1876-1976.  Call Number:  BX590 V35 S3.

Secondary Source Publications I-Z

Indianola (Miss.).  First Baptist Church.  The Centennial Observance of the First Baptist Church; the Highlights of One Hundred Years of Progress (Indianola, MS:  1973).  Call Number:  BX6480 I53 I53 1973.

Institute of Cultural Affairs.  Delta Pace Human Development Project:  Consultation Summary Statement ([Jackson, MS]:  1977).  City planning for Pace, Mississippi.  Call Number:  HN80 P325 D4397 1977.

Timothy T. Isbell.  Vicksburg:  Sentinels of Stone (Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 2006).  Monuments in Vicksburg National Military Park.  Call Number:  E475.27 I83 2006 OVRS.

Michael Lawrence Israel.  "The Butterflies and Skipper of the Tunica Hills of Southeastern Louisiana and Southwestern Mississippi" (Ph.D. dissertation; Louisiana State University, 1981).  Call Number:  QL551 M7 I7.

Pam McPhail Ivy.  Our Heritage, DeSoto County, Mississippi (Memphis, TN:  F. Myers, [1980]).  Call Number:  F347 D4 N6 1980.

David H. Jackson Jr.  A Chief Lieutenant of the Tuskegee Machine:  Charles Banks of Mississippi (Gainesville:  University Press of Florida, 2002).  Mound Bayou, Mississippi.  Call Number:  E185.97 B216 J33 2002.

Massena F. Jones.  The Choo-Choo Stopped at Vaughan:  A Vivid and Accurate Account of Casey Jones' Fatal Train Crash at Vaughan, Mississippi (Brandon, MS:  Quail Ridge Press, 1979).  Call Number:  HE2754 J65 J65.

Anna Alice Kamper.  "A Social and Economic History of Ante-Bellum Bolivar County, Mississippi" (M.A. Thesis; University of Alabama; 1942).  Call Number:  F347 B64 K3.

Bern Keating.  A History of Washington County, Mississippi (Greenville, MS:  Greenville Junior Auxiliary, 1976).  Call Number:  F347 W35 K4277.

Arthell Kelley.  Some Aspects of the Geography of the Yazoo Basin, Mississippi (Lincoln:  University of Nebraska, 1954).  Call Number:  F347 Y3 K4.

Hilliard L. Lackey.  Marks, Martin, and the Mule Train (Jackson, MS:  Town Square Books, 1998).  Poor People's campaign in Marks, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F349 M29 L32 1998.

Curt Lamar, ed.  History of Rosedale, Mississippi, 1876-1976 (Spartanburg, SC:  Rosedale Bicentennial Committee, 1976).  Call Number:  F349 R67 H57.

Marion Logan Laster.  "Predator Populations in Cotton in the Delta Area of Mississippi" (Thesis; Mississippi State University; 1978).  Call Number:  SB608 C8 L3.

Chana Kai Lee.  For Freedom's Sake:  The Life of Fannie Lou Hamer (Urbana:  University of Illinois Press, 1999).  Call Number:  E185.97 H35 L44 1999.

Leflore County, Mississippi Centennial, 1871-1971 (Greenwood, MS:  1971).  Call Number:  F347 L47 L4.

Carl Edwin Lindgren.  "Panola Education:  A Historical Interpretation of the Educational Factors between 1836 and the Present which Led to the Formation and Growth of the South Panola Consolidated School System" (College of Preceptors, Essex England; 1993).  Call Number:  LA314 P3 L5 1993 OVRS.

C.E. Lindgren.  Panola Remembers:  Education in a Southern Community (Kearney, NE:  Morris Publishing, 1994).  Panola County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  LA314 Pe L52 1994.

Ronald Love.  "Community in Transition:  A Study of Mound Bayou, Mississippi" (Ph.D. dissertation; Boston University, 1982).  Call Number:  F349 M6 L6.

