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Mississippi as Province & Territory (Archives): Secondary Sources

Secondary Source Publications

Earl Wayne Adams.  "The History of Public School Finance in Mississippi."  Ed.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1980.  1803 to 1978.

Terry Alford.  Prince among Slaves.  New York:  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977.  Arab prince named Abd al-Rahaman Ibrahima sold into slavery and transferred to Natchez, Mississippi.  Call Number:  E444 I25 A78.

Harry C. Ash.  But as Yesterday When It Is Past:  A History of the Centreville Methodist Church, 1811-1961.  Centreville, MS:  1961.  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 A8.

T.J. Bailey.  Prohibition in Mississippi; or, Anti-Liquor Legislation from Territorial Days, with Its Results in the Counties.  Jackson, MS:  Hederman Bros., 1917.  Call Number:  HV5090 M7 B3.

Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi:  Commemorating 300 Years.  Bay St. Louis:  Hancock County Historical Society, 1998).  Call Number:  F349 B388 B39 1998.

Bicentennial 1776-1976:  New Albany, Union County, Mississippi.  [1976].  Call Number:  E285.4 M72 N49 1976.

Patti Carr Black.  Art in Mississippi, 1720-1980.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1998.  Call Number:  N6530 M7 B63 1998 OVRS.

J.L. Boyd.  A Popular History of the Baptists in Mississippi.  Jackson, MS:  Baptist Press, 1930.  Call Number:  BX6248 M7 B6.

Annie Walker Burns.  Historical Records of the Claiborne Family:  (Variously Spelled Clayborne, Cliborne, Cleborn & Etc.).  Washington, DC:  [195-].  Call Number:  CS71 C57.

James Barnard Butler.  Protestantism in Mississippi:  The First Fifty Years, 1773-1823.  1965.  Call Number:  BR555 M7 B88 1965

Pierce Butler.  The Unhurried Years:  Memories of the Old Natchez Region.  Louisiana State University Press, [1948].  Laurel Hill plantation in Adams County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F349 N2 B8.

Gail Alexander Buzhardt and Margaret Hawthorne.  Les francaise le long du Mississippi au temps de la colonie Louisianaise, 1682-1763.  Jackson, MS:  Mississippi Department of Archives and History, 1991.  Call Number:  F352 B89 1991.

Katie Ogden Byrnes.  The First Natchez Pilgrimage; or, Natchez in 1789-90.  Call Number:  F349 N2 B9.

Cyril Edward Cain.  Flags over Mississippi:  Sixteen Variants of the Seven Flags of the Seven Nations Which Have Had Dominion over Mississippi in the Last Four Hundred Years.  [State College, MS:  1954].  Call Number:  CR114 M55 C3.

J.B. Cain.  The Cradle of Mississippi Methodism.  Natchez, MS:  1920.  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 C3.

Norman Ward Caldwell.  The French in the Mississippi Valley, 1740-1750.  Urbana:  University of Illinois Press, 1941.  Call Number:  H31 I4 vol.26 no.3.

Clarence Edwin Carter.  The Territorial Papers of the United States.  Washington, DC:  Government Printing Office, 1934- .  Special Collections has volumes 5 & 6 with Mississippi Territory papers.  Call Number:  E173 U572.

Albert E. Casey, et al.  Amite County, Mississippi, 1699-1865:  Data Selected, Analyzed and Comp. from the Records on File in the Courthouse at Liberty, Mississippi; in the Mississipp Dept. of the Interior, Washington, D.C.; and from Various Bibliographic Sources.  Birmingham, AL:  Amite County Historical Fund, 1948-1957.  Three volumes.  Call Number:  F347 A5 C3.

J.F.H. Claiborne.  Life and Times of Gen. Sam Dale, the Mississippi Partisan.  New York:  Harper & Brothers, 1860.  Creek War of 1813-1814.  Call Number:  F396 D13 C4 1860.

J.F.H. Claiborne.  Mississippi, as a Province, Territory, and State; with Biographical Notices of Eminent Citizens.  Jackson, MS:  Power & Barksdale, 1880.  Call Number:  F341 C58.

Robert M. Coates.  The Outlaw Years:  The History of the Land Pirates of the Natchez Trace.  New York:  Macaulay Company, [1930].  Call Number:  F396 C65.

Luke Ward Conerly.  Pike County, Mississippi, 1789-1876:  Pioneer Families and Confederate Soldiers, Reconstruction and Redemption.  Nashville:  Brandon Printing, 1909.  Call Number:  F347 P6 C7 1909a.

