Archives and Special Collections
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William Hampton Adams, et al. Bay Springs Mill: Historical Archaeology of a Rural Mississippi Cotton Milling Community (Nashville, TN: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, 1981). Call Number: F347 T5 B39 1981.
American Society for Engineering Education. Engineering College Research Council. Proceedings (University, MS: 1968). Call Number: T176 E2 1968.
Clifford F. Anderson. Economic and Engineering Study to Support an Application for a License to Construct and Operate a Deepwater Port Facility off the Mississippi/Alabama Gulf Coast (Mississippi State University, Engineering and Industrial Research Station, 1975). Call Number: TC224 M7 A53 1975.
James Samuel Attaya. “The Geology and Mineral Resources of Lafayette County” (M.S. thesis; University of Mississippi; 1951).
Automotive Safety Foundation. A Supplemental Report to the Mississippi Legislature (Washington, DC, 1961). Detailed engineering procedures, techniques and results of the appraisal of conditions on Mississippi’s state highways, country roads, and city streets. Call Number: HE356 M7 A92.
Barr, Dunlop & Associates and Radar and Associates. Greenville Urban Area Transportation Study (1971). Greenville, Mississippi traffic engineering. Two volumes. Call Number: HE372 G65 1971.
Donald Kyle Barron. Nonstructural Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation of the First Regional Library in Hernando, Mississippi: Project Report, Fall 1996 (University, MS: Department of Civil Engineering, 1996). Call Number: TA658.44 B37 1996.
Richard D. Benton, et al. Remote Underwater Fisheries Assessment System (RUFAS II): Final Report on the Design and Development of a Towed Unmanned Observation Platform to Operate to a Depth of 2400 Feet (State College, MS: Institute of Engineering Technology, 1974). Mississippi fisheries. Call Number: SH222 M7 R442 1974 OVRS.
Mark Raymond Bomball. “Predicting the Success of Engineers as Managers in the Mississippi State Highway Department.” (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1973).
Brown and Russell Inc. Schematic Planning Documents: Water and Sewage System Improvements, City of Gulfport, Mississippi (Jackson, MS: 1972). Call Number: TD224 M7 S34 1972.
Bob N. Cage and Nancy Woodman. Determination of Degree Offerings in Mineral and Mining Engineering ([University, MS: Mississippi Mineral Resources Institute, 1979]). Call Number: TN173 C34 1979.
Walker Jackson Coffey. Journal of a Journey (Oxford, MS: 1980). Memoir of Mississippi engineer. Call Number: CS71 C64983.
Cook Coggin Engineers. Yellow Creek Port Master Development Plan ([Tupelo, MS]: 1975). Call Number: HE554 Y44 C66 1975.
Cook Coggin Engineers. Yellow Creek Port Master Development Plan. Supplement, Ground Water Resources, Area 3 (Tupelo, MS: 1975). Call Number: HE554 Y44 C66 1975a.
Benjamin Cole Craft. Oil and Gas Development in Mississippi. Reprint from Transactions, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers 107 (February 1934). Call Number: HD9567 M7 C73 1934.
CRS Engineers. Master Plan for Amory Water Front Properties (Jackson, MS: 1983). Call Number: HT167.5 M7 M3 1983.
Dawson Engineers. A Comprehensive Plan for Waterworks and Sanitary Sewerage Facilities: Prepared for the Town of Ridgeland and the Ridgeland Planning Commission (Jackson, MS: 1971). Call Number: HT393 M7828 C66 1971.
Diversified Consultants. Open Space Plan for the Jackson Metropolitan Area (Jackson, MS: 1973). Call Number: HT393 M74 E44.
Diversified Consultants. Preliminary Engineering Report: Public Utilities Study, Town of Pace, Miss. (Jackson, MS: 1977). Call Number: F349 P23 D58 1977.
B.M. Dornblatt and Associates, Inc. Supplemental Engineering Report to Preliminary Engineering Report Covering Water and Sewage Facilities for D’Iverville Water and Sewer District in First Supervisor District, Harrison County, Mississippi (Gulfport, MS: 1972). Call Number: TD224 M7 D67 1972.
