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HST 498: U.S. Gender and Sexuality History: Secondary Sources

This guide supports the assignments for Dr. Eva Payne's HST 498-4 Undergraduate Research Seminar US Gender and Sexuality History, Fall 2024.

Getting Started

Secondary Sources

Research Tips for Finding More Secondary Sources

Keyword searching is the most common strategy for finding secondary sources. However, you should not rely on keyword searches alone. There are number of other strategies that you can utilize to cast a wider research net. Incorporating the additional research strategies listed below may help you find sources that traditional keyword searching missed. 

  • Mine the footnotes and bibliography of the secondary sources you already have (backward citation searching).
  • Use the "cited by" feature on Google Scholar to find new secondary sources you may have missed (forward citation searching).
  • Use multiple academic databases; DO NOT rely on just one (indexing and discoverability). 
  • Use boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) when searching academic databases.
  • When searching the library catalog, use the subject heading hyperlinks within each book record to find other books with the same "tag."
  • When retrieving books from the stacks, browse the books nearby to find additional titles (academic libraries are organized by subject).