Gordon A. Cotton.  Of Primitive Faith and Order:  A History of the Mississippi Primitive Baptist Church, 1780-1974.  Raymond, MS:  Keith Press, 1974.  Call Number:  BX6384 M7 C68.

Lynda Lasswell Crist.  "'Useful in His Day and Generation':  James Alexander Ventress (1805-1867)."  Ph.D. dissertation; University of Tennessee, Knoxville; 1980.  Mississippi planter and politician.  Call Number:  F341 V45 C6.

H.B. Cushman.  History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Natchez Indians.  Greenville, TX:  Headlight Printing House, 1899.  Call Number:  E99 C8 C9.

Jeanne Truly Davis.  Hector and Sarah Holt Truly:  Their Family 1720-2004.  [Waco, TX]:  2004.  Call Number:  CS71 T86757 2004.

Paul E. Davis.  "A Partial Listing of Historic Maps of Mississippi:  1722-1900."  University of Southern Mississippi, 1981.  Call Number:  F341 D39 1981.

Ronald L.F. Davis.  The Black Experience in Natchez, 1720-1880:  Special History Study:  Natchez National Historical Park Mississippi.  [Conchohocken, PA]:  Eastern National Park and Monument Association, 1994.  Call Number:  F349 N2 D38 1994.

Winston De Ville.  The Sainte Catherine Colonists, 1719-1720:  Early Settlers of Natchez and Pointe Coupee in the French Province of Louisiana.  Ville Platte, LA:  Smith Books, 1991.  Call Number:  F377 P55 D423 1991.

Sharron Lynn Dobbs.  "Jefferson College:  A Study of the Origins of Higher Education in Mississippi, 1802-1848."  Ph.D. dissertation; University of Mississippi; 1987. 

Winbourne Magruder Drake.  Outline of History of Jefferson Military College, 1802-1952.  [Washington, MS:  1952].  Call Number:  LD7501 W33 D7.

William Dunbar.  Life, Letters, and Papers of William Dunbar of Elgin, Morayshire, Scotland, and Natchez, Mississippi:  Pioneer Scientist of the Southern United States.  Jackson:  Mississippi Historical Society, 1930.  Call Number:  F341 D89.

Henry Blackburn Eaton.  Descendants of the Jersey Settlers:  Kingston, Adams County, Mississippi.  [Woodriver, IL:  1950].  Call Number:  CS69 E3.

Mary Joan Elliott.  "Winthrop Sargent and the Administration of the Mississippi Territory, 1798-1801."  Thesis; University of Southern California; 1970.  Call Number:  F341 S37 E4.

Lucius F. Ellsworth, ed.  The Americanization of the Gulf Coast, 1803-1850.  Pensacola, FL:  Historic Pensacola Preservation Board, 1972.  Call Number:  F296 G87 1971.

The Episcopal Church in Mississippi:  1763-1992.  Jackson, MS:  Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi, 1992.  Call Number:  BX5917 M7 E85 1992.

George H. Etheridge.  Mississippi, a History:  A Narrative Historical Edition Preserving the Record of the Growth and Development of the State together with Genealogical and Memorial Records of Its Prominent Families and Personages.  Hopkinsville, KY:  Historical Records Association, 1939.  Four volumes.  Call Number:  F341 E8.

Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration (Miss.).  Mississippi Gulf Coast:  Yesterday and Today, 1699-1939.  Gulfport, MS:  Gulfport Printing Co., 1939.  Call Number:  F347 G9 F5.

L.S. Foster.  Mississippi Baptist Preachers.  St. Louis, MO:  National Baptist Publishing Company, 1895.  Biographical accounts.  Call Number:  BX6248 M7 F7.

Franklin County Remembers, 1809-2009.  [Meadville, MS:  Franklin Co. Bicentennial, 2009].  Three volumes.  Call Number:  F347 F7 F736 2009

Alexander Franz.  Die Kolonisation des Mississippitales bis zum Ausgange der franzosischen Herrshaft.  Eine Kolonialhistorische Studie...  Leipzig:  G. Wigland, 1906.  Call Number:  F352 F83.

George Strother Gaines. and Anthony Winston Dillard.  ...Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty.  Birmingham, AL:  Birmingham Printing Co., 1928.  Choctaw Indian removal from Mississippi.  Call Number:  E99 C8 G14 1928a.

Frances Gaither.  The Fatal River, the Life and Death of La Salle.  New York:  Holt and Company, [1931].  Call Number:  F1030.5 G23.