James Fletcher Doster. Historic Settlement in the Upper Tombigbee Valley (University, AL: 1981). Report done under contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Call Number: F347 T6 D68 1981.
William Earle Elam. Speeding Floods to the Sea; or, The Evolution of Flood Control Engineering on the Mississippi River (New York: Hobson Book Press, 1946). Call Number: TC425 M6 E55.
Engineering Associates (Jackson, Miss.). City of Pearl, Mississippi, Industrial/Commercial Site Availability Study (Jackson, MS: 1976). Call Number: HT393 M776 E54 1976.
Engineering Associates (Jackson, Miss.). Water Facilities Planning Analysis for City of Pearl, Mississippi and Central Mississippi Planning and Development District (Jackson, MS: 1976). Call Number: HT393 M776 E53x.
Luther B. Epting. “A Comparative Analysis of the Job Satisfaction of 1973-78 Mississippi State University Engineering Graduates from Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Programs” (Ed.D. thesis; Mississippi State University; 1980). Call Number: HF5549.5 J63 E68.
Steve Ewing. “A Geographic Analysis of the Distribution and Pattern of Traffic Accidents in a Small City: Example, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, from July 1, 1969 to July 1, 1970” (M.A. thesis; University of Southern Mississippi, 1972). Traffic engineering. Call Number: HE5614.4 H38 E9.
Farm Radio Service (American Petroleum Institute Committee on Agriculture, 196-). Record with selection entitled “Architects of a More Productive Agriculture” by Lloyd Hurlbut, president of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Call Number: S494.5 P75 F37. Digital collection
Winfield Scott Featherston. Speech of Hon. W.S. Featherston, of Mississippi, on Rivers and Harbors (Washington, DC: J.T. Towers, 1851). River engineering. Call Number: TC223 F397 1851.
Geological Survey (U.S.). Surface Waters of Mississippi. Prepared under the Direction of Irving E. Anderson, District Engineer, the District Office, Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey in Cooperation with Mississippi State Geological Survey (University, MS: 1950). Call Number: QE129 A2 no. 68.
K.P. George. Final Report on Criteria for Emulsified Asphalt Stabilization of Sandy Soils (University, MS: Department of Civil Engineering, 1978). Conducted for the Mississippi State Highway Department. Call Number: TE210.5 A7 G46x.
Tom L. Gibson. The Yesterdays of a Mining Engineer (Friars Point, MS: 1958). Many of articles are reprints from the author’s column “As I See It.” Call Number: PS3531 I26 Y47 1958.
Sanford Charles Gladden. John Millington (1779-1868): A Study. Reprint from William and Mary Quarterly (July 1933). Millington was a University of Mississippi engineering professor. Call Number: TA140 M55 G53 1933.
Serge Gonzales. Geohydrologic-Engineering Geology Evaluation of the Selma Group in Western Alabama and Northeast Mississippi for Possible Radioactive Waste Disposal: Final Report (Oak Ridge, TN: Union Carbide Corporation, Nuclear Division, 1975). Call Number: TD812 G65x.
Ralph E. Grim. Petroleum Developments in Mississippi During 1929 (reprint from Preprint: Petroleum Production, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1929). Call Number: TN872 M7 G8.
Merwin Guy Hall. From Here to There (and Along the Way) (Greenwood, MS: 1992). Memoir of a chemical engineer. Call Number: F349 G66 H3395 1992.
William B. Hall. Engineering Properties of Mississippi Clays (University, MS: Mississippi Mineral Resource Institute, 1981). Call Number: TP811 H34.
Harland Bartholomew Associates. Long-Range Traffic and Parking Plan Prepared for the University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi (Memphis, TN: 1963). Traffic engineering. Call Number: HE372 U5 B3 1963.
C. James Haug. The Mechanical Feature: 100 Years of Engineering at Mississippi State University (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1992). Call Number: T171 M7 H38 1992.
