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All of Us (NIH)


Computation Costs

While the All of Us data is free to use, there are charges incurred for the use of the cloud computing environments in the All of Us Researcher Workbench. Three factors influence how much you will be charged: 

  1. The amount of data you pull in from All of Us, and the amount of storage required for that data
  2. The resources associated with your choice of virtual machine
  3. The amount of time you spend running the virtual machine, and the amount of time you store your data


You can estimate your data costs using this basic formula: 


Costs = Data + (Compute Resources * Time) + (Storage * Time)

Timethe amount of time measured in minute increments

Read more about cloud computing and computation costs on the All of Us user support website:

Computation Credits

Computational Credits

Currently, new users receive 300 free credits for the Researcher Workbench. Once you have used your free credits, see the links below for guidance on setting up a billing account. If your research is NIH-funded, consider applying for funding through the STRIDES Initiative (linked below) to cover additional computational costs. 

Reducing Costs

Optimizing Cost and Compute Time

All of Us has provided a great deal of guidance on using the Researcher Workbench efficiently in order to optimize compute time and reduce costs. Check out the articles below for more information: 

Example Costs

Estimated Costs for Sample Projects

Sample costs for featured workspaces

Estimated costs for sample workspaces