Sarah Wofford Love.  A Cloud of Witnesses:  A History of the Drew United Methodist Women, 1901-1984 (Drew, MS:  Drew United Methodist Church, 1984).  Call Number:  BX8481 D7 L6 1984.

Kelsey M. Lowe.  "Using Interdisciplineary Techniques for Investigating Paleochannel Sequences at the Parchman Place Mounts in the Yazoo Basin of Northwest Mississippi" (M.A. Thesis; University of Mississippi; 2005). 

Thomas A. Lyson and William W. Falk, eds.  Forgotten Places:  Uneven Development in Rural America (Lawrence:  University Press of Kansas, 1993).  Includes chapter "The Mississippi Delta:  Change or Continued Trouble."  Call Number:  HC110 P6 F67 1993.

Magnolia Garden Club.  Lexington, Mississippi:  Holmes County, 1833-1976 (Florence, MS:  Messenger Press, 1976).  Call Number:  F349 L49 L49.

C. Peter Magrath.  Yazoo:  Law and Politics in the New Republic:  The Case of Fletcher v. Peck (Providence, RI:  Brown University Press, 1966).  New England Mississippi Land Company.  Call Number:  F341 M34.

Harry D. Marsh.  Hodding Carter's Newspaper on School Desegregation, 1954-1955 (Columbia, SC:  Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 1985).  Greenville, Mississippi.  Call Number:  PN4722 J6 no. 92.

C.K. Marshall.  In Memoriam, Thomas J. Harper, M.D.:  Departed This Life January 18, 1886, in the Eighty-Fifth Year of His Age (Vicksburg, MS:  Southern Methodist Pub. House, 1886).  Vicksburg, Mississippi physician.  Call Number:  CT9550 H37 M3.

William D. McCain.  Theodore G. Bilbo and the Mississippi Delta:  An Address Delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Historical Society, Cleveland, Mississippi, March 9, 1968.  Call Number:  E748 B5 M3.

Mary George McCarty.  "A History of Leflore County, Mississippi" (M.Lib.Sc. essay; University of Mississippi; 1966).  Call Number:  Lib.Sc. Essay M1235.

John Louis McCoy.  "Factors Influencing Vertical Mobility and Achieved Level of Living in Mississippi Delta County" (Ph.D. dissertation; American University; 1973).  Call Number:  HC107 M7 M33.

Eunice R. McCulloch.  Ethnic Patterns of Adaptation to Aging:  Social, Psychological, and Health Dimensions:  A Comparison of Choctaw Indians, Delta Blacks, and Appalachian Whites (Mississippi State University, Social Science Research Center, 1988).  Call Number:  HQ1064 U5 M42 1988.

Sidney Jean McKay.  "Secondary One-Grade Schools in Mississippi:  A Study of the Effect of Alexaner et al. v. Holmes County Board of Euducation et al (1969) on Instrumental Music" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Southern Mississippi, 1975).  Call Number:  LB2822 M33.

Laura Lynn McKnight.  "Lessons in Freedom:  Race, Education, and Progress in a Mississippi Delta Community Since 1965" (M.A. thesis; University of Mississippi; 1996).

Virginia McKnight.  Historic Vicksburg:  The Red Carpet City of the South (Vicksburg, MS:  Office Supply Co., [1965]).  Call Number:  F349 V6 H57 1965.

Keith Somerville Dockery McLean.  Wanderer from the Delta (K.S.D. McLean, 2002).  Dockery Plantation in Mississippi Delta.  Call Number:  CT275 M465375 A3 2002.

Gayden Metcalfe and Charlotte Hays.  Being Dead Is No Excuse:  The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral (New York:  Miramax Books, 2005).  Funeral rites and ceremonies in Mississippi Delta.  Call Number:  GT3206 M48 2005.

Gary B. Mills.  Of Men & Rivers:  The Story of the Vicksburg District (Vicksburg, MS:  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978).  Call Number:  UG23 M54 1978.

