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SciFinder-n: Training

A research discovery tool that allows you to explore literature from CAS databases covering a range of scientific disciplines.

Key Features

Search Types: 


All Search: All finds substances, reactions, references, and suppliers that match your query. You can enter search terms that identify the subject of interest (e.g., keyword, research topic, document identifier, patent information, substance name, CAS Registry Number) or draw/import a structure query. See All Search.


Substances: Find substances by search terms, a chemical structure, or both. See Find Substances.


Reactions: Find reactions by substance name, CAS Registry Number, CAS Reaction Number, and document identifier or chemical structure that identifies a substance that participates in the reaction. See Find Reactions.


References: Find references by search terms, a chemical structure, or both. See Find References.


Suppliers: Find suppliers by substance name or CAS Registry Number or chemical structure. See Find Suppliers.


Sequences: Find sequences by protein/nucleotide string or a .txt/.fasta file. See Find Sequences.


Retrosynthesis: Perform a retrosynthetic analysis on a drawn or imported target structure. See Creating a Retrosynthesis Plan.

Recent Searches

When a search is completed, the query is displayed in the Recent Search History section of the Home page. Use the options to Edit the query or Rerun Search.

Click View All Search History to open the Your Search History page.

Draw a Structure:

In CAS SciFinder-n, you can use the following structure editors to draw structure images for use as queries:

Using either of these tools, you may draw structures with repeating groups, R-groups, and variable attachment points.

Importing a Structure:

You can import a .cxf or .mol structure file into CAS Draw and ChemDoodle.

Alternatively, you can also perform a SciFindern structure search within ChemDraw and import a SMILES string from ChemDraw into CAS Draw.
