BME 461: Biomedical Engineering Senior Design I

Advanced Search Suggestions

One easy way to narrow your searches in PubMed is to use MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) terms via the advanced search tool. MeSH is designed to facilitate searching by subject classification.

What this means for you: once you know the MeSH term you want, you can scope your search to only the articles of immediate interest to you. For example, you will have much better search results when searching for articles on artificial limbs if you search "artificial limbs" as a MeSH term instead of as a keyword (basic searching). See the video for how you would find the correct term.

Relevant links:

  1. MeSH Browser (to find appropriate MeSH terms)
  2. Medline (via PubMed)
  3. Direct Link to Equipment and Supplies MeSH term list

Specialized Filters (not unique to PubMed, but one of few to offer these options)

Systematic Review

Similar to literature reviews, systematic reviews offer an overview of the literature on a particular subject. However, systematic reviews go beyond literature reviews, and aim to provide repeatable analytic methods to collect data (research), and then analyze that data. Systematic reviews will often provide the most comprehensive overview of a particular area of research.

Age / Gender Filters

If you are researching the effects on a particular demographic (age/gender), then PubMed's filters can allow you to quickly narrow your search

Note: PsycInfo is another useful database for limiting your searches to specific demographics.

Image showing Pubmed filters. It is being used to draw attention to the Systematic Review and the Additional Filters items.


Within Operator

For example, let's assume you are searching for articles related to toxicity and remediation. Currently, a keyword search for those two terms (toxicity remediation) in Scopus will yield 5,299 results.

One way to narrow that down is to instead search: toxicity w/6 remediation. This search currently yields only 347 results: a much more focused search set.

Images shows the within search example: toxicity w/6 remediation

Note: As with any filter, you may ultimately exclude useful articles. I like using focused approaches when I am doing my initial searching, and then broaden my search to make sure I have not missed anything.


You can use Business Source Complete to quickly find information about a specific company, but it's not quickly available by using the basic search tool. Instead, you will need to go to the header menu for Business Source Complete and select More-->Company Profiles. See video for a walkthrough.