Mississippi.  Department of Archives and History.  Register of the Columbus and Greenville Railway Company Records (Jackson, MS:  1988).  Call Number:  HE2791 C88 R4 1988.

Doyce Stallings Mitchell.  "The Over-All Development of the Central Delta Region of Mississippi from Pre-Civil War Days to the Present Time" (M.Lib.Sc. Essay; University of Mississippi; 1965).  Call Number:  Lib. Sc. Essay M6814.

Clarence B. Moore.  Certain Mounds of Arkansas and of Mississippi.  Part I.  Mounds and Cemeteries of the Lower Arkansas River.  Part II.  Mounds of the Lower Yazoo and Lower Sunflowr Rivers, Mississippi.  Part III.  The Blum Mounds, Mississippi (Philadelphia:  P.C. Stockhausen Printer, 1908).  Call Number:  E74 A7 M8.

Christopher Morris.  Becoming Southern:  The Evolution of a Way of Life, Warren County and Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1770-1860 (New York:  Oxford University Press, 1995).  Call Number:  F347 W29 M67 1995.

Christopher Morris. "Town and Country in the Old South:  Vicksburg and Warren County, Mississippi, 1770-1860" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Florida, 1991).  Call Number:  F349 V6 M67 1991a.

Willie Morris.  Yazoo:  Integration in a Deep-Southern Town (New York:  Harper's Magazine Press, [1971]).  Call Number:  LA315 Y39 M6 1971.

J. Todd Moye.  Let the People Decide:  Black Freedom and White Resistance Movements in Sunflower County, Mississippi, 1945-1986 (Chapel Hill:  University of North Carolina Press, 2004).  Call Number:  F347 S9 M695 2004.

Joseph Todd Moye.  "'Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired':  Social Origins and Consequences of the Black Freedom Struggle in Sunflower County, Mississippi, 1945-1986" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Texas at Austin, 1999).  Call Number:  F347 S9 M69 1999a.

Michael J. Mulvihill.  Vicksburg and Warren County, Mississippi, Tunica Indians, Quebec Missionaries, Civil War Veterans (Vicksburg, MS:  Van Norman Printing Co., 1931).  Call Number:  E475.27 M96.

Mark Newman.  Divine Agitators:  The Delta Ministry and Civil Rights in Mississippi (Athens:  University of Georgia Press, 2004).  Call Number:  E185.93 M6 N49 2004.

Thomas Vaughan Noland.  Old Warren County Courthouse (Vicksburg, MS:  1949).  Call Number:  F347 W3 N6.

Teresa Loggins Oden, ed.  Military Annals of Leflore County, Mississippi, Battery C, 140th Field Artillery, World War I (Greenwood, MS:  Baff Print. Corp., 1969).  Call Number:  D570.32 140th L6.

J. Cyril O'Neill.  Early Twentieth Century Vicksburg, 1900-1910 (Vicksburg, MS:  Warren County Historical Society, 1976).  Call Number:  F349 V6 O54 1976.

Michael Orey.  Assuming the Risk:  The Mavericks, the Lawyers, and the Whistle-Blowers Who Beat Big Tobacco (Boston:  Little, Brown and Co., 1999).  Product liability suit in Holmes County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  KF228 H666 O74 1999.

David M. Oshinsky.  Worse than Slavery:  Parchman Farm and the Ordeal of Jim Crow Justice (New York:  Free Press, 1996).  Mississippi State Penitentiary in Parchman, Mississippi.  Call Number:  HV9475 M72 M576 1996.

Harry P. Owens.  An Assessment of Historic Period Cultural Resources along the Yazoo River between River Miles 75.6 and 273.0, Including Tchula Lake and Honey Island, Mississippi (University, MS:  Center for Archaeological Research, 1979).  Call Number:  F347 Y3 O94x.

Harry P. Owens.  Steamboats and the Cotton Economy:  River Trade in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta (Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1990).  Call Number:  HE566 P3 O84 1990.