Charles Howard Heiden. “The Status of Articulation and Transfer among Associates and Baccalaureate Degree Programs in Technology and Engineering in Mississippi” (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1981).
Alfred Hume. Annual Address by Dr. Alfred Hume, Dean of Engineering of the University of Mississippi, Retiring President of the Engineering Association of the South, before the Annual Meeting, Held at the Commercial Club, Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1914 [1914]. Call Number: TA155 H8.
International Association of Electrical Inspectors. Southern Section. Annual Meeting (1974). Held at Broadwater Beach Hotel, Biloxi, Mississippi. Electrical engineering. Call Number: TK1 I58.
The Jackson County Water Supply System: A Proposed 100 Million Gallon Per Day Water Supply System with Multi-Purpose 3,800 Acre Reservoir: Project Summary of a Regional Public Works Improvement Project and Multi-Agency Participating Development (Pascagoula, MS: Jackson County Board of Supervisors, 1970). Call Number: TD224 M7 J34 1970.
A.T. Kearney Inc. An Evaluation of the Transportation Economics of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway: Final Report (Chicago: 1976). Under contract with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Call Number: TC423 T45 K4276 1976.
Law Engineering Testing Company. Draft, National Waste Terminal Storage Program: Geologic Evaluation of Gulf Coast Salt Domes, Site Selection Program Plan ([Marietta, GA: 1978]). Call Number: TN872 M7 D73 1978.
Lacoste and Associates: Architects, Engineers, Planners (Memphis, TN: American Graphics, 1971). Mississippi and Louisiana. Call Number: NA730 M7 L23 1971.
Lester Engineering Company and Ebasco Services, Inc. Pearl River Valley Reservoir: Preliminary Study of Economic Benefits (Jackson, MS: 1957). Call Number: F347 P3 L4.
M & H Engineering. Regional Earthquake Risk Study: Technical Report (Memphis, TN: Mississippi-Arkansas-Tennessee Council of Governments, Memphis Delta Development District, 1974). Call Number: QE534.2 M2.
Jimmie Fern McKee. “Bibliographic Materials and Functions of the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Research Center Library” (M.Lib.Sci. essay; University of Mississippi; 1966).
McPress Engineering Incorporated. Oxford International Airport Design, Lafayette County, MS [1991]. Call Number: F349 O9 O93 1991.
Michael Baker Jr. Inc. Bayou Casotte and Jackson County Master Industrial Development Plan: Tentative Master Plan for Industrial Development – East Pascagoula River Area (Rochester PA: 1964). Call Number: HC107 M7 M412 1964.
Michael Baker Jr. Inc. Jackson County Industrial and Municipal Water Supply System, Pascagoula, Mississippi: A Development Report: Project III, a Tentative Program for Development of a 100 MGD System in Conjunction with a Multi-Purpose Reservoir (Rochester, PA: 1970). Call Number: TD224 M7 J33 1970.
Michael Baker Jr. Inc. Jackson County Industrial Water Supply System…Preliminary Engineering Report (Rochester, PA: 1966). Call Number: TD224 M7 J332 1966.
Michael Baker Jr. Inc. Preliminary Engineering Report for Water System Improvements: Prepared for Mayor and Board of Aldermen Town of Decatur (Rochester, PA: 1972). Decatur, Mississippi. Call Number: TD224 M7 P74 1972.
Michael Baker Jr. Inc. Statement in Objection to Proposed Low Level Fixed Bridges over East Pascagoula and Escatawpa Rivers (Jackson, MS: 1967). Call Number: TG24 M7 M53 1967.
James M. McClurken and Peggy Uland Anderson, comp. Oral History Transcripts; Tombigbee Historic Townsites Project (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, 1981). Performed under contract with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Eight volumes. Call Number: F347 C6 O73.
John Millington. Elements of Civil Engineering: Being an Attempt to Consolidate the Principles of the Various Operations of the Civil Engineer into One Point of View, for the Use of Students (Philadelphia: J. Dobson, 1839). University of Mississippi engineering professor. Call Number: TA144 M65.
