Simmons Catalyst is limited to 25 users at a time. Please remember to logout when you finish so others may access and use it.
What is Simmons Catalyst?
Simmons Catalyst contains data from the National Consumer Survey, an annual survey of U.S. consumer's buying and media habits:
It can be used to create customized reports analyzing the demographic and psychographic characteristics of product users and their media behavior.
What do you want to know?
1. What is your product or brand?
2. What do you want to know about this product or brand?
1. Click on Simmons Catalyst, you may be asked to authenticate with your myolemiss username and password. You will then be taken to the Simmons Catalyst home screen.
2. Simmons will default to the below view. To begin your Crosstab, hoover over Analyze (top of page) and select Crosstab.
3. In this view, you will see the Simmons Crosstab Module Composer screen with the various areas labeled.