Simmons Catalyst


Reading the Crosstab:

  • Unweighted: The number of people surveyed who meeting both the column & row criteria.


  • Weighted (000): Expressed in thousands, the projected number of adults (18+) in the U.S. who meet both the column & row criteria.


  • Vertical %: Percent of the column reached by the row.


  • Horizontal %: Percent of the row reached by the column


  • Index: The likelihood of the target to meet a specified criteria, expressed in relation to the base. 
    • 100 = average | 90-110 is flat | <90 or 110> is significant.


*A single asterisk* in your crosstab results means the projections are relatively unstable and should be used with caution.

**Two asterisks** in your crosstab mean the projections are from thirty or fewer interviews. These results are not sufficiently reliable to be safely used alone.