Patricia K. Galloway, ed.  La Salle and His Legacy:  Frenchmen and Indians in the Lower Mississippi Valley.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1983.  Call Number:  F352 L34 1983.

Patricia K. Galloway, ed.  Native, European, and African Cultures in Mississippi, 1500-1800.  Jackson, MS:  Mississippi Department of Archives and History, 1991.  Call Number:  F345 N3 1991.

R.O. Gerow.  Catholicity in Mississippi.  Natchez, MS:  1939.  Call Number:  BX1415 M7 G4.

R.O. Gerow.  Cradle Days of St. Mary's at Natchez.  Natchez, MS:  1941.  Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of Sorrows in Natchez, Mississippi from 1798.  Call Number:  BX4603 N34 A3.

Marcel Giraud.  A History of French Louisiana.  Baton Rouge:  Louisiana State University Press, [1974].  English translation; Special Collections has volume 1 1698-1715.  Call Number:  F372 G513.

David Thomas Gleeson.  "The Mississippi Irish, 1700-1865."  M.A. thesis; Mississippi State Univeresity, 1993.  Call Number:  E184 I6 G44 1995.

Charles Wayne Goss.  "The French and the Choctaw Indians, 1700-1763."  Thesis; Texas Tech University; 1977.  Call Number:  F372 G68.

Ethan Allen Grant.  "They Stayed on:  The British Settler Community at Natchez, 1765-1800."  Ph.D. dissertation; Auburn University; 1993.  Call Number:  F349 N2 G73 1995.

John A. Green.  "Governor Perier's Expedition against the Natchez Indians."  Reprint from Louisiana Historical Quarterly Vol. 19, No. 3 (July 1936).  Call Number:  F372 G74.

Gulf Coast History and Humanities Conference (1st: 1969:  University of West Florida).  In Search of Gulf Coast Colonial History; Proceedings.  Pensacola, F:  Historic Pensacola Preservation Board, 1970.  Call Number:  F372 G8 1969.

Gulf Coast History and Humanities Conference (2nd: 1970:  University of West Florida).  Spain and Her Rivals on the Gulf Coast; Proceedings.  Pensacola, FL:  Historic Pensacola Preservation Board, 1971.  Call Number:  F372 G8 1970.

Linda Virginia Hamil.  "A Study of Theatrical Activity in Natchez, Mississippi from 1800-1840."  M.A. thesis; University of Mississippi; 1976.

William Baskerville Hamilton.  Anglo-American Law of the Frontier:  Thomas Rodney & His Territorial Cases.  Durham, NC:  Duke University Press, 1953.  Chief Justice of Mississippi Territory (1803-1811).  Call Number:  F341 R6 H3.

William Baskerville Hamilton.  "The Southwestern Frontier, 1795-1817:  An Essay in Social History."  Reprint from Journal of Southern History Vol. 10, No. 4 (1944).  Call Number:  F396 H33.

William Baskerville Hamilton.  Thomas Rodney, Revolutionary and Builder of the West.  [Durham, NC]:  Duke University Press, 1953.  Chief Justice of Mississippi Territory (1803-1811).  Call Number:  F341 R6 H31.

Laura D.S. Harrell.  Colonial Medical Practice in British West Florida, 1763-1781.  Maryland:  John Hopkins Press, 1967.  Call Number:  R197 H37.

Laura D.S. Harrell.  "Preventive Medicine in the Mississippi Territory, 1799-1802."  Reprint from Bulletin of the History of Medicine Vol. 40, No. 4 (July-August 1966).  Call Number:  R258 H37 1966.

Joseph T. Hatfield.  "The Public Career of William C.C. Claiborne."  Ph.D. dissertation; Emory University; 1962.  Mississippi Territory governor and superintendent of Indian Affairs (1801-1803).  Call Number:  F374 C58 H3 1962.

Joseph T. Hatfield.  William Claiborne:  Jeffersonian Centurion in the American Southwest.  Lafayette:  University of Southern Louisiana, 1976.  Mississippi Territory governor and superintendent of Indian Affairs (1801-1803).  Call Number:  E353.1 C6 H37 1976.

Henry Gabriel Hawkins and Warren C. Black.  Methodism in Natchez...Including "A Centennial Retrospect; or, Methodism in Natchez, Miss., from 1799 to 1884."  Jackson, MS:  Hawkins Foundation, [1937].  Call Number:  BX8249 N25 H3.

Willard Murrell Hays.  "Polemics and Philosophy:  A Biography of Albert Taylor Bledsoe."  Ph.D. dissertation; University of Tennessee, 1971. University of Mississippi professor 1848-1854.  Call Number:  F341 B65 H3.

Todd Ashley Herring.  "Natchez, 1795-1830:  Life and Death on the Slavery Frontier."  Ph.D. dissertation; Mississippi State University, 2000.  Call Number:  F349 N2 H47 2000a.

Jay Higginbotham.  Fort Maurepas:  The Birth of Louisiana.  Mobile:  Colonial Books, [1968].  In ocean Springs, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F352 H53.

Ray Holder.  The Mississippi Methodists, 1799-1983:  A Moral People "Born of Conviction.  [Jackson, MS]:  Maverick Prints, 1984.  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 H65 1984.

Jack D.L. Holmes.  Documentos ineditos para la historia de la Luisiana, 1792-1810.  Madrid:  J. Porrua Turanzas, 1963.  Call Number:  F373 H6.

Jack D.L. Holmes.   "Gallant Emissary:  The Political Career of Manuel Gayoso de Lemos in the Mississippi Valley, 1789-1799."  Ph.D. dissertation: University of Texas; 1959.  Call Number:  F352 G3 H6.

Jack D.L. Holmes.  Gayoso:  The Life of a Spanish Governor in the Mississippi Valley.  Baton Rouge:  Louisina State University Press, [1965].  Call Number:  F373 G3 H6.

Jack D.L. Holmes.  Stephen Minor.  Birmingham, AL:  1983.  Call Number:  F372 M5 H6 1983.

Walter G. Howell.  "The French in Mississippi, 1699-1763."  Reprint from A History of Mississippi (1973) edited by R.A. McLemore.  Call Number:  F341 H697 1973.

J.R. Hutchison.  Reminiscences, Sketches and Addresses Selected from My Papers during a Ministry of Forty-Five Years in Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.  Houston, TX:  E.H. Cushing, 1874.  Call Number:  BX9225 H85 A3.

Kenneth Davidson Israel.  "A Geographical Analysis of the Cattle Industry in Southeastern Mississippi from Its Beginning to 1860."  Ph.D. dissertation; University of Southern Mississippi, 1978.  Call Number:  SF196 U5 I8.

Cecil Johnson.  "The Distribution of Land in British West Florida."  Reprint from Louisiana Historical Quarterly Vol. 16, No. 4 (October 1933).  Call Number:  F301 J58.

Cecil Johnson.  "Expansion in West Florida, 1770-1779."  Reprint from Mississippi Valley Historical Review Vol. 20, No. 4 (March 1934).  Call Number:  F301 J6.

Charles Owen Johnson, ed.  The Order of the First Families of Mississippi, 1699-1817:  Organized July 27, 1967.  [Ann Arbor, MI:  1981].  Call Number:  F340 O73 1981.

John G. Jones.  A Complete History of Methodism as Connected with the Mississippi Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1799-1845.  Baton Rouge:  Claitor's Book Store, 1966.  Call Number:  BX8248 M7 J6 1966.

John G. Jones.  A Concise History of the Introduction of Protestantism into Mississippi and the Southwest.  St. Louis:  P.M. Pinckard, 1866. Call Number:  BR555 M7 J7.

Gloria L. Kerns.  Early Newspapers of Natchez, Mississippi 1800-1828.  Shreveport, LA:  J.S.W. Enterprises, 1993.  Call Number:  F349 N2 K47 1993.

C.M. Lagrone, comp.  An Index to J.F.H. Claiborne's Mississippi as a Province, Territory and State.  Hattiesburg, MS:  Book Farm, 1939.  Call Number:  F341 C58 index.

Mary Collins Landin.  The Old Cemeteries of Hinds County, Mississippi:  From 1811 to the Present.  Utica, MS:  Hinds History Books, 1988.  Call Number:  F347 H5 L36 1988.

John H. Lang.  History of Harrison County, Mississippi.  Gulfport, MS:  Dixie Press, 1936.  Call Number:  F347 H3 L3.

Mathurin Le Petit.  The Natchez Massacre:  A Full and Authoritative Relation Derived from Eyewitnesses of the Massacre at the Post of Natchez on October 28th, 1729...Including a Minutely Detailed Account of the Manners and Customs, Religion, Marriage Ceremonies, Witch-Doctors, and Mode of Warfare of the Natchez Indians as Copied from an 18th Century Volume, Since Lost, and Translated from the French by Richard H. Hart.  To Which Has Been Appended a Full and Detailed List of Victims, Certified by fr. Philibert, Missionary.  New Orleans:  Poor Rich Press, 1950.  Call Number:  E99 N2 L46.