Panola County Genealogical and Historical Society.  History of Panola County, Mississippi (Dallas, TX:  Curtis Media Corporation, 1987).  Call Number:  F347 P2 H57 1987 OVRS.

Panola Story (Batesville, MS:  Historical and Genealogical Society of Panola).  Special Collections has scattered issues from 1972 to 2002.  Call Number:  F347 P2 P36.

Charles M. Payne.  I've Got the Light of Freedom:  The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle (Berkely:  University of California Press, 1995).  Greenwood, Mississippi.  Call Number:  E185.93 M6 P39 1995.

Charles Peabody.  Exploration of Mounds, Coahoma County, Mississippi (Cambridge, MA:  Museum, 1904).  Call Number:  E51 H337 v.3, no. 2

Margaret Grafton Peaster.  History of Tchula [Mississippi] 1830-1954:  Including Census Records of Tchula, Beat, Holmes County, Mississippi, 19850-1860-1870-1880 (Tchula Business & Professional Women's Club, 1954).  Call Number:  F349 T2 P45 1954.

James M. Perrin, comp.  Reverend Newit Vick, Founder of Vicksburg, Mississippi:  His Ancestry, Relatives, and Descendants (Hammond, LA:  1990).  Call Number:  CS71 V635 1990.

Sandra Perry.  In His Presence for Over 150 Years:  First United Methodist Church, Greenwood, Mississippi (Greenwood, MS:  1996).  Call Number:  BX8249 G7343 P47 1996.

Gertrude Philippsoborn.  The History of the Jewish Community of Vicksburg from 1820 to 1968 (Vicksburg, MS:  1969).  Call Number:  F349 V6 P3.

Philip Phillips.  Archaeological Survey in the Lower Yazoo Basin, Mississippi, 1949-1955 (Cambridge, MA:  Peabody Museum, 1970).  Two volumes. Call Number:  E51 H337 v.60

A Pictorial History of Leflore County, Mississippi Presented by the Greenwood Commonwealth (Marceline, MO:  Heritage House Publishing, 1997).  Call Number:  F347 L47 P53 1997.

Mrs. W.G. Poindexter.  Sheppardtown, Now Morgan City, Leflore County, Mississippi (1953).  Call Number:  F349 M57 P65 1953.

Presbyterian Church in the U.S.  Church Histories.  Includes "First Presbyterian Church, Cleveland" and "Marks Presbyterian Church."  Call Number:  BX8947 M7.

James Earl Price.  President Theodore Roosevelt and the Great Smedes, Sharkey County, Mississippi Bear Hunt (2009).  Call Number:  E757 P75 2009.

Mildred Golden Pryor.  "Unemployment and Labor Force Nonparticipation in Coahoma County, Mississippi" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1971).

Reconstruction in Northern Counties of Mississippi (University of Mississippi, Department of History).  Includes papers on Leflore, DeSoto, Panola, and Carroll counties.   Call Number:  F341 R42 OVRS.

Thomas Leroy Richey.  "A Study of Attitude Changes of Teachers in Quitman County, Mississippi Consolidated School District as a Result of an In-Service Education Project" (Thesis; Mississippi State University, 1971).  Call Number:  LB3062 R52.

Charles Riles.  Anshe Chesed:  Vicksburg's Jewish Cemetery (Vicksburg, MS:  2001).  Call Number:  F349 V6 R49 2001.

J.A. Riley.  Climate of the Delta Areas of Mississippi (State College:  Mississippi State University, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1960).  Call Number:  S79 E3 no. 605.

Fred Dixon Roberston Jr.  "Impact of Hinds Junior College District upon the Economy of Hinds, Rankin, and Warren Counties" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi, 1987). 

John A. Robertson.  Early History of the Town of Ruleville, Mississippi, in the Heart of the Mississippi Delta (Parchman, MS:  Magnolia State Enterprise, 1993).  Call Number:  F349 R8 R6 1993.

John A. Robertson and Tom W. Conger Jr.  Early History of the Town of Ruleville, Mississippi, in the Heart of the Mississippi Delta ([Ruleville, MS:  1965]).  Includes supplement on Lehrton, Mississippi 1950-1900.  Call Number:  F349 R8 R6.

John A. Robertson.  A Golden Treasure:  Letters from the Former Pastors, 1919-1971, Being a Special Historical Feature, And Also Containing a Brief History of the Ruleville Baptist Church, Ruleville, Mississippi, 1902-1971 (Ruleville, MS:  1972).  Call Number:  BX6480 R8 R6.

Dunbar Rowland, ed.  A Symposium on the Place of Discovery of the Mississippi River (Jackson, MS:  Mississippi Historical Society, 1927).  Tunica County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  E125 S7 R84.

Mikko Saikku.  This Delta, This Land:  An Environmental History of the Yazoo-Mississippi Floodplain (Athens:  University of Georgia Press, 2005).  Call Number:  GE155 M57 S35 2005.

Louis R. Saillard.  Delta Route:  A History of the Columbus & Greenville Railway ([Columbus, MS]:  1981).  Call Number:  TF25 C64 S24 1981.

Richard Schweid. Catfish and the Delta:  Confederate Fish Farming in the Mississippi Delta (Berkeley, CA:  Ten Speed Press, 1992).  Call Number:  SH167 C35 S39 1992.

Mildred M. Scott.  19th Century Hernando (Hernando, MS:  Genealogical Society of DeSoto County, [199-]).  Call Number:  F349 H4 S2.

Mildred M. Scott.  Arkabutla, Mississippi:  The Place and Its People:  DeSoto County, 1836-1872, Tate County, 1872-1994 (Hernando, MS:  Genealogical Society of DeSoto County, 1994).  Call Number:  F349 A75 S36 1994.

Semple Braddus College, Centre Hill, De Soto County, Miss.  Origin, History and Organization of Semple Broaddus College or University of De Soto, Centre Hill, De Soto County, Mississippi (Memphis:  Memphis Eagle and Enquirer Cheap Steam Presses, 1857).  Call Number:  LD7501 C35 S40.

Florence Warfield Sillers.  History of Bolivar County, Mississippi (Jackson, MS:  Hederman Bros., [1948]).  Call Number:  F347 B6 S5.

Nannette Shipp Sissell.  "A Comparison of the Libraries of Panola County, Mississippi, with that of Whitehaven, Tennessee" (M.Lib.Sc. Essay; University of Mississippi; 1962).  Call Number:  Lib.Sc.Essay S623.

Frank E. Smith.  The Yazoo River (New York:  Rinehart, [1954]).  Call Number:  F347 Y3 S6 1954.

Gerald J. Smith.  Don't Bring Trouble to My County:  The Story of Sheriff Paul Barrett (Vicksburg, MS:  Office Supply Company, 1992).  Warren County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  HV911 B37 S65 1992.

Herman W. Solomon.  Early History of the Hebrew Union Congregation of Greenville, Mississippi (Greenville, MS:  1972).  Call Number:  BM225 G65 S6.

Herman W. Solomon.  The History of the First National Bank of Greenville (Carter Printing Co., 1975).  Greenville, Mississippi.  Call Number:  HF2613 G74 F57.

Silvio J. Spigolon.  Study of an Experimental Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement:  Interstate 55, Desoto County, Mississippi (University, MS:  Engineering Experiment Station, 1965).  Call Number:  TE24 M7 S65x.

E. Christa Stern.  "An Analysis of a Rural Community Health Service Project:  Factors Which Affected the Development and Decline of the Tufts-Delta Project in Mound Bayou, Mississippi, a Descriptive Case Study" (Ph.D. dissertation; Tulane University; 1975).  Call Number:  RA425 S69.

Charles L. Sullivan.  In Memory of McRaven:  The Haunting (Vicksburg, MS:  McRaven Trust Foundation, 1989).  Historic house in Vicksburg, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F349 V6 S94 1989.