John Millington. An Epitome of the Elementary Principles of Mechanical Philosophy Divested of Mathematical Demonstrations; Comprehending the General Properties of Matter, Mechanics, Pneumatics, Meteorology, Acoustics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, and a Copious Account of the Invention, Progress, and Present State of the Steam Engine…with Many Practical Remarks on the Construction of Machinery (London: W. Simpkin & R. Marshall, 1830). Millington was a University of Mississippi engineering professor. Call Number: QC125 M65 1830.
Mississippi Economic Council. New Federal Aid Highway Program: Questions Answered at a Series of Highway Forums, Dec. 3-5, 1957 (1957). Highway engineering. Call Number: HE356 M7 N49 1957.
Mississippi. Legislature. Highway Planning Commission. Today and Tomorrow: State Highways, County Roads, City Streets; an Engineering Analysis of the Highway Transportation System in Mississippi (Jackson, MS: 1949). Call Number: HE356 M7 A5 1949.
Mississippi River and Tributaries Flood Control. Index Maps, Vicksburg Engineer District, 1929 (1929). Call Number: TC425 M63 M7 1929.
Mississippi State Engineer (Mississippi State, MS). Special Collections has one 1974 issue. Call Number: T171 M7 M57.
Mississippi State University. Research in Engineering: A Report from the Engineering & Industrial Research Station. Special Collections has editions from 1970-74 and 1976. Call Number: TA160.4 R43.
Ole Miss Engineer (University, MS). Special Collections has issues dating from 1961 to 2008. Call Number: LH1 M7 U5os.
Harry P. Owens. An Assessment of Historic Period Cultural Resources along the Yazoo River between River Miles 75.6 and 273.0, Including Tchula Lake and Honey Island, Mississippi (University, MS: Center for Archaeological Research, 1979). Report funded by contract with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Call Number: F347 Y3 O94x.
Proceedings (University, MS: Engineering Experiment Station, 1971). Environmental Engineering Short Course. Call Number: TA7 M6 no.14.
Michael C. Robinson. The Mississippi River Commission: An American Epic (Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1989). Call Number: TC425 M6 A3 1989.
Selma, Marion and Memphis Railroad Company. Reports of the President, Chief Engineer, Secretary and Treasurer of the Selma, Marion & Memphis R.R. Co. of Mississippi and Tennessee, at a Meeting Held at Columbus, Mississippi, March 8, 1871 (Columbus, MS: Excelsior Book and Job Office, 1871). Call Number: HE2771 M7 S4.
S. Cabell Shull. Economic Feasibility of New Commercial Concessions at Enid Lake, Mississippi (University, MS; 1977). For U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Call Number: GV191.42 M7 S58 1977.
Raymond Richard Stasiak. “An Analysis of Factors Relating to Graduates from Mississippi High Schools Succeeding at the University of Mississippi School of Engineering 1970-1982” (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1984).
Raymond Richard Stasiak. School of Engineering Review (University of Mississippi, 1979). Call Number: TA7 M65 no.102.
Thomas Tate. Exercises on Mechanics and Natural Philosophy, or, An Easy Introduction to Engineering, for the Use of School and Private Students… (London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1851). Inscribed by the owner William H. Morgan, a student at the University of Mississippi in 1856. Call Number: TJ146 T21 1851.
Robert S. Taylor. An Emergency in the Life of a River (190-). Mississippi River engineering. Call Number: TC425 M6 T39.
John Thomson. Engineer’s Report: To the President and Directors of the Grand Gulf Rail Road and Banking Company (circa 1833-1840). Call Number: HE2791 G687 T3.