Zachary Taylor Leavell.  A Complete History of Mississippi Baptists, from the Earliest Times.  Jackson, MS:  Mississippi Baptist Publishing Co., 1904.  Three volumes.  Call Number:  BX6248 M7 L4.

Anna Lewis.  Chief Pushmataha:  American Patriot.  New York:  Exposition Press, [1959].  Call Number:  E99 C8 P88.

William Terrell Lewis.  The Centennial History of Winston County, Mississippi.  Pasadena, TX:  Globe Publishers International, 1970.  Originally published in 1876.  Call Number:  F347 W7 L42.

David J. Libby.  Slavery and Frontier Mississippi, 1720-1835.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 2004.  Call Number:  E445 M6 L53 2004.

Gildeon Lincecum.  Pushmataha:  A Choctaw Leader and His People.  Tuscaloosa:  University of Alabama Press, 2004.  Mississippi.  Call Number:  E99 C8 P89 2004.

Milton Lomask.  Aaron Burr, the Conspiracy and Years of Exile, 1805-1836.  Call Number:  New York:  Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1982.  Call Number:  E302.6 B9 L7.

John H. Long.  Atlas of Historical County Boundaries.  Mississippi. New York:  Simon & Schuster, 1993.  1788-1980.  Call Number:  G120.1 F7 A8 1993 Miss.

William Bellinger Lowrance.  The Story of the Church with the Hand Pointing Heavenward...First Presbyterian Church, Founded in 1807.  Port Gibson, MS:  The Reveille, 1953.  Call Number:  BX8947 M7 P6.

James D. Lynch.  The Bench and the Bar of Mississippi.  New York:  E.J. Hale & Son, 1881.  Lawyers and judges.  Call Number:  F340 L98.

E. Wilson Lyon.  Louisiana in French Diplomacy, 1759-1805.  Norman:  University of Oklahoma Press, 1934.  Call Number:  F372 L92.

Walter Malone.  Comments of Various Papers and Writers upon Hernando De Soto.  [E.H. Clarke & Bro.].  Call Number:  PS2359 M66 C6.

Pierre Margry.  Journal of the Frigate "Le Marin" (September 5th 1698 -- July 2nd, 1699:  275th Anniversary, Biloxi Bay Colony.  Ocean Springs, MS:  Bossman Printing Co., 1974.  Call Number:  F352 M36.

Robert F. May.  John A. Quitman:  Old South Crusader.  Baton Rouge:  Louisiana State University Press, 1985.  Call Number:  F341 A84 M39 1985.

William D. McCain and Charlotte Capers.  Memoirs of Henry Tillinghast Ireys:  Papers of the Washington County Historical Society, 1910-1915.  Jackson:  Mississippi Department of Archives and History, 1954.  Contains both historical accounts and memoirs on a variety of Washington County, Mississippi topics.  Call Number:  F347 W35 M3.

John Francis McDermot, ed.  The Spanish in the Mississippi Valley, 1762-1804.  Urbana:  University of Illinois Press, [1974].  Call Number:  F352 S72.

Richard Aubrey McLemore.  A History of Mississippi Baptists, 1780-1970.  [Jackson, MS]:  Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, [1971].  Call Number:  BX6248 M7 M25.

Richard Aubrey McLemore.  Mississippi through Four Centuries.  Chicago:  Laidlaw Brothers, 1945.  Juvenile literature.  Call Number:  F341 M2 1945.

Douglas C. McMurtrie.  The Earliest Extant Mississippi Imprint.  Chicago:  1933.  Call Number:  Z209 M5 M3.

Douglas C. McMurtrie.  Pioneer Printing in Mississippi.  Atlanta:  1932.  Call Number:  Z209 M5 P5.

Mississippi.  Department of Archives and History.  Nicolas de La Salle, A Tale of Discovery.  Jackson, MS:  [1982].  Call Number:  F352 N52 OVRS.

John W. Monette.  History of the Great Discovery and Settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi, by the Three Great European Powers, Spain, France, and Great Britain, and the Subsequent Occupation, Settlement and Extension of Civil Government by the United States until the Year 1846.  New York:  Harper & Brothers, 1846.  Two volumes.  Call Number:  F351 M74.

John Hebron Moore.  The Emergence of the Cotton Kingdom in the Old Southwest:  Mississippi, 1770-1860.  Baton Rouge:  Louiana State University Press, 1988.  Call Number:  HC107 M7 M66 1988.

Christopher Morris.  Becoming Southern:  The Evolution of a Way of Life, Warren County and Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1770-1860.  New York:  Oxford University Press, 1995.  Call Number:  F347 W29 M67 1995.