Santa Tackett.  "Some Mississippi Negro Oddities" (M.A. Thesis; George Peabody College for Teachers, 1930).  Holmes County, Mississippi folklore.  Call Number:  F347 H6 T33 1930a.

Amy Lipe Taylor.  The Delta Branch Experiment Station:  100 Years of Agricultural Research (Mississippi State University, 2004).  Call Number:  S541.5 M52 M57 2004.

William Banks Taylor.  Down on Parchman Farm:  The Great Prison in the Mississippi Delta (Columbus:  Ohio State University Press, 1999).  Call Number:  HV9475 M7 T394 1999.

Tchula Business & Professional Women's Club.  History of Tchula [Mississippi] 1830-1954:  Including Census Records of Tchula, Beat, Holmes County, Mississippi, 1950-1860-1870-1880 [1954].  Call Number:  F349 T2 P45 1954.

Technical Report (Jackson:  Mississippi Department of Archives and History, 1971).  Archaeological excavations at the Boyd site in Tunica County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  E78 M73 M6.

William Bert Thompson.  "A History of the Greenville, Mississippi Public Schools under the Administration of E.E. Bass, 184-1932" (Ed.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1968). 

Robert M. Thorne.  Cultural Resources Survey, Item I, Upper Yazoo Projects, Yazoo River, Mississippi, between SRM 75/6 and 107.8 (University, MS:  Center for Archaeological Research, 1977).  Call Number:  F347 Y3 T36x.

Robert M. Thorne.  Cultural Resources Survey of Items 3 and 4, Upper Yazoo River Projects, Mississippi, with a Paleoenvironmental Model of the Lower Yazoo Basin (University, MS:  Center for Archaeological Research, 1983).  Call Number:  F347 Y3 T365.

Drukell Brian Trahan.  Ironstone and Associated Strata of Peters Creek Watershed, Panola County, Mississippi (University, MS:  Mississippi Mineral Resources Institute, 1981).  Call Number:  TN403 M7 T73.

Dorothy Love Turk.  Leland, Mississippi:  From Hellhole to Beauty Spot (Leland, MS:  Leland Historical Foundation, 1986).  Call Number:  F349 L45 T87 1986 OVRS.

University of Mississippi.  Center for Archaeological Research.  Cultural Resources Survey, Item II, Upper Yazoo Projects, Yazoo River, Mississippi, between SRM 107.268 and 131.5 (University, MS:  1979).  Call Number:  F347 Y3 C46 1979.

Thomas Adams Upchurch.  A White Minority in Post Civil-Rights Mississippi (Lanham, MD:  Hamilton Books, 2005).  School integration in Durant, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F345.3 U73 A3 2005.

Vaiden Garden Club.  Vaiden Heritage (Florence, MS:  Messenger Press, 1976).  Call Number:  F349 V336 V336 OVRS.

Veronica Audrey Vitelli.  "An Economic Appraisal of Alternative Proposals for Alleviating Poverty in the Rural Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Area" (Ph.D. dissertation; Mississippi State University; 1971).  Call Number:  HC107 M7 V5.

Denise Von Herrmann, ed.  Resorting to Casinos:  The Mississippi Gambling Industry (Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 2006).  Includes chapter on "Racial Politics of Casino Gambling in the Delta:  The Case of Tunica County."  Call Number:  HV6711 R47 2006.

Christopher Waldrep.  Black Access to Law in Reconstruction:  The Case of Warren County, Mississippi [Reprint from Chicago-Kent Law Review (1994)].  Call Number:  KF4757 W35 1994.

Christopher Waldrep.  Substituting Law for the Lash:  Emancipation and Legal Formalism in a Mississippi County Court [Reprint from Journal of American History (March 1966)].  Warren County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  E185.61 W14 1996.

Mary K. Ward and Frank Smith.  A Short History of Sidon, Mississippi (Greenwood, MS:  1937).  Call Number:  F349 S536 W37 1937.

