Education Resources for K-12

How to find books and ebooks with lesson plan ideas

Selecting Books for Children

Search Library Catalog

Finding Books and Ebooks

  • Use the catalog for a refined search for books and ebooks.
  • For books with a teaching focus, include the keyword teaching or teach*.
  • Use the Advanced Search within the catalog to limit your search in the catalog to only ebooks.
  • Use One Search for a known title or author.
  • Use subject descriptors to narrow and broaden your search:

catalog entry with subject headings

Not finding the books you want?

Use Interlibrary Loan to borrow books that the library doesn't own. Use this link to access Interlibrary Loan. Books normally arrive in a week to 10 days and patrons may keep them for 3-4 weeks. Many ILL books can be renewed.

Request a purchase for the library collection by emailing Melissa Dennis at