Survey analysis and planning software that includes data from recent Simmons' national consumer studies.
Statista is one of the leading statistics companies on the internet. With a team of over 200 statisticians, database experts, analysts, and editors, Statista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information.
This database includes an AI powered tool. For more information see the Statista Research AI information page.
Statista is one of the leading statistics companies on the internet. With a team of over 200 statisticians, database experts, analysts, and editors, Statista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information.
This database includes an AI powered tool. For more information see the Statista Research AI information page.
Crosstab Results
MRI-Simmons. (2022). 2022 Spring MRI-Simmons USA [Cell phones / smartphones services used last 30 days - age, gender] [Data set].
Quick Report- Demographic Profile
MRI-Simmons. (2022). 2022 Spring MRI-Simmons USA [Target/ Digital Photos-Printed in last 12 Months] [Demographic profile].
Quick Report- Segmentation
MRI-Simmons. (2022). 2022 Spring MRI-Simmons USA [Base/ Millennials] [Segmentation profile].