MKTG 465: Integrated Media Planning Essentials

About Simmons Insights

Simmons Insights is limited to 25 users at a time. Please remember to logout when you finish so others may access and use it.

What is Simmons Insights?

Simmons Insights contains data from the National Consumer Survey, an annual survey of U.S. consumer's buying and media habits:

  • consumer demographics (age, gender, inocme, etc.)
  • consumer psychographics (behaviors, attitudes, etc.)
  • buying and media habits

It can be used to create customized reports analyzing the demographic and psychographic characteristics of product users and their media behavior.

Getting Started

What do you want to know?

1. What is your product or brand?

2. What do you want to know about this product or brand?

  • demographics: age, gender, race, income, education, marital status
  • psychographics: attitudes, values, beliefs
  • media: Where is the best place advertise to reach my target audience?
  • products: What products does my target audeince use?

Using Simmons Insights

1. Click on Simmons Insights, you may be asked to authenticate with your myolemiss username and password. You will then be taken to the Simmons Insights home screen.

2. Simmons will default to the below view. Click on the Launch 1.0 button in the top right corner to begin.

Simmons Launch 1.0 button

3. There are three surveys per study period the 12 month, 6 month, and Simmons Connect to change from the default survey click the arrow beside the default study.

Survey option box


3. In this view, you will see Simmons is broken into several different areas. 

The Questions box is on the left. Here you can browse products, brands, and demographics.

The Selection box is in the middle. Here you can select products, brands, and demographics to move into the columns and rows.

The Base, Columns, and Rows are on the right. The Base is the population you will use to build your study, and the population used when calculating the index. You can leave the Base blank, which means your crosstab will use the whole study population.

The Coding box is at the bottom.

Full view of Simmons Insights in Dictionary Search view