Robert M. Thorne and Hugh K. Curry. Cultural Resources Survey of Items 3 and 4, Upper Yazoo River Projects, Mississippi, with a Paleoenvironmental Model of the Lower Yazoo Basin (University, MS: Center for Archaeological Research, 1983). Report completed in cooperation with the Corps of Engineers. Call Number: F347 Y3 T365.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Biloxi, Harbor, Mississippi: Letter from the Secretary of the Army Transmitting a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, Dated August 14, 1959, Submitting a Report, Together with Accompanying Papers and an Illustration, on a Review of Reports on Biloxi Harbor, Mississippi Requested by a Resolution of the Committees on Public Works, United States Senate and House of Representatives, Adopted March 31, 1956 and June 27, 1956 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1959). Call Number: TC224 M7 B5 1959.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. An Industry Request for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to Conduct a Feasibility Study with a View to Determining Potential Sources of Fresh Water to Mississippi and Louisiana Estuaries and Their Controlled Diversion to These Estuaries to Enhance Fish and Wildlife Production (1975). Call Number: GC1021 M7 I5398 1975.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Interim Report on Tallahala Reservoir, Tallahala Creek, Mississippi (Mobile, AL: 1966). Call Number: HD1695 T147 U52 1966.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mississippi River and Tributaries, Greenville Harbor, Mississippi: Letter from the Secretary of the Army Transmitting a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, Dated January 5, 1973, Submitting a Report, Together with Accompanying Papers and an Illustration, on Mississippi River and Tributaries, Greenville Harbor, Mississippi, Requested by a Resolution of the Committee on Public Works, United States Senate, Adopted February 27, 1967 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1973). Call Number: HE554 G74 U55 1973.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mississippi River, (Lower) East Bank, Warren to Wilkinson Counties, Mississippi (Vicksburg-Yazoo Area), Letter from the Secretary of the Army Transmitting a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, Dept. of the Army, Dated June 1, 1973, Submitting a Report, Together with Accompanying Papers and Illustration, on Mississippi River, (Lower) East Bank, Warren to Wilkinson Counties, Mississippi (Vicksburg-Yazoo Area), in Partial Response to a Resolution of the Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives, Adopted May 10, 1962 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1973). Call Number: TC425 M6 U55 1962.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Pearl River Basin, Mississippi and Louisiana: Letter from the Secretary of the Army Transmitting a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, Dated September 1, 1972, Submitting a Report, Together with Accompanying Papers and Illustrations, on Pearl River Basin, Mississippi and Louisiana, Requested by Resolutions of the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, House of Representatives, Adopted June 6, 1939, and Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives, Adopted June 30, 1960 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1972). Call Number: HD1694 M7 P43 1972.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Public Meeting on the Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway, Alabama and Mississippi, Held at Columbus, Mississippi on 29 March 1977 (Mobile, AL: 1977). Five volumes. Call Number: TC625 T43 P82 1977.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Stages and Discharges, Mississippi River and Its Outlets and Tributaries (Vicksburg, MS: 1943-1964). Special Collections has 1953 and 1955; other years available in Gov Docs. Call Number: TC425 M57.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Tallahala Reservoir, Pascagoula River, Mississippi: A Letter from the Secretary of the Army Transmitting a Letter from the Acting Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, Dated March 30, 1967, Submitting a Report, Together with Accompanying Papers and Illustrations, on a Interim Report on Tallahala Reservoir, Pascagoula River, Mississippi (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1967). Call Number: TD224 M7 T25 1967.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Warrior and Tombigbee Rivers and Tributaries, Ala. And Miss. Letter from the Secretary of War Transmitting Pursuant to Section 1 of the River and Harbor Act, Approved January 21, 1927, a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, Dated October 17, 1932, Submitting a Report, Together with Accompanying Papers and Illustrations, Containing a General Plan for the Improvement of Warrior and Tombigbee Rivers and Tributaries, Alabama and Mississippi, for the Purposes of Navigation and Efficient Development of Water Power, the Control of Floods, and the Needs of Irrigation… (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1933). Call Number: TC425 W3 A5 1932.