Christopher Morris.  "Town and Country in the Old South:  Vicksburg and Warren County, Mississippi, 1770-1860."  Ph.D. dissertation; University of Florida; 1991.  Call Number:  F349 V6 M67 1991a.

Michael J. Mulvihill.  Vicksburg and Warren County, Mississippi:  Tunica Indians, Quebec Missionaries, Civil War Veterans...  Vicksburg, MS:  Van Norman Printing Co., 1931.  Call Number:  E475.27 M96.

The Natchez Trace:  Cultural and Historical Impact.  [Mathiston, MS:  Wood Junior College, 1986].  Call Number:  F217 N37 N378 1986.

Charles E. Nolan.  St. Mary's of Natchez:  The History of a Southern Catholic Congregation, 1716-1988.  Natchez, MS:  St. Mary's Catholic Church, 1992.  Two volumes.  Call Number:  BX4603 N34 S25 1992.

Bruce C. Oakley Jr.  A Postal History of Mississippi Stampless Period, 1799-1860.  Baldwyn, MS:  Magnolia Publishers, 1980.  Two volumes.  Call Number:  HE6376 A1 M7.

James Joseph O'Brien.  The Louisiana and Mississippi Martyrs.  New York:  Paulist Press, 1928.  Catholic missions in the 1700s.  Call Number:  BX4651 O27 1928.

Pageant:  To Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Natchez Massacre of November 28, 1729 -- Thanksgiving Day 1929.  [Natchez, MS:  1929].  Call Number:  F349 N2 P34 1929.

James M. Perrin.  Reverend Newit Vick, Founder of Vicksburg, Mississippi:  His Ancestry, Relatives, and Descendants.  Hammond, LA:  1990.  Call Number:  CS71 V635 1990.

Albert James Pickett.  History of Alabama and Incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi from the Earliest Period.  Charleston:  Walker and James, 1851.  Two volumes.  Call Number:  F326 P56.

Noel Polk, ed.  Natchez before 1830.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1989.  Call Number:  F349 N2 N28 1989.

Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society.  Oxford, MS:  1898-1914.  Special Collections has volumes 1 through 14.  Call Number:  F336 M75.

Clayton Rand.  Men of Spine in Mississippi.  Gulfport, MS:  Dixie Press, 1940.  Biographies.  Call Number:  F340 R32.

Forrest F. Reed.  Itawamba:  A History.  Nashville:  Reed and Co., 1966.  Itawamba County, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F347 I8 R4.

James Register.  Fort Rosalie, the French at Old Natchez, 1682-1762.  Shreveport, LA:  Mid-South Press, 1969.  Call Number:  F349 N2 R36.

James Register.  Jallon:  Arabic Prince of Old Natchez, 1788-1828.  Shreveport, LA:  Mid-South Press, 1968.  Arab prince sold as a slave and transported to Natchez, Mississippi.  Call Number:  E444 A15 R4.

Marce Clinton Rhodes.  "History of Taxation in Mississippi:  1798-1929."  Ph.D. dissertation; George Peabody College for Teachers; 1930.  Call Number:  LB5 G4 no.79.

Thomas F. Richardson, comp.  Richardson-Hartley-Arender and Related Families; a List of the Known Descendants of Elijah Richardson of Tennessee and Frank Hartley of South Carolina, Both of Whom Moved to Mississippi about 1815.  [1969].  Call Number:  CS71 R52 1969.

Franklin L. Riley.  "Location of the Boundaries of Mississippi."  Reprint from Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Vol. 3.  Call Number:  F347 B7 R55.

Franklin L. Riley.  "Spanish Policy in Mississippi after the Treaty of San Lorenzo."  Reprint from Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society (1898).  Call Number:  F341 R575.

Bernard Romans.  A Concise Natural History of East and West Florida; Containing an Account of the Natural Produce of all the Southern Part of British America, in the Three Kingdoms of Nature Particularly the Animal and Vegetable.  New Orleans:  Pelican Pub. Co., 1961.  Originally published in 1775.  Call Number:  F314 R75 1961.

Otto Arthur Rothert.  The Outlaws of Cave-in-Rock:  Historical Accounts of the Famous Highwaymen and River Pirates Who Operated in Pioneer Days upon the Ohio and Mississippi River and over the Old Natchez Trace.  Cleveland:  Arthur H. Clark Company, 1924.  Call Number:  F549 C37 R8.

