EDHE 105 & 305: First-Year Experience

First-Year Experience Library Resources for Freshmen and Transfer Students

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Where is the Library?

UM Libraries consists of two separate libraries:

  • The J.D. Williams Library is located between the Lyceum and the Quad fountain.  

         J.D. Williams Library_ fountain side 

         J.D. Williams Library_ Lyceum side

  • The Science Library is located in the Thad Cochran National Center for Natural Products Research Building also called the School of Pharmacy.

          Thad Cochran National Center for Natural Products Research Building_ Science Library

Handout and Floor Map

Library Floor & Noise Levels:

  • 1st floor - talking
  • 2nd floor - low talking
  • 3rd floor - no talking
  • Mez A - no talking 

Blackboard Library Class

Common Reading Experience

Where are the Library Classrooms


As part of your EDHE 105 and 305 classes, you will need to learn the basics of how to use UM Libraries in order to find resources quickly. This escape room activity is designed with two learning objectives:

1. Conceptualize complex issues or problems. The Escape room will require you to use problem solving skills to complete the activity successfully. This activity will familiarize you with the library homepage including identification of useful links that you will need the rest of the academic year.

2. Gather pertinent facts or ideas to explore complex issues or problems. The online escape room will require you to use library links to complete the activity while exposing you to the same resources you will need throughout the semester to begin your research skills.

*For Best Results Play the Game on a Computer, Not a Phone!
In order to play, follow these directions to set up a free account with Breakoutedu.com
1. Go to student.breakoutedu.com
2. Click "sign up" (located in green at the top right of the screen)
3. Create a new Breakoutedu account
4. Select "add class"
5. Use this access code YSLFU5 to connect to this class: Fall 2024 EDHEs
6. Play the game: Escape the UM Libraries

Ask a librarian cartoon

  • Chat
    • fall and spring semester chat hours are M-Th: 9am-6pm and F: 9am-1pm
    • chat is also available on the library home page via the blue Chat with Us tab
  • Email
  • Phone
    • (662) 915-5858
  • Consultation
    • In-person
    • Online

An FAQ page is also available with frequently asked questions about UM Libraries.

Getting Started with One Search

One Search is a great place to begin your research. While it's UM Libraries' most comprehensive searching tool, it doesn't include all library collections. It searches most of the Libraries’ physical and electronic resources, such as books, eBooks, articles (including peer-review) and more.  

Looking for a Book?
How Can I Print in the Library?


  • Black/White Single-Sided Prints: $0.15 per page
  • Black/White Double- Sided Prints: $0.25 per page
  • Color Single-Sided Prints: $0.50 per page

Payment Method:

  • Ole Miss Express is the only form of payment accepted for printing at UM Libraries.
    • Please visit, the ID Center's website or in-person to add funds to your Ole Miss Express account.
  • You must have your Ole Miss ID card in order to use your Ole Miss Express to print.
More About Using the Library

How do I checkout a book?

  • Use One Search to find the book/s you want to check out and make sure they are available.
  • If you need to have the books pulled for you and have then available for pick-up at the main circulation desk, then use our Paging Request Form.

How long can I check out a book?

  • Undergraduate students receive a 28 day check out period.

How can I renew my checked out items?

  • Go to My Library Account to renew your checked out items up to 3 times online without having to bring the item back into the library. If someone places a hold on an item you have checked out, you will get an email asking your to return the item when due and it will not be available for renewal.

How can I check out an item on Reserve?

For EDHE 105 & 305:

  • Print Reserves for EDHE 105 & 305 are available. You will find copies of The Anthropocene Reviewed, The A Game, and The Ole Miss Experience all available for 24 hour check outs. You will need your Ole Miss ID to check out any of these items.

For Other UM Classes:

  • Print Reserves: You will need your Ole Miss ID to check out print reserves. Most print reserves have a significantly shorter check out period than non-reserve items.

Can I reserve a study room?

  • Go to Reserve a Space and choose a room and time. You will need to login with your UM WebID and password to complete the booking.

Where are the tutors located in in the main library?

  • Tutors are located in the Commons (1st floor). 
  • Tutoring hours vary by department, please check with your professor/instructor for tutoring hours for your subject.