This bibliography comes from a handout provided by Danielle Nicole DeVoss during a multimodal workshop as part of the CWR (Center for Writing and Rhetoric) orientation for Fall 2013. It is intended to facilitate gaining access to these works by CWR staff.
Print Books
Users are directed to the library catalog entry. From this page, you can obtain the call number to be used to locate the book in the library
Electronic Books
One book is available electronically, as well as print. For this item, the hyperlink directs user to a result screen that allows the choice to access the electronic version or to view the catalog entry for the print verson.
Journal Articles
Accessing the journal articles will require users to authenticate, i.e., log in using your Ole Miss user name and password.
Please use interlibrary loan to gain access to those materials the library does not have immediately available. If you have any questions regarding this service, please contact Brian Young (