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Yazoo River Navigation Project, Mississippi: Letter from the Secretary of the Army Transmitting a Letter from the Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, Dated November 24, 1967, Submitting a Report, Together with Accompanying Papers and Illustrations, on a Review of the Report on Yazoo River Navigation Project, Mississippi, Requested by a Resolution of the Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives, Adopted June 3, 1959 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1968). Call Number: TC424 M7 Y3986 1968.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Lower Mississippi Valley Division. Water Resources Development in Mississippi by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Vicksburg, MS). Special Collections has issues from 1961-1964 and 1975-1978; other years available in Gov Docs. Call Number: TC424 M7 U54.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Memphis District. Flood Plain Information, Bridge Creek and Tributaries, Vicinity of Corinth, Mississippi (Memphis, TN: 1972). Call Number: GB562 C66 1972.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Memphis District. Flood Plain Information: Horn Lake Creek and Tributaries, Vicinity of Horn Lake, Mississippi (Memphis, TN: [1976]). Call Number: TC423 M44 1976.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Memphis District. Nonconnah Creek, Tennessee and Mississippi (Washington, DC: [1973]). Call Number: TC530 N66 1973.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Continued Operation and Maintenance, Tombigbee River (East Fork) Itawamba County, Mississippi: Final Supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement (Mobile, AL: 1984). Call Number: TC625 T43 C6 1984.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Detailed Project Report on Cadet Bayou, Mississippi: Draft (Mobile, AL: 1978). Call Number: VK24 M7 U5585 1978.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Final Supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement: Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, Alabama and Mississippi Navigation (1982). Call Number: TC625 T43 F56 1982.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Flood Plain Information Report: Tombigbee River and Tributaries at Columbus, Mississippi (Mobile, AL: 1965). Call Number: TC424 M7 U5.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Gulfport Harbor: Channel Deepening for Navigation: Feasibility Report (Mobile, AL: 1974). Call Number: TC425 G8 U585 1974.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Gulfport Harbor: Channel Deepening, Navigation, Harrison County, Mississippi (Mobile, AL: 1976). Call Number: TC425 G8 G85 1976.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Gulfport Harbor, Mississippi Feasibility Report: Appendix 1 (Mobile, AL: 1976). Call Number: TC425 G8 G852 1976.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Pascagoula River Comprehensive Basin Study (Mobile, AL: 1968). Call Number: HD1695 P27 U5 1968.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Specifications for Construction of Steambank Erosion Protection, County Road Bridge over Leaf River near Mahned, Mississippi (Mobile, AL: 1978). Call Number: TG320 S64 1978.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. A Study on the Effects of Maintenance Dredging on Selected Ecological Parameters in Gulfport Harbor, Mississippi. Water and Research, Inc. Final Report (Mobile, AL: 1975). Call Number: TD195 D72 S88 1975.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Summary of Flood Plain Information Report: Tombigbee River and Tributaries at Columbus, Mississippi (Mobile, AL: 1965). Call Number: TC423 M62 1965.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, Alabama and Mississippi: Supplement in the General Design Memorandum; Restudy of Project Costs and Benefits, Economic Reanalysis Summary (Mobile, AL: 1976). Call Number: TC623 T4 S9 1976.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway: America’s Newest Waterway ([Washington, DC]: 1980). Call Number: G3982 T4 1980 U5.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mobile District. Touring the Tenn-Tom Waterway (Columbus, MS: Tenn-Tom Tourism Association, 200-). Call Number: G3982 T4 2000 T68.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Draft, Environmental Impact Statement: Flood Control, Mississippi River and Tributaries, Yazoo River Basin, Mississippi (Vicksburg, MS: 1974). Call Number: TC425 Y3 D73 1974.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Report: Yazoo Area Pump Project and Yazoo Area and Sartatia Area Backwater Levee Projects [draft] (1982). Call Number: K3895.4 M7 F57 1982.