Archives and Special Collections
J.D. Williams Library
P.O. Box 1848
University MS, 38655
Phone: (662) 915-1595
For This Class, Your Archive Contact on University and Oxford:
Jeannie Speck-Thompson Latartara, (University Archivist & Assistant Professor)
For This Class, Your Archive Contact on Mississippi:
Dr. Leigh McWhite (Political Papers Archivist & Professor)
Prior to your arrival in Special Collections, complete and submit online the Researcher Registration Form. The form also explains our rules and protocols.
If you are looking for primary sources, consider conducting the following searches to locate potentially useful material among the collections of the Archives & Special Collections:
If citing a cataloged publication (anything that has a library call number), use standard formatting as outlined in your professor's preferred style manual.
Citing collection material requires you to gather a different set of information about your source. While researching, keep track of the location of material that you intend to reference in your research paper. Remember that you are providing bread crumbs for readers (or your professor) to retrace your steps and find that specific item. The following information is essential:
Letter dated 3 September 1918 from Lt. Gerald Smith to Anne Smith. Smith Family Collection (Box 7, Folder 2). Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi.