When searching library resources, either OneSearch or Catalog, it is helpful to have lists of keywords to use while conducting your search.
First, think about what type of disaster your topic is. For example:
Bridge Collapse | Airplane Crash | Offshore Incident |
Structural Failure |
Nuclear (or other) Plant Fire (or Meltdown) |
Chernobyl | Fukushima | Three Mile Island |
Tacoma Narrows | Hyatt Regency | Hindenburg |
Challenger | L'Aquila Earthquake | New Orleans levees |
You could then consider using descriptive words, such as:
Engineering Failure | Defect | Design Flaw |
Malfeasance | Negligence | Ethics |
You may find or consider looking for any of the following types of sources:
Books written about the specific disaster
General books written about engineering failures
General books written about your area (e.g., nuclear power plants or bridge construction)
Primary Sources
Eyewitness accounts
Newspaper articles
Academic or Government Resources
Academic journal articles
Government reports
Legislation (especially changes to)
Health or safety documenation
Standards (either related to the failure or codes of ethics)