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Food Control, Mississippi River and Tributaries, Yazoo River Basin, Mississippi: Final Environmental Impact Statement (Vicksburg, MS: 1975). Call Number: TC424 M7 F5565 1975.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Flood Plain Information: Hatcher Bayou and Tributaries: Vicksburg and Warren County (Vicksburg, MS: 1975). Call Number: GB1225 M7 S65 1975.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Food Plain Information: Mississippi River, (Lake Ferguson), Main Canal and Black Bayou, Greenville, Mississippi (Vicksburg, MS: 1971). Call Number: TC423 V53 1971.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Food Plain Information: Mississippi River, Natchez, Mississippi (Vicksburg, MS: 1969). Call Number: GB562 N37 1969.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Food Plain Information: Yalobusha River and Tributaries, Grenada, Mississippi (Vicksburg, MS: 1972). Call Number: TC423 V53 1972.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Mississippi River, East Bank, Warren to Wilkinson Counties, Mississippi: Report on Vicksburg-Yazoo Area (Vicksburg, MS: 1970). Call Number: TC425 M6 M525 1970.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Natchez Bluff Study (Vicksburg, MS: 1985). Two volumes. Call Number: TD225 N2 N37 1985.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Post-Flood Report: Flood of 1979 (Vicksburg, MS: 1980). Call Number: TC425 M6 V5 1979.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Project Status Report: Mississippi. Special Collections has editions from 1979 and 1984. Call Number: TC425 M66 M73.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Reevaluated and Updated Master Plan for Development and Management of Sardis Lake (Excerpts): Sardis Lake, Little Tallahatchie River, Panola, Lafayette and Marshall Counties, Mississippi (Vicksburg, MS: 1975). Call Number: SB484 S3 1975.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Rosedale Harbor, Mississippi: Detailed Project Report (Vicksburg, MS: 1977). Call Number: TC225 R675 R6754 1977.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Rosedale Harbor, Mississippi: Detailed Project Report: [draft] (Vicksburg, MS: 1976). Call Number: TC225 R675 R6754 1976.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Transcript of Public Hearing on Proposed Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Plan, Yazoo Backwater Area: Warren County Courthouse, Circuit Courtroom, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1 Nov 1977 (1977). Call Number: HD1683 U5 T73 1977.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Vicksburg Harbor Mississippi Feasibility Report on Harbor Expansion (Vicksburg, MS: 1976). Two volumes (one with appendixes). Call Number: TD194.6 U56 1976.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Water Resources Development by the Corps of Engineers in Mississippi (Vicksburg, MS: 1955). Call Number: TC401 W3 1955.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. The Yazoo Area Pump Project: Phase 1, General Design Memorandum-Environmental Impact Statement for Flood Control, Mississippi River and Tributaries, Yazoo Basin, Yazoo Backwater Area, Mississippi (Vicksburg, MS: 1982). Call Number: TC425 Y39 Y39 1982.
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Vicksburg District. Yazoo Basin, Mississippi: Flood Control Lakes: Their Construction, Operation and Purpose (Vicksburg, MS: 1980). Call Number: TC425 Y3 Y39 1980.
United States. General Services Administration. Introducing the New William M. Colmer Federal Building: United States Courthouse, Main and New Orleans Streets, Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39401 (Atlanta, GA: 1974). Reports from architects and engineers. Call Number: F349 H36 I68 1974.
United States. Mississippi River Commission. Sardis Lake (Vicksburg, MS: 1965). Call Number: G3982 S2 1965 U5.
University of Mississippi. Center for Archaeological Research. Cultural Resources Survey, Item II, Upper Yazoo Projects, Yazoo River, Mississippi, between SRM 107.268 and 131.5 (University, MS: 1979). Report under contract with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Call Number: F347 Y3 C46 1979.
University of Mississippi. Department of Chemical Engineering. Request for Funds for Education Training Reactor and Associated Equipment and Supplies: To Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. by Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Mississippi (University, MS: 1957). Call Number: LD3411.8 M5 R46x.
University of Mississippi. Department of Electrical Engineering. A Three-Day Short Course on Dielectric Resonators (University, MS: 1985). Call Number: TK7872 D53 T37 1985 OVRS.
University of Mississippi. Engineering Advisory Board. Critical Needs in Engineering Education at the University of Mississippi (1981). Call Number: LD3402.9 C75 1981.
