Electrical Engineering

Further Information

My colleague Savannah Kelly developed a Zotero guide that walks you through the steps for setting up your Zotero account and syncing it with a Zotero client on your computer.

Access Zotero guide

Important Features

  • Automatically import research materials into Zotero via a browser plugin (this includes the article PDF if you have access)
  • Access to all of your research from any device if you sync with your online accounts (Zotero storage or Box)
  • Ability to collaborate with a research team via Zotero groups
  • Ability to add custom tags to items in order to organize beyond just folders

Introduction to Zotero

What is Zotero? 

Zotero is a robust citation management system that is freely-available online (www.zotero.org). This resource is not affiliated with the University of Mississippi Libraries (UML) but this product is used by many in our university community and this research guide was created to help both current and future UM-affiliated Zotero users.

If this guide does not address your questions or if you need additional assistance, you can contact Harley Rogers (hrogers@olemiss.edu) or Savannah Kelly (slkelly@olemiss.edu) at the University of Mississippi Libraries. 

Zotero Library Screenshot