Dunbar Rowland.  Courts, Judges, and Lawyers of Mississippi, 1798-1935.  Jackson, MS:  State Department of Archives and History, Mississippi Historical Society, 1935.  Call Number:  JK4681 R6.

Dunbar Rowland.   A Symposium on the Place of Discovery of the Mississippi River.  Jackson, MS:  Mississippi Historical Society, 1927.  Call Number:  F336 M78 no.1.

Eron Rowland.  Andrew Jackson's Campaign against the British:  or, The Mississippi Territory in the War of 1812, Concerning the Military Operations of the Americans, Creek Indians, British, and Spanish, 1813-1815.  New York:  Macmillan Company, 1926.  Call Number:  F341 R883.

Eron Rowland.  "Mississippi Territory in the War of 1812."  Reprint from Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Vol. 4 (1921).  Call Number:  F341 R884.

Eron Rowland.  Mississippi's Colonial Population and Land Grants.  Jackson, MS:  1916.  Call Number:  F347 R6.

Dunbar Rowland.  History of Mississippi, the Heart of the South.  Chicago:  S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1925.  Two volumes.  Call Number:  F341 R86.

Dunbar Rowland.  "Military History of Mississippi, 1803-1898."  Reprint from the Official and Statistical Register of the State of Mississippi (1908).  Call Number:  F341 R867.

Dunbar Rowland.  Old Biloxi, the First Settlement in Mississippi:  An Address Delivered at the Dedication of a Monument, Commemorating the Settlement of Old Biloxi and Fort Maurepas, April 8, 1920.  [Jackson, MS:  Hederman Bros., 1920].  Call Number:  F349 B5 R88.

Dunbar Rowland.  Political and Parliamentary Orators and Oratory of Mississippi.  Harrisburg, PA:  Harrisburg Publishing Co., [1901].  Call Number:  F340 R88.

Sarah Spencer Roy.  Biography of Horatio Nelson Spencer:  Lawyer, Planter, Churchman, 1798-1876.  Auburn, AL:  Auburn Printing Co., [1975].  Port Gibson, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F341 S64 R6.

Margaret Stovall Searcy.  The Hooker Family of Mississippi:  Descendants and Ancestors of Nathan Hooker, 1763-1825.  [Arlington, VA]:  1980.  Call Number:  CS71 H772 1980.

Sarah Spencer Roy.  Biography of Horatio Nelson Spencer:  Lawyer, Planter, Churchman, 1798-1876.  Auburn, AL:  Auburn Printing Co., [1975].  Port Gibson, Mississippi.  Call Number:  F341 S64 R6.

T.C. Schilling.  Abstract History of the Mississippi Baptist Association for One Hundred Years:  From Its Preliminary Organization in 1806 to the Centennial Session in 1906.  New Orleans:  Press of J.G. Hauser, [1908].  Call Number:  BX6209 M56 S3.

Margaret Stovall Searcy.  The Hooker Family of Mississippi:  Descendants and Ancestors of Nathan Hooker, 1763-1825.  [Arlington, VA]:  1980.  Call Number:  CS71 H772 1980.

The Sesquicentennial of Statehodd:  Mississippi; an Exhibition in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., December 10, 1967 to October 31, 1968.  Washington, DC:  Library of Congress, 1967.  Call Number:  F338 S4 1967.

Joseph D. Shields.  Natchez:  Its Early History.  Louisville, KY:  J.P. Morton & Co., 1930.  Call Number:  F349 N2 C31.

Florence Warfield Sillers.  History of Bolivar County, Mississippi.  Jackson, MS:  Hederman Bros., [1948].  Call Number:  F347 B6 S5.

James W. Silver.  Edmund Pendleton Gaines, Frontier General.  Louisiana State University Press, 1949.  Call Number:  E353.1 G14 S52.

James W. Silver.  "General Edmund P. Gaines and the Protection of the Southwestern Frontier."  Reprint from Louisiana Historical Quarterly Vol. 20, No. 1 (January 1937).  Call Number:  E353.1 G14 S53.

Henry Upson Sims.  The Origin and Development of the Civilization of the Gulf States.  New Orleans:  Pelican Pub. Co., [1952].  Call Number:  F296 S58.

Randy J. Sparks.  On Jordan's Stormy Banks:  Evangelicalism in Mississippi, 1773-1876.  Athens:  University of Georgia Press, 1994.  Call Number:  BR1642 U5 S63 1994.

Ben Strickland and Jean Strickland, comps.  Records of Greene County, Mississippi:  1812-1820 Tax Rolls, 1816 Territorial Census.  Milton, FL:  1980.  Call Number:  F347 G65 S77 1980.