University of Mississippi. Engineering Experiment Station. Construction Report: Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (University, MS: 1962). Call Number: TE24 M7 M554x.
University of Mississippi. Engineering Experiment Station. Control of Pavement Movements Adjacent to Structures (University, MS: 1964-1968). Call Number: TE278 M58x.
University of Mississippi. Engineering Experiment Station. The Division of Rural Land by a Limited Access Highway: Interstate Route 55, Panola County, Miss. Prepared by the University of Mississippi for the Mississippi State Highway Department in Cooperation with the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads (University, MS: 1961). Call Number: HE356 M7 M55.
University of Mississippi. Engineering Experiment Station. Economic Impact of Improved Transportation Facilities: A Research Proposal (Oxford, MS: 1957). Call Number: TE24 M7 U55.
University of Mississippi. Engineering Experiment Station. Final Crack Control in Cement-Treated Bases: A Research Project for the Mississippi State Highway Department in Cooperation with U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads (University, MS: 1970). Call Number: TE210.5 S6 G4.
University of Mississippi. Engineering Experiment Station. A Planned Interchange in a Residential Area: Some Interim Influences, Jackson, Mississippi. A Preliminary Report Prepared by the University of Mississippi, for the Mississippi State Highway Department in Cooperation with the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads (University, MS: 1961). Call Number: HE356.5 J3 U5.
University of Mississippi. Engineering Experiment Station. Post Construction Report: Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (University, MS: 1962). Call Number: TE24 M7 M555x.
University of Mississippi. Engineering Experiment Station. Progress Report: Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (University, MS: 1963-1964). Three volumes. Testing Mississippi roads. Call Number: TE24 M7 M556x.
University of Mississippi. Engineering Experiment Station. Special Report on Occurrence of Extra-Wide Cracks: Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (University, MS: 1962). Call Number: TE24 M7 M553x.
University of Mississippi. Engineering Experiment Station. Summary and Status Report on the Study of an Experimental Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement, Interstate Highway No. 59, Jones County, Mississippi: A Research Project for the Mississippi State Highway Department and the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads (University, MS: 1964). Call Number: TE24, M7 M6.
University of Mississippi. School of Engineering. Engineering at the University of Mississippi [University, MS: 1951]. Call Number: TA7 M6 no.3.
University of Mississippi. School of Engineering. Measure of Excellence (University, MS: 1971). Call Number: T171 M72 M5.
University of Mississippi. School of Engineering. Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Curricula Submitted to the University of Mississippi, January 14, 1959, to the Education and Accreditation Committee, Engineers’ Council for Professional Development (University, MS: 1959). Call Number: T171 M74 1959.
University of Mississippi. School of Engineering. Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Curricula Submitted to the University of Mississippi, February 15, 1961, to the Education and Accreditation Committee, Engineers’ Council for Professional Development (University, MS: 1961). Call Number: T171 M74 1961.
University of Mississippi. School of Engineering. Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Curricula (University, MS: 1964). Call Number: T171 M74 1964.
University of Mississippi. School of Engineering. Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Curricula (University, MS: 1966). Call Number: T171 M74 1966.
University of Mississippi. School of Engineering. Questionnaire for Review of Engineering Curricula (University, MS: 1974). Two volumes. Call Number: T171 M74 1974x.
The Utilization of Engineering in Construction, by Denton, Fry, Teer, White, and Winkleman. Presented at the Fall Meeting, Mid-South Section, American Society of Civil Engineers, University of Mississippi, October 8, 1948 (University, MS: 1949). Call Number: TA7 M6 no.1.
Wilbur Smith and Associates. Meridian Urban Area Transportation Study: Meridian, Mississippi (1970). Nine volumes. Call Number: HE372 M47.
S.Y. Yang, et al. Finite Elements in Water Resources: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Finite Elements in Water Resources (University, MS: School of Engineering, 1980). Call Number: TC157.8 I5 1980.
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Leigh McWhite
Political Papers Archivist and Associate Professor