Frank Andrew Anderson. Dr. Frank Abel Anderson: Life in Pictures (Apple iPhoto Books, 2012). University of Mississippi School of Engineering faculty member. Call Number: LD3412.8 A53 2012.
Charles A. Camillo and Matthew T. Pearcy. Upon Their Shoulders: A History of the Mississippi River Commission from Its Inception through the Advent of the Modern Mississippi River Tributaries Project (Vicksburg, MS: 2004). Call Number: TC425 M6 C36 2004.
Floyd M. Clay. A Century on the Mississippi: A History of the Memphis District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Memphis, TN: 1976). Call Number: UG24 T2 C57 1976.
Gary B. Mills. Of Men & Rivers: The Story of the Vicksburg District (Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978). Call Number: UG23 M54 1978.
Jeffrey K. Stine. Mixing the Waters: Environment, Politics, and the Building of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway (Akron, OH: University of Akron Press, 1993). Call Number: TC625 T43 S75 1993.