Cecil Lamar Sumners.  Chief Tishomingo:  A History of the Chickasaw Indians, and Some Historical Events of Their Era (1737-1839).  Iuka, MS:  [1974].  Call Number:  E99 C55 S85.

Cecil Lamar Sumners.  The Governors of Mississippi.  Gretna, LA:  Pelican Pub. Co., 1980.  Call Number:  F340 S9.

Mack Swearingen.  The Early Life of George Poindexter:  A Story of the First Southwest.  New Orleans:  Tulane University Press, 1934.  Call Number:  E340 P75 S8.

Charles S. Sydnor.  "The Beginning of Printing in Mississippi."  Reprint from Journal of Southern History Vol. 1, No. 1 (February 1935).  Call Number:  Z209 M5 S9.

Charles S. Sydnor.  "The Biography of a Slave."  Reprint from South Atlantic Quarterly Vol. 36, No. 1 (January 1937).  Arab prince named Abduhl Rahahman sold as a slave and transported to Natchez, Mississippi.  Call Number:  E444 A15 S9 1937.

Charles S. Sydnor.  "Historical Activities in Mississippi in the Nineteenth Century."  Reprint from Journal of Southern History Vol. 3, No. 2 (May 1937).  Call Number:  F341 S96.

Charles S. Sydnor.  Slavery in Mississippi.  New York:  D. Appleton-Century Company, [1933].  Call Number:  E445 M6 S92.

William Banks Taylor.  Brokered Justice:  Race, Politics and Mississippi Prisons, 1798-1992.  Columbus:  Ohio University Press, 1993.  Call Number:  HV9475 M7 T39 1993.

Nancy Jo Tice.  "The Territorial Delegate, 1794-1820."  Ph.D. dissertation; University of Wisconsin, 1967.  Includes a chapter on Mississippi.  Call Number:  JK1073 T5.

Lucy Wade Varnado.  Osyka:  A Memorial History 1812-1978, Pike County, Mississippi.  McComb, MS:  Modern-Bonney Printing Co., 1979.  Call Number:  F349 O89 V3.

Vernon Larry Walters.  "Migration into Mississippi:  1798-1837."  M.A. thesis; Mississippi State University; 1969.  Call Number:  F341 W34 1969 OVRS.

John A. Watkins.  "The Mississippi Panic of 1813."  Reprint of Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society Vol. 4 [1890].  Call Number:  HB3717 1813 W3.

William Henington Weathersby.  A History of Educational Legislation in Mississippi from 1798 to 1860.  Chicago:  University of Chicago, [1921].  Call Number:  LB5 S8 no.16.

Mary Warriner Weaver.  And Are We Yet Alive?:  The Story of the Beginning and Progress of the Methodist Church in Corinth, Mississippi, 1799-1953.  [Corinth, MS]:  1955.  Call Number:  BX7249 C67 W4 1955.

Charles A. Weeks.  Paths to a Middle Ground:  The Diplomacy of Natchez, Boukfouka, Nogales, and San Fernando de las Barrancas, 1791-1795.  Tuscaloosa:  University of Alabama Press, 2005.  Call Number:  F349 N2 W44 2005.

Robert Cicero Weems.  "The Bank of the Mississippi:  A Pioneer Bank of the Old Southwest, 1809-1844."  Ph.D. dissertation; Columbia University; 1952.  Call Number:  HG2611 W4 1952.

Bob Weems.  Sam Dale, Southern Pioneer.  Florence, MS:  Messenger, 1974.  Call Number:  F396 D13 W4.

Mary Ann Wells.  Native Land:  Mississippi, 1540-1798.  Jackson:  University Press of Mississippi, 1994.  Call Number:  E78 M73 W45 1994.

Arthur Preston Whitaker.  The Mississippi Question, 1795-1803:  A Study in Trade, Politics, and Diplomacy.  New York:  C. Appleton-Century Company, 1934.  Call Number:  F352 W56.

E. Russ Williams, comp.  Records of Marion County, Mississippi.  Bogalusa, LA:  1962-68.  1812-1861; Special Collections has volumes 1 through 3.  Call Number:  F347 M25 W4.

E.T. Winston.  "Father" Stuart and the Monroe Mission.  Meridian, MS:  Tell Farmer, [1927].  Missions in Mississippi.  Call Number:  F349 P64 W5.

Patricia Dillon Woods.  French-Indian Relations on the Southern Frontier, 1699-1762.  Ann Arbor, MI:  UMI Research Press, 1980.  Call Number:  F372 W66 1980.

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