Warren County Historical Society.  Early Twentieth Century Vicksburg, 1900-1910 (Vicksburg, MS:  1976).  Call Number:  F349 V6 O54 1976.

Linton Weeks.  Clarksdale & Coahoma County:  A History (Clarksdale, MS:  Carnegie Public Library, 1982).  Call Number:  F349 C6 W4 OVRS.

Linton Weeks.  Cleveland:  A Centennial History, 1886-1986 (Cleveland, MS:  City of Cleveland, 1985).  Call Number:  F349 C64 W44 1985 OVRS.

Milton R. White.  Life and Racial Conditions in the Delta [1937].  Call Number:  F347 D38 W45 1937.

Stephen J. Whitfield.  A Death in the Delta:  The Story of Emmett Till (New York:  Free Press, 1988).  Call Number:  E185.61 W63 1988.

James Levon Williams.  "Civil War and Reconstruction in the Yazoo Mississippi Delta, 1863-1875" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Arizona; 1992).  Call Number:  F347 D3 W54 1992a.

Williams Landing Sesquicentennial Inc.  In Celebration:  Williams Landing, Carroll County, Sesquicentennial (Williams Landing:  1983).  Call Number:  F349 G82 I5 1983 OVRS.

John C. Willis.  Forgotten Time:  The Yazoo-Mississippi Delta after the Civil War (Charlottesville:  University press of Virginia, 2000).  Call Number:  F347 M6 W55 2000.

John C. Willis.  "On the New South Frontier:  Life in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta, 1865-1920" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Virginia, 1991).  Call Number:  F347 D38 W54 1991a.

Elizabeth Anne Wilson.  Promised Land or Sandy Bayou:  A Compendium of Early History of the Town of Drew and Its Immediate Vicinity (Greenville, MS:  Burford Brothers Printing, 1976).  Call Number:  F349 D7 W54.

Myra Jo Wilson.  "The Delta State College Library" (Library Science Essay; University of Mississippi; 1961).  Call Number:  Lib. Sc. Essay W7512.

Frederick M. Wirt.  Politics of Southern Equality:  Law and Social Change in a Mississippi County (Chicago:  Aldine Pub. Co., 1971).  Panola County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  JC599 U52 M638.

Frederick M. Wirt.  We Ain't What We Was:  Civil Rights in the New South (Durham, NC:  Duke University Press, 1997).  Panola County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  JC599 U52 M6378 1997.

Nan Elizabeth Woodruff.  American Congo:  The African American Freedom Struggle in the Delta (Cambridge, MA:  Harvard University Press, 2003).  Call Number:  F347 M6 W667 2003.

Clyde Adrian Woods.  "Development Arrested:  The Delta Blues, the Delta Council, and the Lower Mississippi Delta Commission" (Ph.D. dissertation; University of California, Los Angeles; 1993).  Regional planning.  Call Number:  HT393 M733 W66 1995.

Noel Workman.  75 Years in Leland ([Leland, MS]:  Bank of Leland, 1974).  Banking in Leland, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F349 L45 W67 1974.

Noel Workman.  Staplcotn, the First 75 Years (Mississippi:  Staplcotn, 1996).  Cotton trading in Mississippi Delta.  Call Number:  HD9077 M7 W67 1996.

Ruth J. Yarber.  "School Libraries in Quitman County, Mississippi:  An Evaluation Survey" (M.Lib.Sc. Essay; University of Mississippi; 1959).  Call Number:  Lib.Sc.Essay Y26.

Yazoo Historical Association.  Yazoo County Story:  A Pictorial History of Yazoo County, Mississippi, Covering Both the Old and the New (Fort Worth, TX:  University Supply and Equipment Co., 1958).  Call Number:  F347 Y2 Y3.

Karl Arthur Zinsmeister.  "Partnership as a Means to Strengthen Elementary General Music Programs in Mississippi Delta Schools" (D.A. Thesis; University of Mississippi, 2003).